Sideshow Video: G.I. JOE Inside Look

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Actually, it's much more simple than that... Some of us have taken note that Sideshow's license is to produce figures based on the G.I. JOE: REAL AMERICAN HERO era of characters, which is indeed 1982-1992, not the 1960's fuzzy-headed figures.

This line is G.I. JOE: RAH, not simply G.I. JOE. So naturally the further away they go from the classic, iconic RAH designs the more many of us will rightfully fret. If you're gonna do G.I. JOE RAH figures, then do G.I. JOE RAH figures dammit. No need to reivent the wheel.

Of course, this is all presumptuous. I liked how Snake Eyes turned out, and except for an apparent (and dubious) lack of 2nd metallic helmet I like how the Cobra Commander design is looking as well. But some of the comments in that video are giving some of us pause.

And screamingmetal, I'm sorry dude but that Storm Shadow design you like is just god awful. I used that as an example of what I hope they DON'T do. If Sideshow produced that instead of one based on the classic RAH design I'll tell you right now that not only would I pass on it, I would likely sell my Snake Eyes and dump the line outright on prinicple.

I agree on these statements.....Sideshow messes this up and I'll be selling too! I want as classic as it can possibly go , not re-invented stuff!
Yup, if you are reading Sideshow, and if Stormy doesn't look like this:


You fail.

And to those that don't like the classic stuff, you just need to leave the Joe section.

Absolutely!!!! it can be done! now lets do it! I swear if stormshadow looks anything like the movie version, thats it! I am done with Sideshow!
Just for quick reference here's what I consider to be the most informative quote from the video as to SS's plans with the line:

"We take our own approach to it where we take the comic book or cartoon design and then add or enhance it with a little bit of that real world tactical gear or realistic guns or equipment; loadouts that perhaps represent something more in the real world but are still true to the original character and costume designs because I think that the most iconic part of the GI Joe series is that the characters are so recognizeable. You can see a silhouette of a character, you can see a glimpse of the character, you can see a piece of the character in a frame of a comic book and you know who that character is."

I also found it interesting that they state that when designing a character they start first with the equipment he/she would have in this day and age and *then* balance the equipment loadout with that character's key accessories, features, costume silhouette, or color patterns, making trades based on what they think people will appreciate.

So the goal is apparently realistically equipped Joes + classic designs. Where the two don't intersect they'll compromise one or the other based on what they think people will want.


Terrorist Leader wielding fantasy handgun. Not realistic but they broke the "realism" rule because they thought people would still want Cobra Commander to have the handgun.

Commando/Martial Artist rushing into battle with a trusty wolf at this side. Not realistic but they broke the "classic design" rule because Timber wasn't an iconic enough association with Snake Eyes and in their opinion most fans wouldn't mind losing him.

If there are two "iconic" versions of a character, they pick the one that would be most realistic today. For instance, SE wore combat boots in 1982 but ninja footies in 1985. Both are equally iconic but the realistic footwear won out in the end. Similarly CC has two iconic looks; hood and silver mask. Once again it appears they chose the hood because that's much more likely to be something a real terrorist would wear.

That's my take on Sideshow's whole approach and I must say I'm totally onboard with it.

It sounds like for Storm Shadow they'll outfit him with contemporary martial arts weapons and then make the most iconic (ie 1984 version) outfit possible that would accomodate his gear. As of right now I must say that I have total faith in this line. Come on SS don't let me down! :duff
Just for quick reference here's what I consider to be the most informative quote from the video as to SS's plans with the line:

I also found it interesting that they state that when designing a character they start first with the equipment he/she would have in this day and age and *then* balance the equipment loadout with that character's key accessories, features, costume silhouette, or color patterns, making trades based on what they think people will appreciate.

So the goal is apparently realistically equipped Joes + classic designs. Where the two don't intersect they'll compromise one or the other based on what they think people will want.


Terrorist Leader wielding fantasy handgun. Not realistic but they broke the "realism" rule because they thought people would still want Cobra Commander to have the handgun.

Commando/Martial Artist rushing into battle with a trusty wolf at this side. Not realistic but they broke the "classic design" rule because Timber wasn't an iconic enough association with Snake Eyes and in their opinion most fans wouldn't mind losing him.

If there are two "iconic" versions of a character, they pick the one that would be most realistic today. For instance, SE wore combat boots in 1982 but ninja footies in 1985. Both are equally iconic but the realistic footwear won out in the end. Similarly CC has two iconic looks; hood and silver mask. Once again it appears they chose the hood because that's much more likely to be something a real terrorist would wear.

