Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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In a sense, I can relate. I write academic manuscripts from time to time, which have to be accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. Very rarely do I get a response that it is accepted with no major revisions. Instead, usually they get heavily criticized, and sometimes it is damning and borderline insulting. And it hurts hearing that, because this is something I put a lot of work into.

I felt that today when the dental hygienist all but said that I am ***t at brushing my teeth. I went in there thinking I had given her nothing to do, making the appointment hardly anything other than a formality. Instead there was apparently so much work to be done that she could only do the bottom teeth in this session and I'll need a 'sequel' visit another time for the top ones.

I honestly felt pretty down about this for the rest of the day. :lol
all the reviews so far basically say "MEH"

3 things I was unhappy to read in reviews.

1. Movie too long , too many draw out CGI fight scenes.
2. Eisenburg has the most dialogue (uuuuuuuggghh)
3. Plot jumps all over.

Was glad to hear Batfleck is universally accepted as is WW....
I kind of wonder if these reviews won't help it, initially. I think people were expecting mediocrity, but, now, they might be getting asses in seats purely based on morbid curiosity and people having to see for themselves whether it is, in fact, as bad as they say it is.:lol

You know in reality it all depends on word of mouth as usual, it all boils down on how kids and parents see this movie and average non comic book users. Problem is Marvel ruined it for everyone since everyone will expect Fun out of all super heroe movies.
I felt that today when the dental hygienist all but said that I am ***t at brushing my teeth. I went in there thinking I had given her nothing to do, making the appointment hardly anything other than a formality. Instead there was apparently so much work to be done that she could only do the bottom teeth in this session and I'll need a 'sequel' visit another time for the top ones.

I honestly felt pretty down about this for the rest of the day. :lol

Came back from the movie... Please someone remove Zack Snyder from anything DC related for the future.
just got back. maybe these reviews will help it, surprised me a lot by not being horrible or bad at all. I really enjoyed it. Its definitely not incoherent at all very straight forward comic book movie. seems like it was torn out of one of these new reimagining dc books and animated movies they've been making.
Dropping back in here one last time to comment and share something.

I contacted Zack earlier to let him know that I'm still personally proud of him and have his back. We knew the movie would have its detractors (particularly among online critics who'd been sharpening the knives for months), but nobody expected this level of vitriol toward the film, and him personally. He's actually taking it pretty well, much better than some of us. It's amazing the savage beating that he and the movie are taking. To the point where it becomes unbelievable when you step back and realize that we're really just talking about a harmless movie here. To have that much anger, negativity and invective toward something like this with everything else going on in the world is really quite depressing. We're all fine with people not liking these movies, but lines are starting to be crossed now... and that's not cool.

Afterward, I talked to my girlfriend about it. She's a kind, sweet soul (much moreso than me :lol) but also a tad naive. She gives everyone the benefit of the doubt in ways which my battle-fatigued self cannot. In response to those attacking Zack so savagely, she said "I know he won't, but what if all of this got to him and he hurt himself or something. Then they'd feel bad for being so hateful over movies." It was then that it dawned on me... You know, I think some of them would actually LIKE for that to happen. And then I realized how far this has all gone now. It started with Lucas and the prequels, people taking things way too seriously and crossing the line with ad hominem attacks toward people who did nothing more than create something they don't like. What started this disturbing trend (which is seemingly just getting worse) Is it Social Media? The Internet itself? Mob Mentality? Or is an illumination on society itself? Who knows. But I know this: People need to start waking up to the fact that when negative energy is put out there to this degree, it's going to affect someone personally somewhere. Unfortunately, I know that there are some who LOVE that idea... that the're own vitriol can go out into the ethos and hurt someone. But is this really what we want? I really wish people would start thinking about this more.

People are dicks. I think that people have always been dicks, but, lately, it seems like Planet Earth took a whole bottle of Viagra and they're just a bunch of raging hard-ons. Sadly, it's not just movies. Take one look on your TV, or the news, or, hell, right outside your window, and you're liable to catch a glimpse of one.

Ultimately, I think you nailed it in reference to the advent of the Internet. The problem with everyone having a soapbox is that it not only gives them an inflated sense of self-confidence, but, in doing so, it amplifies the inherent douchebaggery that previously lie dormant in their shy, awkward souls.
Well if Irish happens to wonder in I just wanted to say I enjoyed his insight on this movie. Always a good read.
Or is an illumination on society itself?

The internet's the place where every ******** can be as loud as the next ******** with a keyboard, and they compete for honours!

After having seen the film, whilst there was one part I thought totally pointless, overall I enjoyed it, and thought the underlying theme of "Man as God" was pretty nicely woven through it. I didn't even think Lex Luthor was bad (though I wonder what Michael Rosenbaum could have done with the role).

7.5/10 from me. Great popcorn flick. Well worth a rewatch on BD.
From the critiques I've read (professional ones anyway), there are a few points that do seem valid, from a filmmaking standpoint. Snyder has always been a style over substance director and it seems like BvS will be no different. Poor pacing due to unnecessary events, inconsistencies in character themes/ideologies, and a Michael Bay-esque climax that not only is given away in the trailers, but also shows nothing was learned from MoS.

I'll be seeing this tomorrow and will hope for the best. Sounds like Bats is the strongest link here, Eisenberg's Lex Luthor and Snyder's filmmaking being the weakest ones. Which again, could easily have been determined from the trailers.

It does make me laugh that fanboys still think critics are bashing this just because it's "dark and gritty." Edginess doesn't make a movie bad, same as it doesn't make a movie good. End of story. I'm certain most renowned critics know this.
Gotta say I'm shocked to see that it's down to 33% on RT. I wasn't expecting the reviews to be great, but at the same time I wasn't expecting them to be THAT bad. I mean, Affleck's Daredevil has an RT score of 44%, X-Men: The Last Stand was 58%, Hulk was 61% and Spider-Man 3 was 63%. Those were all truly awful films and I'd be stunned if BvS was as bad as any of them, but maybe it actually is. The good news is that it's blowing Fantastic Four's 9% score from last summer out of the water. :lol