Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Yeah, my dad hated the film. He's not a big super hero movie fan, although he enjoyed Ant Man, but he hated AOU. He's in his late 60's, so he hates CGI, especially the big battle scene because he felt he was watching a it was messy and not very interesting or engaging. He also hated the Nolan Batman films, he thought TDK was boring. He fell asleep watching it :monkey2

So did I. :lol
Yeah, my dad hated the film. He's not a big super hero movie fan, although he enjoyed Ant Man, but he hated AOU. He's in his late 60's, so he hates CGI, especially the big battle scene because he felt like he was watching a it was messy and not very interesting or engaging. He also hated the Nolan Batman films, he thought TDK was boring to the point he fell asleep watching it :monkey2

Sounds like a fun guy.
I fell asleep more than once watching TDK at home. I'm not sure if I've ever seen it all in one sitting since the theater.
Yeah, my dad hated the film. He's not a big super hero movie fan, although he enjoyed Ant Man, but he hated AOU. He's in his late 60's, so he hates CGI, especially the big battle scene because he felt like he was watching a it was messy and not very interesting or engaging. He also hated the Nolan Batman films, he thought TDK was boring to the point he fell asleep watching it :monkey2

My father is the same, though he did love TDK, I don’t know if he saw BB or TDKR though. I don’t mind CGI in movies at all, but those Avengers movies don’t really have any emotional weight, so I don’t really care about their big action final battles, especially when it looks like they’re having the time of their life beat Aliens/Robots up.

1. TDK
2. BBegins
3. Batman Returns


Whoever wrote that article is a tasteless ass****.

You’re definitely right, how the hell did Batman Returns rank about TDKR? :monkey3
Dropping back in here one last time to comment and share something.

I contacted Zack earlier to let him know that I'm still personally proud of him and have his back. We knew the movie would have its detractors (particularly among online critics who'd been sharpening the knives for months), but nobody expected this level of vitriol toward the film, and him personally. He's actually taking it pretty well, much better than some of us. It's amazing the savage beating that he and the movie are taking. To the point where it becomes unbelievable when you step back and realize that we're really just talking about a harmless movie here. To have that much anger, negativity and invective toward something like this with everything else going on in the world is really quite depressing. We're all fine with people not liking these movies, but lines are starting to be crossed now... and that's not cool.

Afterward, I talked to my girlfriend about it. She's a kind, sweet soul (much moreso than me :lol) but also a tad naive. She gives everyone the benefit of the doubt in ways which my battle-fatigued self cannot. In response to those attacking Zack so savagely, she said "I know he won't, but what if all of this got to him and he hurt himself or something. Then they'd feel bad for being so hateful over movies." It was then that it dawned on me... You know, I think some of them would actually LIKE for that to happen. And then I realized how far this has all gone now. It started with Lucas and the prequels, people taking things way too seriously and crossing the line with ad hominem attacks toward people who did nothing more than create something they don't like. What started this disturbing trend (which is seemingly just getting worse) Is it Social Media? The Internet itself? Mob Mentality? Or is an illumination on society itself? Who knows. But I know this: People need to start waking up to the fact that when negative energy is put out there to this degree, it's going to affect someone personally somewhere. Unfortunately, I know that there are some who LOVE that idea... that the're own vitriol can go out into the ethos and hurt someone. But is this really what we want? I really wish people would start thinking about this more.
That wasn't an indictment on anyone in this thread, necessarily... Just things on the whole right now. The online movie blogger reviewers are particularly who I'm referring to. Like Faraci. That ****** is burning more bridges than the Indo-Chinese Army during WW2. :lol

What an insufferable group of "Too Cool For School" bullies. Sorry, but I'll happily be on the other side from here on out.
That wasn't an indictment on anyone in this thread, necessarily... Just things on the whole right now. The online movie blogger reviewers are particularly who I'm referring to. Like Faraci. That ****** is burning more bridges than the Indo-Chinese Army during WW2. :lol

What an insufferable group of "Too Cool For School" bullies. Sorry, but I'll happily be on the other side from here on out.

