Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Just wanted to chime in and say that I also think the mash up is a bad idea. Deckard and Bardoon and many others have made excellent points. It really does seem like they're just rushing into the whole Avengers thing before they've gotten their ducks in a row like Marvel did. It's as if Marvel decided to do the Avengers when Daredevil and Fantastic Four came out and before Iron Man, and thought, "crap, these movies stunk. We better just go ahead and do the Avengers now."

I just saw MOS this weekend, and while it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting, based on the negative reviews, it wasn't quite right either. I think Supes could really benefit from a sequel that helps the character find some firmer ground and establish itself well into his own mythology. What I liked best about MOS was the world it established in the last 10 minutes and it made me excited to see what would come next. Throwing Batman into the mix robs everyone of what that world could be.

I also don't think a Batman reboot is necessary. They can continue and build on what Nolan and Bale did. Just recast and start introducing more "super" villains who up the ante. Have Supes be a presence in that world via news reports, so the introduction of supernatural villains seem like a natural progression. His "retirement" could have just been temporary. Just an extended vacation. Show that Wayne tried to live an anonymous normal life and found that the call of Batman was too strong. That can all be established in the JL movie, or another solo movie--a "chapter two" in the Batman mythos.

I'll quote Jedibear, who expertly said a lot of what I was thinking:

Indeed. Whatever is going on behind the scenes there seems to be scrambling things up a bit...almost more like blowing the wad instead of making one using all the face cards right off the "bat"…

Originally Posted by chewblacca
Marvel had a plan with the avengers since the first ironman. WB seems to be making it up as thy go along. They want avengers money, but don't know how to get there.

...and THAT is why they fail. I really like MOS...I liked where the character was left at the end. I was really hoping for a sequel that would have expanded on what was started in MOS. How do things develop more between Lois and Clark? Does Superman help rebuild Metropolis? How does Kal-El reconcile all of the destruction and Zod's death at his hand? All of those questions and more were a great start to the sequel...focusing on all of the characters and situations we just got introduced to in MOS. Instead, WB is going for some name-recognition stunt pairing that has had no build up and seemingly just abandons the first (MOS) movie.

I want to be wrong....I want to believe that there is truly n inspired, creative decision behind doing it this way...that Goyer and Snyder already have the story down and that it could blow us away...I hope so.

I know the bean-counters at WB have to be appeased, but it would be cool if they considered the long view and how taking a little time with this could reap more for them in the long run.

Here's hoping we hear more about what the "story" is soon....
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I'm very excited by this news personally, I haven't seen Man of Steel yet but I LOVE all of Snyder's films.
I cannot wait to see what Snyder's take on Batman looks like, seeing as he is a major geek like most of us are!

By the time this comes out it will be 10 years since Batman Begins, same as with the Spider-Man films, so I don't see what the big deal is... maybe I feel like this because I hate Nolan's films though.

I remember you guys talking about the Batman Beyond rumors with Clint Eastwood as Bruce... how would you feel if Scott Eastwood was the new Batman? he looks just like his father.

No idea about his acting ability, only thing I know that he was in was the new Texas Chainsaw 3D but I haven't seen it.

Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Mad: I think Supes could really benefit from a sequel that helps the character find some firmer ground and establish itself well into his own mythology. What I liked best about MOS was the world it established in the last 10 minutes and it made me excited to see what would come next. Throwing Batman into the mix robs everyone of what that world could be.

Somebody gets it, thank you gawd. [Actually more than one person, this is just the most recent gets-it post.]

Superman is poised to hit the ground running the next time out, I really don't want distractions like Batman deflecting attention away from that. If they have to do Superman/Batman, please let it be a separate film.

We can call THAT ONE "Superman vs Batman: Electric Bataloo."
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Why does everyone think Batman is going to beat up Superman in this film? I took Snyder using that quote as it is literally the most famous line of dialogue between the two. Are there better lines? Yes! But they are not as well known. I do not think they are going to go that route. I think it was the coolest way for them to announce this without just flat out saying Batman is in the next film.

I for one am excited about a World's Finest film. Hope Snyder brings it like he did with MoS. Very excited about this.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

This made me laugh, a little:

Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Superman could be asked to take out a vigilante (Batman). They fight, Superman breaks Batmans neck and screams. The end.
Damn. That sounds so gritty and modern. Just like Superman is supposed to be. Let's make it happen WB!

This made me laugh, a little:

Awesome. . .
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I think Cumberbatch would be terrible. He looks weird. He sounds all wrong. And, he's kind of effete.

Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I suggested it before and I'll say it again--Cumberbatch as Elongated Man. He's kinda goofy/dweeby, plus he's a detective. Match made in heaven.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I want Cumberbatch as Doctor Doom, so DC can't have him!