Future of DC Films (DCEU)

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I’m going to watch BA’s debut tomorrow on HBOMAX with Cavill Superman in it 2 DAYS AFTER THEY FIRED HIM then point at WB and say HA HA because yes they are that backwards lol

Good luck, I only made it half way through. It's not atrocious, just too much of the same inane ****.

I just can't get my head around these companies/filmmaker's not bringing new things to the table, doing the exact same things over and over again. It's numbing.
Good luck, I only made it half way through. It's not atrocious, just too much of the same inane ****.

I just can't get my head around these companies/filmmaker's not bringing new things to the table, doing the exact same things over and over again. It's numbing.

I agree. I watched this movie at the cinema a while back. It's not a bad movie, but it's also not a good movie. It's just a movie. Content. The Rock being The Rock. There were two things I really did like though. Pierce Brosnan as Doctor Fate. And the return of Henry Cavill as Superman. So yeah...

I feel really bad for Henry Cavill. Ofcourse I don't know the man personally, but he really seems like a good guy. The way WB has been treating him is just appalling and very disrespectful. I really hope he'll be able to give them all the finger by landing a new major franchise, be it Bond, some Warhammer thing or going over to Marvel. Like @Alatar posted already; Zack Snyder commented on working with him in the future and I wouldn't be surprised if Tom Cruise uses some of his string pulling power to get him into something, seeing they were in Mission Impossible together.

As for superhero movies in general.... I think the 'golden age' is behind us. It ended with Endgame. Phase 4 is all over the place, DC never got their **** together and I for one am really getting superhero fatigue. And I was a huge MCU fan. Still am, but I feel my investment in it diminishing. I used to know pretty much the whole release slate of Marvel movies by heart, knew exactly what released and when. I'd be there on opening night and often went back to watch it a second or even a third time. Now, I can't be bothered. Haven't seen Black Panther 2 yet, don't know what's coming out next year. I think GotG 3 is one of them. I've been selling off MCU figures left and right and I am even thinking of bringing my collection back to figures of characters that were the original six Avengers and keep it at that.

I do still have the ZS Justice League 2 pack coming in though (located in Europe so it takes a long time). I am still looking forward to those figures. Mainly because it's pretty much my last chance of owning a Cavill Superman figure.
I agree. I watched this movie at the cinema a while back. It's not a bad movie, but it's also not a good movie. It's just a movie. Content. The Rock being The Rock. There were two things I really did like though. Pierce Brosnan as Doctor Fate. And the return of Henry Cavill as Superman. So yeah...
I thought the movie was terrible but I agree Doctor fate was great!
The thing is Gunn is already doing a bad job, in a few years Affleck and Cavill would be in the right age to play Kingdom Come versions of their characters, Gunn just needed to do a soft reboot and tell new stories using the same actors, but he prefers to start again with a year one Superman storyline.

He already made half of the dc fanbase, snyderfans and Cavillfans(the witcher) into his enemies, who else is left to buy tickets?
Again, no offense intended, but we go through this every time a popular character is recast. I already used the Batman example, but going back even before that, I'm old enough to remember when people said nobody would go see a Spider-Man movie without Tobey Maguire. And then after that nobody would go see a Spider-Man movie without Andrew Garfield.

I'm not even defending the decision here. I think Henry coming back after all this time for a single cameo, just to be fired again, was ******. I just think it's a bit silly to pretend audiences won't go see new Superman movie if it looks good just because Henry's not in the suit. By the time it comes out it'll have been what, at least 12 years since Man of Steel? And around 8 or 9 since Henry's last major theatrical appearance in the Justice League movie.
Again, no offense intended, but we go through this every time a popular character is recast. I already used the Batman example, but going back even before that, I'm old enough to remember when people said nobody would go see a Spider-Man movie without Tobey Maguire. And then after that nobody would go see a Spider-Man movie without Andrew Garfield.

I'm not even defending the decision here. I think Henry coming back after all this time for a single cameo, just to be fired again, was ******. I just think it's a bit silly to pretend audiences won't go see new Superman movie if it looks good just because Henry's not in the suit. By the time it comes out it'll have been what, at least 12 years since Man of Steel? And around 8 or 9 since Henry's last major theatrical appearance in the Justice League movie.
The fact is that a large audience is already preferring not to watch a DC movie, just look at the box office. The general public does not know or can differentiate the Batman\Joker universes from the Black Adam\Shazam universe, THEY THINK IT IS THE SAME UNIVERSE.

The main problem with using the same characters across multiple movie universes is keeping the same character traits. Patisson's Batman could be a younger Batffleck.

Matt Reeves could had a whole trilogy without Joker to not mess with Todd's Joker but he insisted in insert the Joker for a cameo, to the main audiences had to know 3 jokers from movies (Leto, Phoenix and Keoghan) and a lot more from tv series(Gotham, Titans), THIS WAS HAMADA WORST DECISION AND HIS DOWNFALL.

He fragmented the dc characters and now people are tired of them as a whole, we dont even know who was playing Superman until october.

