Zack Snyder's Justice League - what's your wish list?

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So in your mind something Bruce imagined in a fever dream qualified as the confirmation he needed that he was doing the right thing in trying to kill Superman??? Watching him explain that to Alfred would have been fun to watch. "But Alfred, it seemed SO REAL!" :rotfl

You missed the opening of the film?
Actually Joker would never call him bruce in this kind of situation, he knows that Bruce is the mask and Batman is his trueself.

That's how I see it to. Joker simply doesn't care about Bruce or using that secret against him the way the other villains would.

Joker always want's Batman to be the best version of himself. He hates the rest of the Bat family for in his view holding Batman back. When Batman disappears ala TDKR he has nothing to live for and just shuts down.
So in your mind something Bruce imagined in a fever dream qualified as the confirmation he needed that he was doing the right thing in trying to kill Superman??? Watching him explain that to Alfred would have been fun to watch. "But Alfred, it seemed SO REAL!" :rotfl

It might be known as nightmare, but If you don?t know by now that that IS the future, then idk want to tell you. It isn?t just a dream. It is currently happening and the whole point of sending the Flash back was to prevent that from happening. The speed force could?ve easily caused both timelines to converge and allow present Bruce see what Future Bruce was seeing. The Flash appearing isn?t a dream, it actually happened. He interprets it as a dream b/c he has no other way of explaining it.

Regardless, why is that any different to believe than Tony having his ?vision? in Age of Ultron convincing himself he had to create Ultron? ?But Banner, it seemed so REAL!? :rolleyes: If ppl can be ok with that, I don?t see how Bruce seeing a potential apocalyptic future and acting upon it is any different and makes any less sense.

Laugh all you want, but it made sense to me. Sorry it didn?t to you :dunno. Not going to argue about it
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It might be know as nightmare, but If you don?t know by now that that IS the future if they don?t stop it from happening, Then idk want to tell you.

Regardless, why is that any different to believe than Tony having his ?vision? in Age of Ultron convincing himself he had to create Ultron? ?But Banner, it seemed so REAL!? :rolleyes: If ppl can be ok with that, I don?t see how Bruce seeing a potential apocalyptic future and acting upon it is any different and makes any less sense.

Laugh all you want, but it made sense to me. Sorry it didn?t to you :dunno. Not going to argue about it

NOW it's obvious, but at that moment in BvS it made no sense. And if you want to compare it to AoU, Tony had already flown a missile through a portal to stave off an alien invasion in The Avengers, then dealt with the resulting PTSD in IM3. So at least his nightmare was based on something tangible that was previously established in the MCU.

If the Knightmare scene worked for you I'm happy for you, but IMO it was a misstep in Zack's rush to get to his JL team-up. If Bruce just dreamed about an evil Superman that would have been OK, but why would he have accurate premonitions about parademons and Darkseid symbolism? That part of it wasn't earned. But hey, water under the bridge now - here's hoping there are no such missteps in the SC.
It might be known as nightmare, but If you don?t know by now that that IS the future, then idk want to tell you. It isn?t just a dream. It is currently happening and the whole point of sending the Flash back was to prevent that from happening. The speed force could?ve easily caused both timelines to converge and allow present Bruce see what Future Bruce was seeing. The Flash appearing isn?t a dream, it actually happened. He interprets it as a dream b/c he has no other way of explaining it.

Regardless, why is that any different to believe than Tony having his ?vision? in Age of Ultron convincing himself he had to create Ultron? ?But Banner, it seemed so REAL!? :rolleyes: If ppl can be ok with that, I don?t see how Bruce seeing a potential apocalyptic future and acting upon it is any different and makes any less sense.

Laugh all you want, but it made sense to me. Sorry it didn?t to you :dunno. Not going to argue about it

Then why did Bruce wake up after the Flash sequence? Stark had real fear of Avengers he knew after a large scale alien attack and that drove the dream. Bruce woke up after seeing someone in red armor he had never seen before. My point is, why show Bruce waking up again after that? I'm sure you can explain it off that the Speed Force can work through consciousness and his experience in the future was revealed to him, but it just leads deeper down the rabbit hole. As a fan you can piece it together, but for the majority of the fan going audience not knowing a fake reality, it didn't make sense to have that big of a piece to just be explained in another movie. Perhaps there is more to the Lois Lane reveal that is in the Snyder cut to help bridge that. But for now, it is just as well thought out as the mysterious bullet plotline.
NOW it's obvious, but at that moment in BvS it made no sense. And if you want to compare it to AoU, Tony had already flown a missile through a portal to stave off an alien invasion in The Avengers, then dealt with the resulting PTSD in IM3. So at least his nightmare was based on something tangible that was previously established in the MCU.

