Terminator Genisys (July 1st, 2015)

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As much as I love the Terminator 2: 3D show at Universal Studios as an attraction, I kind of wish Cameron and Co. had done that Future War instead after True Lies and before Titanic. Maybe as a 3D short with Biehn or something. I don't know.

I wonder how far they got with that back in 1990 before the sequence. If you look at Stan Winston's scheduling sheet, they had made the prosthetics for the damaged Franco Columbu infiltrator, the rotten battle field infiltrator with exposed endoskeleton and prosthetics for Funtes, John Connor's right hand man in the Resistance. I wonder if they got as far as script readings or something?
Am I the only one who thought the prologue in TG had too many pink neon lights? It was like Miami Vice future war.

As it should be. :lecture

I will give it to this Mario Kart movie that the mystery of who sent pops back has really left a behind a mystery many want to see answered, it's like who shot JR all over again. :lol

Who knows, we just may see a proper sequel with a 71 year old Arnold back again, maybe even as the director.
I'm going to go with one of my friends and instead of waiting in line to get her autograph I'm just going to shove past everyone. My friend is going to pretend to get annoyed and try and stop me but I'm just going to squeeze his hand and make him collapse in front of her. I'm sure she'll think that will be a hilarious way for me to approach her table and will want to just chat and chat and answer all my questions.

:lol I'll be one of the guys you shove aside ''hey man. You've got a serious attitude problem''

I did at one point but now I'm good with what we got in Genisys. Ideally we would have seen one featuring Michael Biehn in the mid-90's.

Not any more. I'm past it.

I watched The Terminator and Terminator 2 back to back the other night and I'm fine with the future sequences. The battlefield against the HKs with Reese, the female fighter, then the bunker with Sarah Connor photo and the T2 prologue with John Connor is good enough for me in the end. It would have been nice to see that introduction play out with the Michael Biehn, Michael Edwards, the Skynet and time displacement complex in Cameron and Stan Winston's hands, but what ever.

While not as fulfilling as that original screenplay would have been, Genisys kinda sorta scratched that itch I guess. Atleast I got to see something like it on the big screen.

Yeah, kind of as I feared. The few moments of the juicy stuff we've all long wanted to see that were shown in Genisys effectively kills interest in a movie dedicated to the those events and the build-up. Salvation wasted its potential by attempting to needlessly draw it all out over 3 films and thereby refused to get to the ****ing point while Genisys gives you a 'best-of' summary but, like T1 and T2, doesn't have time to dwell on it and milk it for all it's worth.

The only thing that I thought the Genisys prologue could have played up a little more was the "one way ticket" nature of Reese's mission. Yeah they commended Reese for his actions and this being "the end of the war" but for them he was disappearing forever. Might as well have been killing himself. Biehn had the slightest hint of melancholy when he said, "I can't. Nobody goes home..." so I guess I assumed a little more of a farewell on the front end.

But it WAS Courtney so for all we know the Resistance fighters were just waiting to high five each other when he finally disappeared from their lives.


But yeah, and it's kinda what made the earlier scene for me aswell - the scene with Reese telling John what he wants to do after the war. John can't quite look at him head-on in that part because he knows Reese won't get to do those things due to the mission he's about to undertake. Also John is never going to see his Dad again. (well, not as it originally played out anyway) I found it an effective scene, I can only imagine it would have been moreso if Reese in some way looked and acted like Michael Biehn's version.
I'm going to go with one of my friends and instead of waiting in line to get her autograph I'm just going to shove past everyone. My friend is going to pretend to get annoyed and try and stop me but I'm just going to squeeze his hand and make him collapse in front of her. I'm sure she'll think that will be a hilarious way for me to approach her table and will want to just chat and chat and answer all my questions.

I'll never forget my friend who asked Jenette Goldstein at a con if she would say her signature line "Let's Rock!".

She was like "next". :lol
Since I'd rather not search back through the 500+ pages Khev and Jye have undoubtedly added to this thread, I'll just ask.

A-dev, what was your overall opinion of this movie? Did you like it or not? Better or worse than any other Terminator films?
I would like to know who sent Pops back.

Haven't you figured that out yet? :slap

Most of us figured it out 4 pages back :lol

Ok here you go....
Spoiler Spoiler:
Since I'd rather not search back through the 500+ pages Khev and Jye have undoubtedly added to this thread, I'll just ask.

A-dev, what was your overall opinion of this movie? Did you like it or not? Better or worse than any other Terminator films?

I gave it a 'first viewing' 7/10

I enjoyed it but probably won't take it seriously in my view of the canon, which is limited to Cameron's films. It's above T3 and T4 though for some of the very cool stuff that's in it.
I gave it a 'first viewing' 7/10

I enjoyed it but probably won't take it seriously in my view of the canon, which is limited to Cameron's films. It's above T3 and T4 though for some of the very cool stuff that's in it.
Man, I thought you of all people would hate this movie. I think it disrespected the franchise more than both T3 and T4, and as a film alone, is still of a lesser quality than those two.
I'd imagine this has already been discussed and I can't find it in the thread but if the chip in the 1984 terminator was so important to get the time machine working for Sarah and Pops why 5 minutes earlier did they have him slumped in a bag without ever mentioning it and why when the T-1000 rebooted him did they leave Reese to fight it when he could have blew it's head off and destroyed the chip along with it.
Did I miss something or are we to believe at this point the chip had already been taken out and the T-1000 rebooted him without the use of the chip?

It would have surely made more sense for the film to explain and show that they had taken the chip earlier before he was shown slumped in a bag and then rebooted.

Also why were Sarah and Pops so set on jumping forward to 2017 when they could have had years to come in which to destroy the beginnings of Genesis?

I saw the movie and thought it was quite bad. I'm surprised to see so many have enjoyed it to be honest and I'm usually one who can.
The worst of the bunch for me.
The alternate dimension theory of Matt Smith could explain why a T-800 is still sent to 1984 despite all this new stuff going on - if the skynet of this particular universe doesn't know anything about Matt Smith or the plot to kill Sarah Connor as a child by way of T-1000 in 1973. ''Our'' Skynet didn't even have sufficient information to do that, it only knew where she lived in 1984 as per T1. Our Skynet proceeds with the original plan as we know it. Matt Smith is an invader of the typical timeline that we know, not even our skynet is aware of him. Coming from an alternate dimension and perhaps somehow being able to see the outcomes of the actions in our timeline he is in a position to enact some new changes.....although why these new changes don't immediately figure into the knowledge of our skynet and John Connor in 2029 is where my head explodes....

I can work with that:lol THis makes a lot of sense. All we have to do is figure out where Matt Smith is from (Possibly this new timeline?), how he get to the old timeline, and who sent pops.

Obviously I would of wanted a little bit more in the future war but they justified it in my opinion. I remember watching the old T2 dvd featurettes and reading up on what they were going to film originally, would of been epic!
I think they thought they could remove the chip just before they destroyed it in the acid. But its just a plot hole really, Pops knew everything about the T-3000 and T-5000 yet didn't know that a T-1000 could repair a T-800 :dunno

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