The difference between the Spider-Man situation is that we had 3 main Spider-Mans in 22 years, but each one was given his time and vision (Garfield less than the other two), but we had a certain thing, in DC everything is a mess and Gunn will be starting from scratch again just as people are getting tired of superheroes.

The Batman is like Pinocchio's Del Toro, a beautiful film, but with a story that we already have seen multiple times with nothing new.

This is not a normal recast, it's a whole REMAKE, and with things we already have seen, year one stuff, origin story, naive super-hero. Gunn is doing exaclty what Reeves did with year 2 Batman(something Nolan already had done) with characters and motivations that we already had seem(Schumacher's Batman Forever).
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WB want to go cheap on new young actors and secure them for X years and by using these year 1 or 2 thing...they can save budget concentrating on drama at the working office and all, maybe using Lex again as a villain. if it's bomb, not a big loss on money but definitely will be the first downfall of DCU. This first movie will be the test of Gunn.

WB has a debt of 50 billion dollars, they will be bought by Apple or Amazon in the next ten years.
The fact is that a large audience is already preferring not to watch a DC movie, just look at the box office. The general public does not know or can differentiate the Batman\Joker universes from the Black Adam\Shazam universe, THEY THINK IT IS THE SAME UNIVERSE.

The main problem with using the same characters across multiple movie universes is keeping the same character traits. Patisson's Batman could be a younger Batffleck.

Matt Reeves could had a whole trilogy without Joker to not mess with Todd's Joker but he insisted in insert the Joker for a cameo, to the main audiences had to know 3 jokers from movies (Leto, Phoenix and Keoghan) and a lot more from tv series(Gotham, Titans), THIS WAS HAMADA WORST DECISION AND HIS DOWNFALL.

He fragmented the dc characters and now people are tired of them as a whole, we dont even know who was playing Superman until october.

The difference between the Spider-Man situation is that we had 3 main Spider-Mans in 22 years, but each one was given his time and vision (Garfield less than the other two), but we had a certain thing, in DC everything is a mess and Gunn will be starting from scratch again just as people are getting tired of superheroes.

The Batman is like Pinocchio's Del Toro, a beautiful film, but with a story that we already have seen multiple times with nothing new.

This is not a normal recast, it's a whole REMAKE, and with things we already have seen, year one stuff, origin story, naive super-hero. Gunn is doing exaclty what Reeves did with year 2 Batman(something Nolan already had done) with characters and motivations that we already had seem(Schumacher's Batman Forever).
You're making my argument for me. You're saying this is no different from what Reeves did with The Batman... and Reeves' Batman reboot was enough of a success that it's getting a sequel and a spin-off TV show. Clearly the fact that it wasn't Ben Affleck or JK Simmons or (*shudders*) Jared Leto didn't actually matter in the end because the film itself delivered.

If the movie is good, your average viewer is not gonna care that it stars a new actor. People are used to the idea of multiple actors playing one character across history.
You're making my argument for me. You're saying this is no different from what Reeves did with The Batman... and Reeves' Batman reboot was enough of a success that it's getting a sequel and a spin-off TV show. Clearly the fact that it wasn't Ben Affleck or JK Simmons or (*shudders*) Jared Leto didn't actually matter in the end because the film itself delivered.

If the movie is good, your average viewer is not gonna care that it stars a new actor. People are used to the idea of multiple actors playing one character across history.
Dude there is not a single one logical and data based reasons that can explain this favoritism on Reeves, he made a 3 hours long movie using reusing old themes and still had several tv shows greenlit to expand the storyline before the release in the same company that took 30 essential minutes off BVS.

Regular people don't understand multiple actors playing one character at the same time, not even Marvel is betting on this trope with the multiverse.

The Batman before his release was already claimed to be a success, because reasons unknown from warner executives just like Gunn's Suicide Squad or even WW84(the third one was greenlit until Jenkins proved that she suck really hard).

The thing with this New REMAKE, is that Gunn is starting with the Snyderverse, Cavill Fans(the witcher) and half of the dc fanbase against him from day one. The new actor to play Superman will have his life turned into a livin hell. He really thinks he is a genius, but he is only using the same ideia of the new dc animated universe, he thinks he is a genius but in the end he is plagiarizing an existing idea created by Chris Palmer.

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Dude there is not a single one logical and data based reasons that can explain this favoritism on Reeves, he made a 3 hours long movie using reusing old themes and still had several tv shows greenlit to expand the storyline before the release in the same company that took 30 essential minutes off BVS.

Regular people don't understand multiple actors playing one character at the same time, not even Marvel is betting on this trope with the multiverse.

The Batman before his release was already claimed to be a success, because reasons unknown from warner executives just like Gunn's Suicide Squad or even WW84(the third one was greenlit until Jenkins proved that she suck really hard).

The thing with this New REMAKE, is that Gunn is starting with the Snyderverse, Cavill Fans(the witcher) and half of the dc fanbase against him from day one. The new actor to play Superman will have his life turned into a livin hell.
You keep saying REMAKE as though there's any material difference between the two. There isn't. Regardless of what you wanna call it, remake, reboot, whatever, the fact is that fans were insisting audiences would refuse to watch The Batman because it didn't star Ben Affleck or follow Zack Snyder's plan, and that didn't happen. Just like it didn't happen in the past with the previous Batman recasts or even the Spider-Man recasts.