If the Knightmare scene worked for you I'm happy for you, but IMO it was a misstep in Zack's rush to get to his JL team-up. If Bruce just dreamed about an evil Superman that would have been OK, but why would he have accurate premonitions about parademons and Darkseid symbolism? That part of it wasn't earned. But hey, water under the bridge now - here's hoping there are no such missteps in the SC.

Tony's PTSD is unfounded. All he did was see the force that WOULD HAVE come through the portal had they not closed it at that time, not a vision of a future invasion. ALL the Avengers were fighting the NY invasion, not just him. If they didn't close it, they just would've have a heck of a lot more chitari to fight. If any one of them should have PTSD, it should've been Hawkeye seeing how he was actually being controlled against his will. For those reason, IM3's story makes no sense IMO. Tony's dream was entirely fabricated by Wanda at the beginning of AOU, which at that point in time, they had beaten the invasion and had no reason to suspect anything larger was coming. Tony didn't even know who Thanos was nor the infinity stones until Dr. Strange and Banner explained it to him in Infinity War; so the line "Thanos has been in my mind for 6 years" literally makes no sense b/c his "dream" that wasn't even a dream was made up by Wanda and yet he still acted on.. We, the viewers, are the only ones who know Thanos is coming. The thing is, everyone just accepts that the MCU as is and lets most things that don't go by the wayside, myself included b/c the movies are enjoyable for the most part.

Bruce was also in the middle of an invasion happening as seen in the beginning of BvS with the difference here being he was, at the time, powerless to stop any of it. Just b/c his aliens looked like humans doesn't make them any less of threat nor any less of an invasion. And just b/c Bruce didn't suffer through unnecessary PTSD for a whole movie doesn't mean his worry about Superman going bad isn't earned. He acted on a a dream that was as fake as Tony's.

Like you said, water under the bridge and it will be great to see what happens in ZSJL. I just don't like the double standard of folks eating up whatever the MCU gives them without question, but with the DCEU, people seem to all off sudden need to be spoonfed every last detail to understand what's going on rather than accept it as is like they do with the MCU. I love the MCU and got emotional with Infinity War and Endgame but that doesn't make everything they do perfect.

Then why did Bruce wake up after the Flash sequence? Stark had real fear of Avengers he knew after a large scale alien attack and that drove the dream. Bruce woke up after seeing someone in red armor he had never seen before. My point is, why show Bruce waking up again after that? I'm sure you can explain it off that the Speed Force can work through consciousness and his experience in the future was revealed to him, but it just leads deeper down the rabbit hole. As a fan you can piece it together, but for the majority of the fan going audience not knowing a fake reality, it didn't make sense to have that big of a piece to just be explained in another movie. Perhaps there is more to the Lois Lane reveal that is in the Snyder cut to help bridge that. But for now, it is just as well thought out as the mysterious bullet plotline.

But that's the thing isn't it? Flash showing up tells you it isn't just a dream but rather a real future. It doesn't require being a comic book reader to put that together. Why does it show him waking up again? Who knows. Sure you could go down the road of saying well once Barry ran out of juice on the future end of things time slapped back to right before Bruce woke up.

As mentioned above, Bruce had a real fear as well seeing how he was in the middle of fight between two god like beings above him while he's on the ground witnessing death and destruction that he can do nothing about. For all Stark knew, they won and the bad aliens lost with their presumed leader, Loki, locked away on Asgard. At that time, there was no reason to think there was more to come. Again, Stark's vision is completely fabricated by Wanda. We accept the vision as the reason he needs to create something to save everyone (which turns in to Ultron) based on a false dream he had. But, folks can't accept Bruce's dream, that the general public now has confirmation isn't actually a dream but a real future. Doesn't make sense to me.

