The Batman (June 25, 2021)

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That may be it, Ledger was contantly licking his lips to keep prosthetics in place since they could muffle his speech and eh didn't want to spend half an hour getting it applied again during fliming, but don't let my opinion dissuade from liking this version haha.
That was why he did that? And all this time I thought it was a tic he introduced to make the character more reptilian and feral. I mean it worked ... but ...
Hmmm... don't really like it, a bit too Silence of the Lambs.
That's another reason I'm glad it was cut but I wouldn't go so far as to say that I don't like the scene in and of itself.

I'm just shocked that they aimed for the fences by daring to have Batman question the Joker in jail after getting such a definitive example of that in TDK. Lol talk about balls but they still held their own. :thud:
That's another reason I'm glad it was cut but I wouldn't go so far as to say that I don't like the scene in and of itself.

I'm just shocked that they aimed for the fences by daring to have Batman question the Joker in jail after getting such a definitive example of that in TDK. Lol talk about balls but they still held their own. :thud:
I’m conflicted on the detective angle that you brought up in one way I agree with you that a great detective who caught Joker does not now need Joker to help him be a great detective but at the same time I looked up the definition of detective and it literally means to interview people lol

So in other words he’s just being a detective who is using his skills to manipulate Joker into helping him.

But Joker did call out Batman’s genius by telling him “you already know how he (Riddler) thinks!

Batman then says “You’re wasting my time!”

I do like that in TDK they were in the room together and this separated by a partition
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I’m conflicted on the detective angle that you brought up in one way I agree with you that a great detective who caught Joker does not now Joker to help him be a great detective but at the same time I looked up the definition of detective and it literally means to interview people lol

So in other words he’s just being a detective who is using his skills to manipulate Joker into helping him improve his detective skills.

But Joker did call out Batman’s genius by telling him “you already know how he (Riddler) thinks!

Batman then says “Youre wasting my time!”

I do like that in TDK thet were in the room together and this separated by a partition
Very true he'd explore all options and wouldn't let pride refrain him from consulting the Joker if he thought he might be able to offer some insight.

Now I'm finding myself considering that deep down Batman just wanted an excuse to come face to face with Joker again out of some sick gratification of keeping their conflict going, as if something is lacking now that he's in jail. Man these interpretations of these characters and this world is just so freaking awesome and fun to speculate about!
Very true he'd explore all options and wouldn't let pride refrain him from consulting the Joker if he thought he might be able to offer some insight.

Now I'm finding myself considering that deep down Batman just wanted an excuse to come face to face with Joker again out of some sick gratification of keeping their conflict going, as if something is lacking now that he's in jail. Man these interpretations of these characters and this world is just so freaking awesome and fun to speculate about!
I had the exact same thought about the underlying ulterior motive to visit him on the anniversary it couldn’t have been the day before or after lol
One thing is certain RP is just an incredible freaking Batman period!

His freaking eyes!

His voice!

His posture!

I love it that this clip had his booming footsteps.
When he was first announced I thought he was too young but then recently watching clips of Bale in BB and Clooney in B&R I was all holy crap they were young too. :lol It's funny how becoming middle-aged changes your perspective on things, lol.

But yep RP is freaking awesome.
When he was first announced I thought he was too young but then recently watching clips of Bale in BB and Clooney in B&R I was all holy crap they were young too. :lol It's funny how becoming middle-aged changes your perspective on things, lol.

But yep RP is freaking awesome.
Yup yup.

I love me some Keaton Batman the dude was awesome in costume and I know he kids around when asked and he always proclaims himself to be the best Batman I mean I guess sure why not why wouldn’t he but I’m curious now with him returning and his movie being super delayed again what his thoughts are when he sees all of these great reviews on RP.

Don’t get me wrong I’m going to geek out hard-core when I see him in costume again!

Batman 89 is the perfect endcap for the great 1980s!

T2 was the great start of the so so occasionally good 1990’s lol

I've said all along I'll download and check out this movie for free when it hits the "high seas".....but after that deleted scene I know this is a movie I'll never actually see, just like that last Disney SW movie.

I know everyone thinks I'm the king of negativity, but I don't hate things just for the sake of "hating things." That's not fun. I don't ENJOY disliking stuff. I just happen to be very hard to please, and I've seen everything. It's soooo boring seeing stuff I've seen before thrown back at me again and again.

That deleted scene was about 5 minutes long and I barely made it through it. There wasn't a single image in even a frame of that 5 minutes that hasn't been copied and copied and regurgitated over and over and over.

Everything about "the Joker" was a cringe-inducing homage to Ledger so on the nose it came across as parody. Batman seems mostly like Nolan Batman but he's like every other Batman too.