If you like the Snyderverse, that's fine. I understand your pain at seeing it's done. But the argument audiences will refuse to accept anything that isn't more Snyderverse for these characters is a stretch.
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Again, no offense intended, but we go through this every time a popular character is recast. I already used the Batman example, but going back even before that, I'm old enough to remember when people said nobody would go see a Spider-Man movie without Tobey Maguire. And then after that nobody would go see a Spider-Man movie without Andrew Garfield.

I'm not even defending the decision here. I think Henry coming back after all this time for a single cameo, just to be fired again, was ******. I just think it's a bit silly to pretend audiences won't go see new Superman movie if it looks good just because Henry's not in the suit. By the time it comes out it'll have been what, at least 12 years since Man of Steel? And around 8 or 9 since Henry's last major theatrical appearance in the Justice League movie.
Sure, that's possible. Personally I'm just sick of the origin stories. Seems all we ever see with Superman is Krypton, growing up pains etc but no decent follow on movies involving him as an adult going through a large and meaningful character arc.

We had that setup and potential with ZSJL, but now we have to go through it all again. Boring !
Well personally I'm out. All I wanted was a couple of movies to finalise the Darkseid / Superman / Batman arc.

I mean doing that for the next 2-3 years or so, it would have given the following ;

* Fan support
* A fitting ending to the current team
* Made huge money
* Given them time to come up with a better longer term plan
* Find and cast quality replacement younger / cheaper actors
* Respected the current ones
* Made Gunn and WBD a likeable studio.

But no....

No way in hell I'll be giving WBD one cent of my money going forward.

Compared to the merch and stuff I bought for ZSJL I'll be saving a lot !

It's the minimum I can do. #votewithyourwallet
I think it will be hard for Gunn and Safran to get the hype going on yet another Superman. The golden age of superhero has passed if you ask me. With the conclusion of the Avengers storyline and the release of the Snyder Cut the fans got everything we could have possibly wanted in terms of superhero fare. Add to that the Joker and The Batman, and you really don't have much else to explore; and a certain superhero fatigue sets in. I wasn't a huge fan of the MCU, but I was invested in the story and the characters, so I wanted to see it to the end. After Endgame I was pretty much out, and the movies that have come out that I've watched (other than Spider-Man No Way Home) have confirmed my feeling that the MCU had nothing more to offer me. On the DC side, I was invested in the characters and the story that Snyder was telling, so with ZSJL I had a feeling of closure. I didn't (and don't) really need to see more, I know where the characters are, they have reached their "maturity", so I'm fine with that being the end of that particular journey.
I would've followed Cavill, Gadot and Affleck. But I'm not sure I can muster the interest in another DC "universe", just like I found myself uninterested in the continuing adventures of the MCU.
Sure, that's possible. Personally I'm just sick of the origin stories. Seems all we ever see with Superman is Krypton, growing up pains etc but no decent follow on movies involving him as an adult going through a large and meaningful character arc.

We had that setup and potential with ZSJL, but now we have to go through it all again. Boring !
Eh. It's already confirmed it won't be an origin. As long as it's good and uses gotten a villain we haven't had done to death, like Brainiac, I'm fine.
They should've just let Cavil have another go for 1 final movie and do the Black Adam showdown they teased and something fans may actually be excited to see. It probably would do well enough worldwide to make a decent profit. Release Aquadude 2, Shazam 2, and the Flash debacle then a final Supes outing over the next 2 years or so. Close the book and keep the fan base instead of alienating them. But then the problem is the still confusing Ga understanding of Reeves Bats and Joker outings as standalone films.

Then wait it out for like 5 years to let the dust settle and people be content, and then started over. But since WB is in such financial distress, they need quick hits and cash. It's gonna be the Snyder DCEU all over again

What a big mess and clusterf WB created.... :lol
They should've just let Cavil have another go for 1 final movie and do the Black Adam showdown they teased and something fans may actually be excited to see. It probably would do well enough worldwide to make a decent profit. Release Aquadude 2, Shazam 2, and the Flash debacle then a final Supes outing over the next 2 years or so. Close the book and keep the fan base instead of alienating them. But then the problem is the still confusing Ga understanding of Reeves Bats and Joker outings as standalone films.

Then wait it out for like 5 years to let the dust settle and people be content, and then started over. But since WB is in such financial distress, they need quick hits and cash. It's gonna be the Snyder DCEU all over again

What a big mess and clusterf WB created.... :lol
I agree about the final movie showdown. If you can have The Batman 2 and The Joker 2 being independent of the new DC cinema universe, then you can have a separate Black Adam v Superman movie. If they started it now, it can be released at the tail end of the Aquaman 2, Shazam 2 and Flash run of movies.

I think what didn't help this happening though was the box office performance of Black Adam.
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