And wow so the bullet that gets stuck in her journal is mysterious? :lol That's the first I've heard of that being a problem. Folks find issue with anything these days I guess.

At the end of the day, I don't have all the answers and really don't care to. The movies made total sense to me and quite honestly, that's all that matters :) Things didn't add up for you guys, and that?s fine. I?m honestly not trying to persuade anyone to see my side. We all like what we like and that?s A-Ok. To be honest, with the right wording, anything anyone says can be swirled to fit their argument like what lawyers do :lol I don't question every detail b/c I don't care to. I roll with it just like I do with the MCU movies even when things in those movies don?t 100% add up to T (like in order to have a big Black Widow sacrifice scene, the writers conveniently left out the fact that Nebula knew and could've mentioned that someone will need to be sacrificed on Vormir in order to retrieve the soul stone. )
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Tony's PTSD is unfounded. All he did was see the force that WOULD HAVE come through the portal had they not closed it at that time, not a vision of a future invasion. ALL the Avengers were fighting the NY invasion, not just him. If they didn't close it, they just would've have a heck of a lot more chitari to fight. If any one of them should have PTSD, it should've been Hawkeye seeing how he was actually being controlled against his will. For those reason, IM3's story makes no sense IMO. Tony's dream was entirely fabricated by Wanda at the beginning of AOU, which at that point in time, they had beaten the invasion and had no reason to suspect anything larger was coming.

Do you even know how PTSD works? Stop spouting nonsense. PTSD develops from a traumatic experience. I've worked with people (from vets to regular people) that deal with it. It doesn't have to be a big event as long as it is enough to make an impact on the person in a negative way. As for Tony, he wasn't prepared for such an alien invasion to the point he almost died. Obviously, that was traumatic for him. It was an insurmountable force that they got lucky to have won. If the invasion continued, it would have worn them down eventually and lost. Due to that trauma and his nature of being a "futurist", it drove him to take whatever precautions to prevent such a thing from happening again. "Thanos" being in his mind for years is more of a term meant for another powerful alien invasion.

No I caught the Superman/Zod battle as seen from Bruce's perspective, but thank you. My point was his nightmare wasn't in the script to help convince him to kill Superman - he'd already made up his mind to do it after that opening sequence.

A hundred percent that - if anything his interpretation of it as a premonition just builds upon his fears really. And he's a man without fear, yet he fears Superman.

To be honest I really wish they cut Lois from BvS and gave more emphasis on both Superman and Batman with Lex's manipulation of Bruce and Clark.
Do you even know how PTSD works? Stop spouting nonsense. PTSD develops from a traumatic experience. I've worked with people (from vets to regular people) that deal with it. It doesn't have to be a big event as long as it is enough to make an impact on the person in a negative way. As for Tony, he wasn't prepared for such an alien invasion to the point he almost died. Obviously, that was traumatic for him. It was an insurmountable force that they got lucky to have won. If the invasion continued, it would have worn them down eventually and lost. Due to that trauma and his nature of being a "futurist", it drove him to take whatever precautions to prevent such a thing from happening again. "Thanos" being in his mind for years is more of a term meant for another powerful alien invasion.

I do know how PTSD works and have had first hand being with someone who still deals with it regularly as my girlfriend has it and has been through countless therapy sessions to deal with it even before I met her. Not just working with someone, actually living with someone who has it. Thanks :wave
I do know how PTSD works and have had first hand being with someone who still deals with it regularly as my girlfriend has it and has been through countless therapy sessions to deal with it even before I met her. Not just working with someone, actually living with someone who has it. Thanks :wave

Sorry to hear your girlfriend has been going through that as it can eat at your life. Still, although fiction, your assertation that Tony's PTSD is unfounded is well, unfounded in itself. So yeah, bye!:wave
Sorry to hear your girlfriend has been going through that as it can eat at your life. Still, although fiction, your assertation that Tony's PTSD is unfounded is well, unfounded in itself. So yeah, bye!:wave

