The Batman (June 25, 2021)

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I love the scene, but I’m glad it was cut. Partly because I like that we have a bit more mystery surrounding The Joker and partly because I still kind of hope the next movie takes a lot more from The Long Halloween (considering they’ve teased Two-Face and we’ll most likely see more Falcones in the wake of…well, his wake :lol, I think it’s a safe bet they’re going in that direction) and, should they use The Holiday Killer, I think it would be much more fitting for Batman to consult with The Riddler than The Joker.

I’m very curious what Keoghan’s version will look like all “dolled up,” though.
Ledger took obvious inspiration from interviews with real serial killers, so many of the most famous ones talk in that same quiet, slow, methodical way that Ledger really codified for the character, which was in stark contrast to the twenty years of bombastic Mark Hamill Joker people were used to. Leto and Keoghan have both gone the same route, but what Ledger understood that they haven't is that Joker enjoys what he's doing.

Ledger's Joker isn't sitting there creepily growling out every line, he's downright jovial with Batman during the interrogation scene, like he's catching up with an old friend. What makes him creepy isn't how much he's pretending to be a monster, it's how nonchalant he is about doing monstrous things. And it's the relative normal way he speaks for most of the movie that really lets those handful of lines where he is creepily growling them out make an impact. You become desensitized to the creepy voice when every line is spoken in it.

Also, unrelated, but I get real Donnie Darko vibes out of Keoghan's Joker.
I think you hit the nail on the head, with Ledger's Joker it really feels like he enjoys what he is doing, he flat out says it during the truck chase sequence "I love this job, I love it!", and throughout the whole movie we're never given a true motive behind his reasons or why he became like that, there is no room for sympathy yet we can't help but enjoy his presence every time he's on screen because the audience starts having almost as much fun as he is since he doesn't act like a monster or truly crazy "No I'm noT", only to get a reality check when he shows how sick and demented and downright frightning he is in scenes like "Are you the real Batman?" even tho he dresses and acts like a clown it very much feels like there is a real person behind the scars and makeup doing these things and that's what makes the version he created completely believable.

When I look at Leto and now Barry Keoghan I don't see real people but caricatures, in the sense that they take what a real psycothic person is and they exaggerate every trait they can to creep out the audience and show how villainous they are, everything feels forced right down to the way they look, while Ledger played it effortlessly.
One more thing about Ledger's portrayal is that he based his voice on Tom Waits, he didn't go for some generic creepy nonsense like all the rest, just something unique:

Man, this trip down memory lane has me hoping QS does a rooted Joker 2.0 in 7 years because I feel after my first two or so rooted dollies, I'll want a rooted Ledger too beyond my sculpted one. Eh, I'll wait for the Extra-Deluxe version with real metal interrogation table and maniacal laughing headsculpt.
When I look at Leto and now Barry Keoghan I don't see real people but caricatures, in the sense that they take what a real psycothic person is and they exaggerate every trait they can to creep out the audience and show how villainous they are, everything feels forced right down to the way they look, while Ledger played it effortlessly.

Leto yes. Ledger ... had an entire film to work with. Keoghan has a deleted scene and an end credits clip, so I think it's safe to say the jury's still out on that guy.
There was no way watching this for the first time that I was going to be able to focus just on the dynamics of the entire scene because I instantly started gawking at Joker.

Joker works when their interaction is the focus not Joker’s mannerisms.
Whenever I learn that a movie didn't include a scene I don't like I make sure not to watch it, lol.
Leto yes. Ledger ... had an entire film to work with. Keoghan has a deleted scene and an end credits clip, so I think it's safe to say the jury's still out on that guy.
I see what you mean but for me the whole character seems like it's trying too hard based on those 5 minutes, it's the same reason I didn't like what they did in the Faces of Evil/Death of the Family comics it's like they went "How can we make the Joker even more crazy than before? Oh I know let's make him remove his face and staple it back on!" it's just insane and a cheap gimmick to creep out the audience, Keoghan's version elicits the same reaction from me, I understand what they're doing but it feels like it's trying too hard, the Joker doesn't need to look like a zombie in order to be frightening, just like he doesn't need a tattoo saying "Damaged" on his forehead to show people how crazy he is, he simply is those things.

But again these are just my thoughts on it, it could change in the future but I'm not attacking anyone who likes this version, it's always interesting to see new adaptations.
I’m liking that Joker was implying that Batman is beating up on small time thugs and not really getting anywhere with it, which Batman admits in the movie, and how the Riddler has bigger aspirations to make a difference and Batman is just envious that Riddler is going after the real corruption keeping Gotham in chains.

Right he did imply that right lol

I've said all along I'll download and check out this movie for free when it hits the "high seas".....but after that deleted scene I know this is a movie I'll never actually see, just like that last Disney SW movie.

I know everyone thinks I'm the king of negativity, but I don't hate things just for the sake of "hating things." That's not fun. I don't ENJOY disliking stuff. I just happen to be very hard to please, and I've seen everything. It's soooo boring seeing stuff I've seen before thrown back at me again and again.

That deleted scene was about 5 minutes long and I barely made it through it. There wasn't a single image in even a frame of that 5 minutes that hasn't been copied and copied and regurgitated over and over and over.

Everything about "the Joker" was a cringe-inducing homage to Ledger so on the nose it came across as parody. Batman seems mostly like Nolan Batman but he's like every other Batman too.

Oh, the cinematography is so gritty and realistic....oh it's SOOOO David Fincher. Comic books are so serious and they're for serious adults, didn't you read the article in Rolling Stone??

I'm happy you guys like it. I have no idea HOW or WHY you like it, but you genuinely seem to like it.

I ask my dad all the time why he still watches Law and Order every single stinking week, like he has been for the last 30 some years. Sure, the cast members change every now and then but it's the SAME. DAMN. SHOW. EVERY. WEEK. He says he just watches out of habit.

I can't imagine sitting through three hours of this dour, derivative, boring, copy of a copy of a copy.

I'm asking in all seriousness here, not to be a dick.....was anyone just bored out of their minds seeing these plot points and beats for the 20th time? Will anyone actually admit that this movie is nothing special and it's all been done a thousand times?

Doesn't anyone want to see something NEW for a change?
Thinks you are the king of negativity? You ARE the king of negativity! 😂