Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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This film was way over alot of people's heads- they want a chocolate milk Marvel" feel good the bad guy really ain't so bad " rubber stamped movie.
I laugh at 'em:lol
I guess. The people I saw it with were clueless afterwards. "What were those things flying around?" "Who was that black guy on the table?" "What was that black box and what was it doing to him?" "Who was that guy in red wearing armor in the dream sequence?" All fanboy stuff that made sense to me, but seemed to ruin it for others. Another question I got was why did Luthor kill his assistant, Mercy? Why were all the action scenes at night? I had a lot of explaining to do to say the least.
This film was way over alot of people's heads- they want a chocolate milk Marvel" feel good the bad guy really ain't so bad " rubber stamped movie.
I laugh at 'em:lol

And why don't you explain all this "intelligence", oh dear Enlightened Spindrift? What is inside this film's script that is so profound that us phillistines who didn't adore it (heresy!) are missing? Enlighten us poor, uneducated folk who long for Marvel chocolate-milk? Wake us up from this slumber of ignorance, O Spindrift...!

Jesus, it's like people haven't heard of these things called "an opinion" and "a preference"... Yeah, I was shocked when I learned that not everyone liked the same things as I did. I mean, I had my Martha moment right then and there... Granted, I learned that in elementary school, but it was an intense experience... need a PH.D. To understand the film......please. General audience probably wouldn't get everything going on but in the threads most folks have an idea the characters / storyline. Most of the negative reviews in the thread have been squarely on the needless story arcs to set up future films and the improper handling of those arcs to make the movie flow decently. If the movie section is good for one thing it's bringing out the fan girls...:lol
And why don't you explain all this "intelligence", oh dear Enlightened Spindrift? What is inside this film's script that is so profound that us phillistines who didn't adore it (heresy!) are missing? Enlighten us poor, uneducated folk who long for Marvel chocolate-milk? Wake us up from this slumber of ignorance, O Spindrift...!

Jesus, it's like people haven't heard of these things called "an opinion" and "a preference"... Yeah, I was shocked when I learned that not everyone liked the same things as I did. I mean, I had my Martha moment right then and there... Granted, I learned that in elementary school, but it was an intense experience...

I would opt to say that it was "too different," as opposed to "too smart." I'm not one of those people who is going to say "there's a conspiracy" or "they're Marvel shills," but there is a serious through line of bias in a lot of the reviews I've read. So many blurbs about how "dark, dour, and joyless" it is, about how "Marvel's formula is winning audiences," or how "by the time this movie ends, you'll be wondering if heroes even exist."

I'm not saying that the movie doesn't have problems, but I'm seeing this general idea of how "they would've done it," and, frankly, I feel like that's very unfair. Just because the movie doesn't cater to a particular audience with a particular tone, that somehow makes it invalid, and the ridiculous part is that these were the same sentiments we were seeing many of these same critics reacting with as trailers came out. So, even if there are valid criticisms housed within, it makes it difficult to view them objectively.
I actually liked all the various plot points. It's been awhile since I've seen a movie in the cinema that required you to think about things a little more, even if some of it was far fetched, especially for a superhero movie. I'm not slagging Marvel off in anyway, they do the same generic good guy/bad guy plot point formula in most of their movies and it's proved very successful. It was good to see something unique despite how nuts it was.
It is different and it should be applauded for being different just as MCU should be applauded for being different. Always comparing the two because of some blind allegiance is something I'd expect from's silly
And why don't you explain all this "intelligence", oh dear Enlightened Spindrift? What is inside this film's script that is so profound that us phillistines who didn't adore it (heresy!) are missing? Enlighten us poor, uneducated folk who long for Marvel chocolate-milk? Wake us up from this slumber of ignorance, O Spindrift...!

Jesus, it's like people haven't heard of these things called "an opinion" and "a preference"... Yeah, I was shocked when I learned that not everyone liked the same things as I did. I mean, I had my Martha moment right then and there... Granted, I learned that in elementary school, but it was an intense experience... need a PH.D. To understand the film......please. General audience probably wouldn't get everything going on but in the threads most folks have an idea the characters / storyline. Most of the negative reviews in the thread have been squarely on the needless story arcs to set up future films and the improper handling of those arcs to make the movie flow decently. If the movie section is good for one thing it's bringing out the fan girls...:lol

I'm still explaining to the wife 2 days later. :lol

This is the core of the problem with DC rushing to play catch up, they're cramming too much detail and in the process they're not exposing regular people (not us) to their universe in an appropriate manner.

While I don't think comic book fanatics should have to apologize for the general public not comprehending the stories we all still need to understand that in our rush to defend what we love that there are critics out there made up of "regular" people who are not going to get it.

I know this is the part where DC fans will come in and say that MCU fans need everything spoon fed to them while DC respects their fans by telling mature serious drama in a very dramatic fashion and this is where I say be prepared to be put in your place by DiFabio, kara, a-dev and khev! :lol

Marvel is telling their stories in the same serious manner as WB, just with more dance offs. :lol
I would opt to say that it was "too different," as opposed to "too smart." I'm not one of those people who is going to say "there's a conspiracy" or "they're Marvel shills," but there is a serious through line of bias in a lot of the reviews I've read. So many blurbs about how "dark, dour, and joyless" it is, about how "Marvel's formula is winning audiences," or how "by the time this movie ends, you'll be wondering if heroes even exist."

I'm not saying that the movie doesn't have problems, but I'm seeing this general idea of how "they would've done it," and, frankly, I feel like that's very unfair. Just because the movie doesn't cater to a particular audience with a particular tone, that somehow makes it invalid, and the ridiculous part is that these were the same sentiments we were seeing many of these same critics reacting with as trailers came out. So, even if there are valid criticisms housed within, it makes it difficult to view them objectively.