I appreciate that. We?ll just have to agree to disagree, though. Nothing wrong with having a difference of opinions especially with fictional characters and situations
Tony's PTSD is unfounded. All he did was see the force that WOULD HAVE come through the portal had they not closed it at that time, not a vision of a future invasion. ALL the Avengers were fighting the NY invasion, not just him. If they didn't close it, they just would've have a heck of a lot more chitari to fight. If any one of them should have PTSD, it should've been Hawkeye seeing how he was actually being controlled against his will. For those reason, IM3's story makes no sense IMO. Tony's dream was entirely fabricated by Wanda at the beginning of AOU, which at that point in time, they had beaten the invasion and had no reason to suspect anything larger was coming. Tony didn't even know who Thanos was nor the infinity stones until Dr. Strange and Banner explained it to him in Infinity War; so the line "Thanos has been in my mind for 6 years" literally makes no sense b/c his "dream" that wasn't even a dream was made up by Wanda and yet he still acted on.. We, the viewers, are the only ones who know Thanos is coming. The thing is, everyone just accepts that the MCU as is and lets most things that don't go by the wayside, myself included b/c the movies are enjoyable for the most part.

Bruce was also in the middle of an invasion happening as seen in the beginning of BvS with the difference here being he was, at the time, powerless to stop any of it. Just b/c his aliens looked like humans doesn't make them any less of threat nor any less of an invasion. And just b/c Bruce didn't suffer through unnecessary PTSD for a whole movie doesn't mean his worry about Superman going bad isn't earned. He acted on a a dream that was as fake as Tony's.

Like you said, water under the bridge and it will be great to see what happens in ZSJL. I just don't like the double standard of folks eating up whatever the MCU gives them without question, but with the DCEU, people seem to all off sudden need to be spoonfed every last detail to understand what's going on rather than accept it as is like they do with the MCU. I love the MCU and got emotional with Infinity War and Endgame but that doesn't make everything they do perfect.

Agree to disagree on Tony's PTSD, but even accepting your premise that Wanda fabricated his dream (I think she just unlocked/amplified fears that were already present in his mind), it still was all based on the previously introduced Chitauri invasion force. Again, I'd have been fine with Bruce's dream if it was about an evil Superman and/or an army of Kryptonians, but the inclusion of parademons and Darkseid imagery is where it went off the rails for me. To me it's akin to Tony having a vision of Thanos and the Black Order in AoU instead of just more Chitauri. That said, I'm not going to let that affect my opinion of the SC. Hell, at this point I'm so starved for new movie content Zack would have to purposely **** up in order for me to not find it entertaining. :lol
agreed. And I apologize for derailing the thread from it's initial future figure talk, as I wasn't intending to start an argument/debate as I don't like having those, especially since I tend to not not have the same thinking as most when it comes to movies and collectibles. Anyway, everyone has the right to their opinions :peace:
Agree to disagree on Tony's PTSD, but even accepting your premise that Wanda fabricated his dream (I think she just unlocked/amplified fears that were already present in his mind), it still was all based on the previously introduced Chitauri invasion force. Again, I'd have been fine with Bruce's dream if it was about an evil Superman and/or an army of Kryptonians, but the inclusion of parademons and Darkseid imagery is where it went off the rails for me. To me it's akin to Tony having a vision of Thanos and the Black Order in AoU instead of just more Chitauri. That said, I'm not going to let that affect my opinion of the SC. Hell, at this point I'm so starved for new movie content Zack would have to purposely **** up in order for me to not find it entertaining. :lol

I mean, if you rationalise what I put in bold as being okay for why Tony was the way he was, surely Bruce seeing two Kryptonians fighting and destroying a whole city and potentially destroying the whole world is the exact same thing? For the first time Bruce realises that there's bigger threats afar, and so far, there's nothing and no one capable of stopping them except Superman, who he fears could easily become just as much of a threat.

And with that fear, and Lex's manipulation of apparition in Superman killing and destroying that village, his own manipulation from Lex combined with those prevailing fears are what made him begin trying to take him down.

Everything is there in that one film, it's not really the films fault if people obtusely overlook this, yet in the exact same vain think Tony's rationale is perfectly A-ok.

It's very selective liking.