What exactly do you do in the film industry that you know Snyder and know so much about the film...if I may ask? :)
watched movie was amazing.I have to go back and watch again. its just Alpha phase of Justice League. WW was totally amazing and badass. it was emotional I cried 5-6 times, with happiness and emotions. music makes it 10 times better :| god I'm still shocked :| I don't care about critics. those untalented people don't know what to do , so they are just shi****** .
Dropping back in here one last time to comment and share something.

I contacted Zack earlier to let him know that I'm still personally proud of him and have his back. We knew the movie would have its detractors (particularly among online critics who'd been sharpening the knives for months), but nobody expected this level of vitriol toward the film, and him personally. He's actually taking it pretty well, much better than some of us. It's amazing the savage beating that he and the movie are taking. To the point where it becomes unbelievable when you step back and realize that we're really just talking about a harmless movie here. To have that much anger, negativity and invective toward something like this with everything else going on in the world is really quite depressing. We're all fine with people not liking these movies, but lines are starting to be crossed now... and that's not cool.

Afterward, I talked to my girlfriend about it. She's a kind, sweet soul (much moreso than me :lol) but also a tad naive. She gives everyone the benefit of the doubt in ways which my battle-fatigued self cannot. In response to those attacking Zack so savagely, she said "I know he won't, but what if all of this got to him and he hurt himself or something. Then they'd feel bad for being so hateful over movies." It was then that it dawned on me... You know, I think some of them would actually LIKE that. And then I realized how far this has all gone now. It started with Lucas and the prequels, people taking things way too seriously and crossing the line with ad hominem attacks toward people who did nothing more than create something they don't like. What started this disturbing trend (which is seemingly just getting worse) Is it Social Media? The Internet itself? Mob Mentality? Or is an illumination on society itself? Who knows. But I know this: People need to start waking up to the fact that when negative energy is put out there to this degree, it's going to affect someone personally somewhere. Unfortunately, I know that there are some who LOVE that idea... that the're own vitriol can go out into the ethos and hurt someone. But is this really what we want? I really wish people would start thinking about this more.

That sucks to hear, I was routing for this movie, but I’m guessing in your line of business people should have thick skin because unfortunately the internet is a cesspool of crybabies that tend to come here and vent. I guess its therapeutic for them, most of those hateful troll can be found in the video game section of this site, the movies section is actually not that bad :lol

Still though, I’m sure Zach and the rest of the cast are enjoying their big fat checks way too much to even care about what any of the internet trolls are saying :lol
There is definitely a growing culture of mob mentality online. The anonymity has always encouraged people to take things further than they would face-to-face but it's certainly alarming how it's caught on. And you do have to wonder what this will lead to, behavior-wise, in younger people who use the internet as their primary social interaction....

I'll also say that I'm not talking about members here. I've been pleasantly surprised that even the pre-hate has been pretty good natured (relatively speaking).
What exactly do you do in the film industry that you know Snyder and know so much about the film...if I may ask? :)
I'm just a freelance PR writer (press kits and such). But I became friends with Zack after working with him on WATCHMEN promotions back in 2008-2009. We met through a mutual friend (Clay Enos, who is his Still Photographer).

As for your last question, I probably know way too much. :lol
If I had to rate AOU today it would definately be lower than my initial review.

I gave it a B +.

Now it would be a solid C +.

I said solid! :lol

I'd have to agree with that. I loved certain moments but overall it felt so flat and forced. So much of the humor, especially Stark's, just felt lazy. It's probably how I should expect to feel after watching this BvS film.
That sucks to hear, I was routing for this movie, but I’m guessing in your line of business people should have thick skin because unfortunately the internet is a cesspool of crybabies that tend to come here and vent.