Different, sure, that's a valid statement. I'm not a big MCU guy as I've already said, TWS, IM & GotG are the only films I've seen more than once. And yeah, it in now way deserves a 30% score, that's true. But even the audience score is dropping, so I don't think there's a "conspiracy". First of all, it's not good for Marvel for CBMs to go back to the era of Steel. One rotten apple messes up the apple-pie and all... And then, it'd be an extremely risky and expensive move to bribe everyone. You're telling me there's not one critic who'd expose this?

All I'm saying is that liking this movie doesn't make you smarter or superior. It doesn't have any allegories, or hard to spot metaphors. It's all fairly basic "deep" storytelling. It's not breaking any new ground, and to the most basic comic geek, nothing is too "weird". I've got at least 2 or 3 theories about the Knigthmare sequences and Lex's words are not a hard code to "crack".

I'm just tired of this whole pissing match. The movie has enough things to talk about, why's there always that one person who contributes nothing but "this be putting Marvel's kiddie BS to shame". We got it the first time, you don't need to repeat that every 5 goddamn pages... I liked the tone, I am excited for the future, and I do think that the reviews do not hold any ground. But can we actually discuss the film itself and not pit against Marvel's whole Universe, like we're in Dog Kennel Fights?
I actually liked all the various plot points. It's been awhile since I've seen a movie in the cinema that required you to think about things a little more, even if some of it was far fetched, especially for a superhero movie. I'm not slagging Marvel off in anyway, they do the same generic good guy/bad guy plot point formula in most of their movies and it's proved very successful. It was good to see something unique despite how nuts it was.

It is different and it should be applauded for being different just as MCU should be applauded for being different. Always comparing the two because of some blind allegiance is something I'd expect from's silly

I will admit that BvS themes kept me just as engaged as the action, but that doesn't mean that they're still not messing up with their characters.

Well said Darkseed.
Tbh I am also anticipated a bad scene after see those bad rating and bad early reviews. I didn't find any glaring flaws, movie is entertain me with characters and fight , I am just expect that from blockbuster movie.
I actually liked all the various plot points. It's been awhile since I've seen a movie in the cinema that required you to think about things a little more, even if some of it was far fetched, especially for a superhero movie. I'm not slagging Marvel off in anyway, they do the same generic good guy/bad guy plot point formula in most of their movies and it's proved very successful. It was good to see something unique despite how nuts it was.

Mind you, I haven't seen this, but this is not what I think of as a cerebral film. Unless this is the Matrix all over again, where people who aren't accustomed to being challenged by a film take the grade 9 philosophy as being "deep".

I'll believe it might be a fun, popcorn, thrill-ride, but I don't believe it's intellectual by any standard.
I'm still explaining to the wife 2 days later. :lol

This is the core of the problem with DC rushing to play catch up, they're cramming too much detail and in the process they're not exposing regular people (not us) to their universe in an appropriate manner.

While I don't think comic book fanatics should have to apologize for the general public not comprehending the stories we all still need to understand that in our rush to defend what we love that there are critics out there made up of "regular" people who are not going to get it.

I know this is the part where DC fans will come in and say that MCU fans need everything spoon fed to them while DC respects their fans by telling mature serious drama in a very dramatic fashion and this is where I say be prepared to be put in your place by DiFabio, kara, a-dev and khev! :lol

Marvel is telling their stories in the same serious manner as WB, just with more dance offs. :lol

And this is the problem. Lex has a different reason for wanting Superman dead this time, but due to limited time, we don't see it. The Knightmare sequences are great set-ups, but because they are so short, they're only cnfusing the GA and not in a good way. It basically comes down to DC cramming so many things to this movie, that certain bits are cut. There's nothing hard to understand, it's just that story bits are missing!

Look, I do like the fact that it's making me come up with theories as opossed to the Marvel stuff which, apart from a few easter eggs, are fairly straightforward. But just to be clear, the "confused" people aren't missing anything. They just weren't shown the whole damn story! Bits and pieces are missing, making the film essentially incomplete!

Hey, don't be mad cause Star-Lord's go those moves man!
Mind you, I haven't seen this, but this is not what I think of as a cerebral film. Unless this is the Matrix all over again, where people who aren't accustomed to being challenged by a film take the grade 9 philosophy as being "deep".

I'll believe it might be a fun, popcorn, thrill-ride, but I don't believe it's intellectual by any standard.

Let the VVitch director make JL and it just might become an intellectual masterpiece!

And this is the problem. Lex has a different reason for wanting Superman dead this time, but due to limited time, we don't see it. The Knightmare sequences are great set-ups, but because they are so short, they're only cnfusing the GA and not in a good way. It basically comes down to DC cramming so many things to this movie, that certain bits are cut. There's nothing hard to understand, it's just that story bits are missing!

Look, I do like the fact that it's making me come up with theories as opossed to the Marvel stuff which, apart from a few easter eggs, are fairly straightforward. But just to be clear, the "confused" people aren't missing anything. They just weren't shown the whole damn story! Bits and pieces are missing, making the film essentially incomplete!

Hey, don't be mad cause Star-Lord's go those moves man!


Missed that because I had the back of a guy's head directly in my field of view.

You and your viewing experiences. :lol
You and your viewing experiences. :lol

:lol Was almost late for this one aswell. Failed to anticipate sitting on a non-moving train for 20 minutes. And the thing was me and the brother were going with a larger group; the tickets were booked by my brother on his credit if we were late, the whole group was going to be late with us even if they were at the cinema on time :lol We had to leg it as soon as we got off the train and all the way to the cinema. I don't exercise so it ****ing killed me :lol I spent the first half an hour of the film in serious concern for my lungs. Thankfully it got better. :D