Oh, the cinematography is so gritty and realistic....oh it's SOOOO David Fincher. Comic books are so serious and they're for serious adults, didn't you read the article in Rolling Stone??

I'm happy you guys like it. I have no idea HOW or WHY you like it, but you genuinely seem to like it.

I ask my dad all the time why he still watches Law and Order every single stinking week, like he has been for the last 30 some years. Sure, the cast members change every now and then but it's the SAME. DAMN. SHOW. EVERY. WEEK. He says he just watches out of habit.

I can't imagine sitting through three hours of this dour, derivative, boring, copy of a copy of a copy.

I'm asking in all seriousness here, not to be a dick.....was anyone just bored out of their minds seeing these plot points and beats for the 20th time? Will anyone actually admit that this movie is nothing special and it's all been done a thousand times?

Doesn't anyone want to see something NEW for a change?
Yup yup.

I love me some Keaton Batman the dude was awesome in costume and I know he kids around when asked and he always proclaims himself to be the best Batman I mean I guess sure why not why wouldn’t he but I’m curious now with him returning and his movie being super delayed again what his thoughts are when he sees all of these great reviews on RP.

Don’t get me wrong I’m going to geek out hard-core when I see him in costume again!

Batman 89 is the perfect endcap for the great 1980s as was T2 the great start of the so so occasionally good 90’s lol
It'll definitely be great to see Keaton in costume again but as the years have gone on I've been liking the Burton directed films less and less. No fault of Keaton's of course, but for me at least I came to realize that Batman needs to be awesome or fun and B89/BR were both neither of those things IMO.

Great costuming, makeup, production design and music but that's it. The movies themselves weren't awesome and they weren't particularly fun. For those reasons I even enjoy the Schumacher films more.

Getting back to RP I wonder if Keaton saw TB and was all "oh good lord what am I setting myself up for," lol.
Me waiting for DiFabio’s opinion on the clip…

I do have to say, I don't like the Hannibal Lector aspect to Batman checking in with a crazy for information on a crazy. I forgot to mention that earlier as I just focused on Joker.

But yes, the scene is silly.
Well sure -- deleted scene was deleted. Further reinforcing my perception that for the most part Reeves knew what he was doing.
Hmmm... don't really like it, a bit too Silence of the Lambs.
WTF did I just watch... :dunno That's supposed to be the Joker?

Comparing that to Silence Of The Lambs is disrespectful to Anthony Hopkins... :slap That looks more like a scene from a really bad horror/psychological thriller. That is all sorts of bad. If this is any indication of what this movie is like, I guess I very well may be skipping this all together when it hits HBOMax.
Looks they combined Ledger's Joker and Valeska from Gotham and this is was the result, was he this disfigured in the cameo that made it into the movie? I don't recall.
Either way it once again feels like the actor/director are borrowing heavily from Ledger and other versions that came before while putting their own spin on the character by making him some sort of burn victim by the looks of it, perhaps he fell into a vat of acid or chemicals like the comics, overall not really impressed but cool to see nontheless, still would've preferred to see Dafoe play the role.

Ledger took obvious inspiration from interviews with real serial killers, so many of the most famous ones talk in that same quiet, slow, methodical way that Ledger really codified for the character, which was in stark contrast to the twenty years of bombastic Mark Hamill Joker people were used to. Leto and Keoghan have both gone the same route, but what Ledger understood that they haven't is that Joker enjoys what he's doing.

Ledger's Joker isn't sitting there creepily growling out every line, he's downright jovial with Batman during the interrogation scene, like he's catching up with an old friend. What makes him creepy isn't how much he's pretending to be a monster, it's how nonchalant he is about doing monstrous things. And it's the relative normal way he speaks for most of the movie that really lets those handful of lines where he is creepily growling them out make an impact. You become desensitized to the creepy voice when every line is spoken in it.

Also, unrelated, but I get real Donnie Darko vibes out of Keoghan's Joker.
Ledger's Joker isn't sitting there creepily growling out every line, he's downright jovial with Batman during the interrogation scene, like he's catching up with an old friend. What makes him creepy isn't how much he's pretending to be a monster, it's how nonchalant he is about doing monstrous things. And it's the relative normal way he speaks for most of the movie that really lets those handful of lines where he is creepily growling them out make an impact. You become desensitized to the creepy voice when every line is spoken in it.
These are very good points.

But in my first watch Keoghan actually comes across as conversational at points, not all creep ... I don't know, I've yet to sit and watch it again.

While I loved BTAS maybe I was a little too old for it (I didn't follow it too closely at the time) or something, but I was never a huge fan of Hamill's Joker, blasphemous though it may be. I didn't hate him, he was just ... there.