That's my take on Sideshow's whole approach and I must say I'm totally onboard with it.

It sounds like for Storm Shadow they'll outfit him with contemporary martial arts weapons and then make the most iconic (ie 1984 version) outfit possible that would accomodate his gear. As of right now I must say that I have total faith in this line. Come on SS don't let me down! :duff

Pretty much sums it up for me.
i'm really excited about this line....hopefully they won't have somone like Lucas overseeing the final version.

I'm very much okay with SSC tweeking things to make a more interesting toy.

IMO the classic Storm shadow design is very plain. Too plain to make an enjoyable 12" figure. Now, I do want them to keep the mask and the basic ninja gear, but it just needs something. Maybe some gloves and some pockets or something on the legs?
Storm Shadow is a classic ninja with white gear and a Cobra emblem. Period. Any more than that and you're changing the character unnecessarily, like Devils Due and other dolts have done. I truly hope that Sideshaw goes for class over kitsch on this figure.
Storm Shadow is a classic ninja with white gear and a Cobra emblem. Period. Any more than that and you're changing the character unnecessarily, like Devils Due and other dolts have done. I truly hope that Sideshaw goes for class over kitsch on this figure.

Then said figure better be $50. IMO Hasbro could put out a stormshadow that you're looking for. I'm looking for something a little cooler.
Hasbro? They haven't and wouldn't put out a good one.

I think for the quality of the VOTC SW 12" Luke they could do a very simple design like Stormshadow for less than $30if they wanted. SSC could do such a better item than the standard ninja gear.

Why wait? Just pick this up and slap a cobra decal on it if you want standard ninja.

I think a fantastic example of what SS is allegedly planning with GI Joe are the WWII based Dreamwave/Jae Lee designs in the Transformers/GI Joe miniseries. They took the characters, gave them WWII era equipment and then blended the costumes just slightly enough to match. The result was golden, and even though some of the costumes were altered more than others the end result was insane in its coolness. If SS does the same thing but with contemporary instead of WWII gear I'll be more than thrilled. I'm still not 100% sure that I wouldn't prefer literal translations of vintage card art but *slight* updates in favor of realism could actually be better, if done right of course.




But.....he's not white. :p

Seriously, its easier to go from the generic white Ignite ninja to the Storm Shadow design than whatever the manga^^^^ you posted to something remotely like an updated version..

In further seriousness. What would "look" like Storm shadow to you guys? Or any figure in general. Does it have to be a literal translation of the card design, no more, no less? Or does it just need to maintain certain iconic characteristics?

To me, Stormshadow needs to have a white oufit with short sleeves. But it needn't be something so literal(and boring) as the card design. Give him some gauntlets or gloves, some hip pouches, etc. That doen't seem like a drastic change.

Cobra Commander, same thing. He needs either the hood or the silver helmet, but his outfit needs a little more flash bang than simply a blue version of a nazi officer. I like the idea of the trenchcoat (though please no shoulder pads).
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In further seriousness. What would "look" like Storm shadow to you guys?

Definitely the card art.


Or any figure in general. Does it have to be a literal translation of the card design, no more, no less? Or does it just need to maintain certain iconic characteristics?

Some characters can get away with only maintaining a few iconic characteristics but I think others should be as close to a literal translation as possible.

To me, Stormshadow needs to have a white oufit with short sleeves. But it needn't be something so literal(and boring) as the card design. Give him some gauntlets or gloves, some hip pouches, etc. That doen't seem like a drastic change.

The problem with that is that your approach with regard to SS doesn't adhere to classic *or* realistic design. Here's a picture of a ninja fighting demonstration taken earlier this year. Save for the pudginess of the guy on the right ninja outfits haven't really changed over the centuries. Other than masked hoods they've always had pretty plain costumes. So should it be with Storm Shadow (other than the short sleeves of course.)

I think for the quality of the VOTC SW 12" Luke they could do a very simple design like Stormshadow for less than $30if they wanted. SSC could do such a better item than the standard ninja gear.

Why wait? Just pick this up and slap a cobra decal on it if you want standard ninja.


Nothing gets by you!!!!

:lol :lol :lol

He is the backup if SS fails us. I would like a 12" version of the 88 Storm Shadow, but the 84 version is a must, just like he was released.

And the Ingnite Ninja suit is very very nice. It is exactly like a real full size suit reduced to scale. Here is my black on a HT body.
