Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I'm actually very surprised that flash is gonna appear here aswell. I don't see how they can fit the whole justice league in with cameos if this movie is really centres in Batman and Superman.
Quick cameos of the other JLAers will be cool to see. The only main not being touted now seems to be Green Lantern.

I hope more members are added to the team for JLA2. Supergirl has already been teased as a possible. After seeing Hawkman and Hawkgirl on TV's Flash/Arrow (which are nicely done), would like to see them making the jump to the big screen.
2/3years is rushed now.
Yeah, rushed isn't a word I would use to describe this project. Woefully misguided, tonally inappropriate, awkward, cringe-worthy--these and other adjectives are better descriptors. This certainly seems to be the movie Snyder et al. wanted, and I think it displaces the blame to suggest otherwise.
Gotta love Joe's reactions! :lol



Have to agree with him.
Yeah, rushed isn't a word I would use to describe this project. Woefully misguided, tonally inappropriate, awkward, cringe-worthy--these and other adjectives are better descriptors. This certainly seems to be the movie Snyder et al. wanted, and I think it displaces the blame to suggest otherwise.
Wow. Now that's a post. :rock
What are you people complaining about? :lolTOO many characters stuffed in one film?
Let's talk Civil War- if BvS is crap because of throwing in characters check out the last two Marvel projects.. Guess Marvel fanboys cheer when superhero #14 is found to be in Civil War but attack this because there might be a couple more?
Rushed? It's been two years plus in the making..
Too many characters isn't a problem, only people who've never read a comicbook would think that's a problem, most medium-sized events in comics have a **** ton of characters popping up.

It's not that hard to follow more than a handful of characters is it?

Anyway, it's not a problem if it's done right, remember TAS2? People thought it had too many characters and when the movie came out I don't remember many complaints about it having too many characters, dumb subplots and overall ****** script yeah, but not a thing on "too many characters".
What are you people complaining about? :lolTOO many characters stuffed in one film?
Let's talk Civil War- if BvS is crap because of throwing in characters check out the last two Marvel projects.. Guess Marvel fanboys cheer when superhero #14 is found to be in Civil War but attack this because there might be a couple more?
Rushed? It's been two years plus in the making..

Well were all waiting to see how Civil War pulls it off too. Past Marvel flicks had the benefit of having pre-established characters. So it's Black Panther Spidey and Baren Zimo hopefully they all pull it off!
That's not what people mean by 'rushed'. Really I'm confused as to why it needs to be explained....


Anyway, it's not a problem if it's done right, remember TAS2? People thought it had too many characters and when the movie came out I don't remember many complaints about it having too many characters, dumb subplots and overall ****** script yeah, but not a thing on "too many characters".

Actually, that was one of the major criticisms towards Amazing Spidey. That either Electro or Harry should have been taken out for the purpose of telling a more streamlined story, and Norman didn't serve much of a useful purpose at all.

But having said that, I agree with your general argument. Dirty Dozen, Magnificent Seven, Reservoir Dogs, all kinds of war movies juggle lots of different major-ish characters, and some do so very effectively. But I think WB's general ineptitude to this point makes people expect the worst, and thus they hope by keeping things more simple and straightforward WB would best be in a position not to churn out some convoluted mess of a movie.

As I posted before, I think it's very conceivable that a great comic film and franchise could start right in the middle, with a fully-formed team and not need to go the Marvel Studios route. But I have very little faith that WB/DC would be able to give us such a film.
That's what I'm saying, the problem was that it had too many subplots, it's not a problem that's inherent to having too many characters.

Electro and Goblin had their own plots, while having Spidey deal with the Gwen thing and I don't remember what else.

While having too many characters in ONE general plot is different and ideal, e.g: Guardians, Watchmen, Avengers, etc etc, and CW is the same, in BvS Aquaman is supposedly also part of the same plot as WW, Batman and Superman.

That we're already getting such a massive team up after a single movie to establish the universe. It would be like going right from Iron Man into The Avengers, with no Iron Man 2, Hulk, Thor, or Captain America first. It feels like DC is trying to play catch up asap and compete directly with Marvel instead of taking the time to earn it.

It went from MoS2, to BvS, to BvS but also Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Aqua Man vs Doomsday too, with the Flash probably at the very end.
Make a of your fake reactions? No Way!

That we're already getting such a massive team up after a single movie to establish the universe. It would be like going right from Iron Man into The Avengers, with no Iron Man 2, Thor, or Captain America first. It feels like DC is trying to play catch up asap and compete directly with Marvel instead of taking the time to earn it.

It went from MoS2, to BvS, to BvS but also Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Aqua Man vs Doomsday too, with the Flash probably at the very end.

Well the public already knows Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.

Iron Man? WTF is that?

The one hero they did, Hulk, had 2 flicks the general public showed no interest. :lol
I also never got why there has to be a "build up".

Comics don't usually work like that, they drop in the middle of stuff, with weird new characters all around and they usually explain and give backstory a couple of issues in or even entire arcs later.

There's nothing to "earn", there's not one single way to do it.
That we're already getting such a massive team up after a single movie to establish the universe. It would be like going right from Iron Man into The Avengers, with no Iron Man 2, Thor, or Captain America first. It feels like DC is trying to play catch up asap and compete directly with Marvel instead of taking the time to earn it.

:lecture And wasting Doomsday in this too. I guess we've not been repetitive enough with this point that instead people thought the complaint was about how much time this movie is taking to come out.