Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Well, i'm going let the cynic in me come out and say that since this movie didn't beat JW, IM3, AOU and Avengers opening weekends that the suits inside WB are now considering *firing Irishjedi for failing to excite the SSF members. :lol

* I hope that doesn't happen.

:lol :lol :lol

I did find it amusing that Wayne had to call the people at his building to tell them to evacuate when it was seconds away from toppling -- like they were waiting for his go-ahead. At that point I knew this thing would have some easily-avoidable problems.

But there was that :lol Yeah I was going to turn to the mate and comment on that but decided against being the guy who talks and makes jabs all the way through the film.
I don't think that Clark Kent is an identity that could ever come back. His body was in a casket in his mom's house, and he was buried. In the comics they said he was trapped under rubble until Superman came back. That's not gonna fly this time.
Mind you, I haven't seen this, but this is not what I think of as a cerebral film. Unless this is the Matrix all over again, where people who aren't accustomed to being challenged by a film take the grade 9 philosophy as being "deep".

I'll believe it might be a fun, popcorn, thrill-ride, but I don't believe it's intellectual by any standard.

The only movies I saw last year were Jurassic World and AOU, so yeah compared to them I had to think more.
Isn't today Superman resurrection day?

WB messed up by "killing" Superman so early. It's dumb an unnecessary to take such a famous storyline and waste it on this film. Not to mention, they went full Marvel...on their first film by "killing" a character and bringing him back, which means that death means nothing to Superman, so why should we care about Darkseid or Brainiac? What...they are going to kill Sups? He'll be back again :dunno

Also, he didn't earn that death yet, because he's not a beloved hero yet, he's a polarizing alien that some people like and others hate, so again, his death should be meaningful, but most people are probably happy that he's dead. His death should be epic, with cameo appearances of other heroes showing their respect at his funeral.
I have a lot of hate for the mainstream reviewers now. How could they paint a picture of a good, not great movie into one of the worst movies ever? So much ill will towards a film makes me feel like they have an ax to grind with Snyder, WB and/or have Disney in their pocket trying to knock back the competition. These reviewers seem to have their reviews ready to hate immediately after screenings early last week. I follow Rob Liefeld on Twitter and it was bad after bad review he retweeted. A 29% on Rotten Tomatoes? While there is a 79% with audiences? That's a significant disparity.

Agreed 100%.

The critics are either owned by Disney and are being paid to give BvS bad reviews or they just expect every comic book movie now to feel like the light crap Disney churned out with ANT-MAN, AOU, IRON MAN 3 & THOR: THE DARK WORLD. All movies that deserved rotten reviews but instead were absurdly certified fresh.

BvS deserved at the lowest an 8/10.
WB messed up by "killing" Superman so early. It's dumb an unnecessary to take such a famous storyline and waste it on this film. Not to mention, they went full Marvel...on their first film by "killing" a character and bringing him back, which means that death means nothing to Superman, so why should we care about Darkseid or Brainiac? What...they are going to kill Sups? He'll be back again :dunno

Also, he didn't earn that death yet, because he's not a beloved hero yet, he's a polarizing alien that some people like and others hat, so again, his death should be meaningful, but most people are probably happy that he's dead. His death should be epic, with cameo appearances of other heroes showing their respect at his funeral.


It absolutely should have been done at some point but this was way too early for all the reasons you stated.
You know what I am sick of with Batman...
Spoiler Spoiler:

I think the intention is that it's supposed to be just actual shadow around his eyes created by the cowl but obviously it doesn't really work that way and it has to be applied make-up. But...the idea of Batman leaning into a mirror to apply eye shadow as part of his gearing up routine is just too ridiculous.
Agreed 100%.

The critics are either owned by Disney and are being paid to give BvS bad reviews or they just expect every comic book movie now to feel like the light crap Disney churned out with ANT-MAN, AOU, IRON MAN 3 & THOR: THE DARK WORLD. All movies that deserved rotten reviews but instead were absurdly certified fresh.

BvS deserved at the lowest an 8/10.

Disney owns The Times newspaper in London?
Wow, didn't know that.
WB messed up by "killing" Superman so early. It's dumb an unnecessary to take such a famous storyline and waste it on this film. Not to mention, they went full Marvel...on their first film by "killing" a character and bringing him back, which means that death means nothing to Superman, so why should we care about Darkseid or Brainiac? What...they are going to kill Sups? He'll be back again :dunno

Also, he didn't earn that death yet, because he's not a beloved hero yet, he's a polarizing alien that some people like and others hate, so again, his death should be meaningful, but most people are probably happy that he's dead. His death should be epic, with cameo appearances of other heroes showing their respect at his funeral.

I never thought about this, but I agree with this for sure now. I wouldn't be surprised if this is WB's doing though. It's clear they are trying to fast forward everything to get to Avengers status with a JL get together. Imo, Superman should have had a 2nd film, Batman and WW have their solo movies before this movie even happened.
Disney owns The Times newspaper in London?
Wow, didn't know that.

Seriously hysterical. I crack up at the Uber DC fanboys that have such bitterness at Marvel. This was better than MoS but still had a lot of basic storytelling issues. Snyder brings the visuals but struggles with character development and plot transitioning.
Disney owns The Times newspaper in London?
Wow, didn't know that.

Plus, like, everyone! Disney's like, the Illuminati, the Reptilians and ISIS put together! Cause the first thing a mutli-billion dollar corporation is gonna do, it take the risk of bribing EVERYONE, to give a negative review... Sounds plausible...

Funny story: There was an uber DC fan over at comicvine, who was convinced that BvS would be as good as Schindler's List and such films. All the days leading up to it, he'd start 2 or so threads talking about it and would trash-talk anyone who dissagreed. Well, he saw it and... he hated it. So much, that from hating Marvel, he started a thread called "CW will stomp BvS, and why it deserves to". Truly funny stuff. Top kek if I might add...
As for Aquaman, this seems so... strange. They turn him into a mix between Poseidon and Conan, they release his photo in almost black and white, they advertise grim n' gritty, and now they're going for fun? Aquaman ain't really a "fun" character. He's a bad-ass King who can summon Cthulhus.

BP Saves.jpg

I'm guessing had it received great reviews that maybe it would've broken 200, but a failure it is not.

Industry wonks say it needs to make $800 million just to to break even, and that a global gross less than $1 billion would be a disappointment.

Those figures seem way high to me, but given the fact that that this film is the cinematic equivalent of a Turducken, then maybe so . . . :dunno

Given the fact that non-comic-geek audiences are responding with "meh" to "huh" I'd expect a pretty steep decline in box office figures.
I'd be surprised if this film has the legs that Deadpool did.

Sadfleck seems to be flashing back to Jersey Girl/Gigli PTSD.
He's got the "thousand-yard-stare."