In response to him seeing the Parademons, although not explained, with the Flash's inclusion of reaching out to him it's clear that there's something more at play in terms of it not being a dream, rather than, as he says in the new trailer, more of a premonition.
I mean, if you rationalise what I put in bold as being okay for why Tony was the way he was, surely Bruce seeing two Kryptonians fighting and destroying a whole city and potentially destroying the whole world is the exact same thing? For the first time Bruce realises that there's bigger threats afar, and so far, there's nothing and no one capable of stopping them except Superman, who he fears could easily become just as much of a threat.

And with that fear, and Lex's manipulation of apparition in Superman killing and destroying that village, his own manipulation from Lex combined with those prevailing fears are what made him begin trying to take him down.

Everything is there in that one film, it's not really the films fault if people obtusely overlook this, yet in the exact same vain think Tony's rationale is perfectly A-ok.

It's very selective liking.

In response to him seeing the Parademons, although not explained, with the Flash's inclusion of reaching out to him it's clear that there's something more at play in terms of it not being a dream, rather than, as he says in the new trailer, more of a premonition.

I said I was OK with the evil Superman part of his dream, so no argument with your first highlighted section. As for there being "something more at play" due to the Flash's inclusion, it definitely was NOT clear upon first viewing that Flash caused/planted the Knightmare visions (especially if it involved the Speed Force, another thing that had yet to be introduced in the DCEU and would be unfamiliar to the casual moviegoer). The Flash portion of the dream seemed disconnected from the parademon/Darkseid part - it didn't come off like Flash planted those visions in Bruce's subconscious, only that he needed to deliver his message about Lois being the key to reaching Clark's humanity. I'll grant you that your interpretation is probably what ZS was going for, but he didn't pull it off successfully. IMO. :D
I’m with Gipetto0812 on pretty much everything he said about the Knightmare vision, including that to each their own about it. It totally works for me, and I loved the way Zack did it. It’s an extraordinary otherworldly event, and the sheer shock of it takes us off guard as much as it does Bruce. Bruce calls it a dream for the sake of convenience but Flash uses the speedforce to time travel (as Zack himself explained at the so-called Snyder-con), and that disturbance in spacetime gives Bruce a glimpse of that future that Flash traveled from. There’s papers swirling around in the room, which Zack also notes.Again, I loved the way it was done. Once Bruce has seen that future it becomes imperative in his mind that he has to kill Superman. I don’t think he was dead set on killing him before experiencing that vision. He was just predisposed. It’s like he has a “memory” from the future, or something.

Now I think also that... or let’s just say I won’t be surprised by this if it comes to pass... that Darkseid might be telepathically influencing all of the metahumans on earth to psychologically tease out their inner demons and make themselves their own worst enemies, so that they won’t assemble to fight him. If this theory is correct, it’s is similar to what the MCU did with Tony Stark and Thanos. But you have to remember that if this is true, Zack and Chris Terrio would had written this in around 2014 or 2015 at the latest as part of his five film saga. I’m not going to go full conspiracy theory on it, but Geoff Johns and Kevin Feige were roommates once, they’re lifelong friends. BvS was announced and bam! the MCU changes its plans for it’s next film to be Civil War. The similarities are obvious. The Russos even said so! I will always wonder how much Geoff Johns might have shared with Feige about what the DCEU was doing.
Whether or not any of us agree on anything, the fact is the majority of the public response was unfavorable. I actually enjoyed the film, but felt like it was obviously missing favorable elements to fan favorite characters.

I don't see why we won't see a reissuing of Knightmare Batman, different coloring Black Suit Superman and a simple-ish Knightmare Joker. I doubt a Deathstroke, but with fan reaction you never know. And Cyborg welcomes Cara Dune to the Phantom Zone!
To be fair, the majority of they public response was favorable. It has a 62% audience score on RT, got a B audience rating from cinema score, and made crap tons of money at the box office. People liked it.
To be fair, the majority of they public response was favorable. It has a 62% audience score on RT, got a B audience rating from cinema score, and made crap tons of money at the box office. People liked it.

A 62% audience score on RT is nothing to write home about. As for box office, a quick check shows that it comes in 68th place domestically (behind 21 other comic book movies) and 71st place in worldwide box office (still behind 15 of those other CBMs). Definitely not even close to what WB was expecting from a movie starring DC's 3 greatest heroes. Yes a lot of people liked it, but nowhere near enough to call it a success.