Truth be told, people like Zack and Ben Affleck have very thick skin and aren't quite as personally affected by all the noise and negativity, thank God. But it's hard for people like me, because I'm really just a "normal dude" like you guys and so I'm in the thick of the maelstrom. I'm one of you, not some Hollywood big shot, so I can't shield myself this stuff unless I completely disengage from fandom (which I admittedly do from time to time, just to stay sane... and also to prevent myself from running my big mouth :lol ).

That said, I've also stepped away from Facebook and Twitter for a while as of today. It's better that way.
Dropping back in here one last time to comment and share something.

I contacted Zack earlier to let him know that I'm still personally proud of him and have his back. We knew the movie would have its detractors (particularly among online critics who'd been sharpening the knives for months), but nobody expected this level of vitriol toward the film, and him personally. He's actually taking it pretty well, much better than some of us. It's amazing the savage beating that he and the movie are taking. To the point where it becomes unbelievable when you step back and realize that we're really just talking about a harmless movie here. To have that much anger, negativity and invective toward something like this with everything else going on in the world is really quite depressing. We're all fine with people not liking these movies, but lines are starting to be crossed now... and that's not cool.

Afterward, I talked to my girlfriend about it. She's a kind, sweet soul (much moreso than me :lol) but also a tad naive. She gives everyone the benefit of the doubt in ways which my battle-fatigued self cannot. In response to those attacking Zack so savagely, she said "I know he won't, but what if all of this got to him and he hurt himself or something. Then they'd feel bad for being so hateful over movies." It was then that it dawned on me... You know, I think some of them would actually LIKE for that to happen. And then I realized how far this has all gone now. It started with Lucas and the prequels, people taking things way too seriously and crossing the line with ad hominem attacks toward people who did nothing more than create something they don't like. What started this disturbing trend (which is seemingly just getting worse) Is it Social Media? The Internet itself? Mob Mentality? Or is an illumination on society itself? Who knows. But I know this: People need to start waking up to the fact that when negative energy is put out there to this degree, it's going to affect someone personally somewhere. Unfortunately, I know that there are some who LOVE that idea... that the're own vitriol can go out into the ethos and hurt someone. But is this really what we want? I really wish people would start thinking about this more.

I tried to fight this fight with the PT. It didn't work out well for me. Just be thankful that this will all blow over within a year and not be reoccurring day after day for decades.

I'm sorry the movie you worked on/have ties with/whatever the connection is isn't being received well. I contributed to the hate... but come Thursday I will be done and move on. You should hope others move on as well.
With this blow up, I'm just thinking about Ben Affleck and what he said 3 years ago when it was first announced that he was Batman.

"I understand I'm at a disadvantage with the internet. If I thought Batman v Superman would be another Daredevil, I'd be out there picketing myself. Why would I make the movie if I didn't think it was going to be good and that I could be good in it."

"I wouldn’t have taken the part if I didn’t trust my instincts. You don't agree to a film like this thinking it will be bad, it's all about the process."
I'm just a freelance PR writer (press kits and such). But I became friends with Zack after working with him on WATCHMEN promotions back in 2008-2009. We met through a mutual friend (Clay Enos, who is his Still Photographer).

As for your last question, I probably know way too much. :lol

be my friend then.
I'm just a freelance PR writer (press kits and such). But I became friends with Zack after working with him on WATCHMEN promotions back in 2008-2009. We met through a mutual friend (Clay Enos, who is his Still Photographer).

As for your last question, I probably know way too much. :lol

That's pretty cool, he seems like a nice guy.

Truth be told, people like Zack and Ben Affleck have very thick skin and aren't quite as personally affected by all the noise and negativity, thank God. But it's hard for people like me, because I'm really just a "normal dude" like you guys and so I'm in the thick of the maelstrom. I'm one of you, not some Hollywood big shot, so I can't shield myself this stuff unless I completely disengage from fandom (which I admittedly do from time to time, just to stay sane... and also to prevent myself from running my big mouth :lol ).

That said, I've also stepped away from Facebook and Twitter for a while as of today. It's better that way.

How do you know I'm not Clint Eastwood or something...I could be? :lol Hey, do you think WB is worried about the reviews?