Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Since I'd only seen the theatrical cut in 2D IMAX I decided to watch the 3D version last night. The 3D is actually very good. And now that I've seen the UE I'm shocked to realize that those rumors about WB panicking and demanding that Superman's scenes to be drastically reduced appear to be 100% correct. There's like 10 seconds of extra Bruce Wayne footage in the UE (shower butt shot and a couple extra moves in the warehouse fight) and NO new Wonder Woman scenes. Everything extra was Clark and Lois investigative work! They really butchered poor Hopeman. Of course they ironically made him even less likable by editing out important scenes like him helping out at the Capitol building until being dismissed by the EMT.
By having him help at the capital didn't it diminish his possible involvement with the bombing that the UE was trying to paint.

That extra scene with Alfred at the lakehouse while cool because I loved Irons as Alfred didn't make a lick of sense. :lol

The absolute worst scene in the entire movie was the Batmobile going into the under water entrance of the batcave, man did the cgi physics look horrible.

That car moved like an RC toy. :lol
Since I'd only seen the theatrical cut in 2D IMAX I decided to watch the 3D version last night. The 3D is actually very good. And now that I've seen the UE I'm shocked to realize that those rumors about WB panicking and demanding that Superman's scenes to be drastically reduced appear to be 100% correct. There's like 10 seconds of extra Bruce Wayne footage in the UE (shower butt shot and a couple extra moves in the warehouse fight) and NO new Wonder Woman scenes. Everything extra was Clark and Lois investigative work! They really butchered poor Hopeman. Of course they ironically made him even less likable by editing out important scenes like him helping out at the Capitol building until being dismissed by the EMT.

thats complete bull because there was SO much more other stuff that they could have cut out of the movie... there was a lot of little scenes that could have gone away.

this was Superman's sequel... the next chapter of his life before death.... wtf were they thinking
Really, I don't see the title being Man of Steel 2: More Superman.

You just know that during SDCC Hall H last Saturday that when Snyder, Affleck, Cavill and Gadot came out on stage they were all smiles but they were thinking "FU crows, Clown and DiFabio!"
By having him help at the capital didn't it diminish his possible involvement with the bombing that the UE was trying to paint.

Well WE knew that he had nothing to do with the bombing of course so there was never any mystery to play up for the audience. Yes him saving people does make it pretty stupid for anyone to publicly question his involvement but given that all I have to do is turn on CNN or The Today Show at this very moment to hear idiots passing off utter bull**** as "news" I'm reminded that it isn't that far-fetched. :lol
Really, I don't see the title being Man of Steel 2: More Superman.

You just know that during SDCC Hall H last Saturday that when Snyder, Affleck, Cavill and Gadot came out on stage they were all smiles but they were thinking "FU crows, Clown and DiFabio!"

i am nothing but a single drop in a sea of piss

everything said under this account is satire, Nothing said by Crows is to be taken seriously or literally. While internet humor might be hard to comprehend for some, Crows hopes that his posts are obvious enough for anyone reading to realize that they are meant as a joke
I like the imaginative head-canon of the defense attorneys.

I just hope Bob Iger sees the notes Khev's writing on his returned checks before the hearing....
Ive been silly enough over the years to prove my posts are satire. Im still being called blackmask for god's sake :lol :lol I always wonder if new people go "wtf is blackmask" whenever is typed :lol
Ive been silly enough over the years to prove my posts are satire. Im still being called blackmask for god's sake :lol :lol I always wonder if new people go "wtf is blackmask" whenever is typed :lol

Were you werewolfbeast too or was that somebody else?
Ive been silly enough over the years to prove my posts are satire. Im still being called blackmask for god's sake :lol :lol I always wonder if new people go "wtf is blackmask" whenever is typed :lol

:lol :lol

Is that the one when he sees the news broadcast about the bombing on TV?

Yup, if it made sense to you could you explain it to me. :lol
Yup, if it made sense to you could you explain it to me. :lol

They state in the extras (I think it's Zack Snyder himself) that the media is an unofficially "extra" character in the movie. Specifically how people are portrayed and how information is handled by the media. The only thing Batman knows about Superman is what he's seen in person (Metropolis and his building destroyed/people killed) and essentially what he's seen about Superman on TV. But you'll notice that he (intentionally) never sees the positive things Superman does.

While he's trying to steal info from Lex at that party and flirting with Diana, Superman rushes off to save that little girl from the fire. Bruce never sees that.

After the capitol explosion (which Bruce sees on TV in his office) Superman helps with the victims. Bruce never sees that. It's not even covered by the media.

And in that scene we're talking about, it's yet another scene that Bruce misses; the media stating that police now believe that former employee acted alone. But the news still jabs in that Superman MIGHT still be involved. But again it doesn't matter, because Bruce never sees that.

So everything Bruce Wayne knows about Superman is negative. And now (from Bruce's perspective) Superman just wiped out a committee that was questioning his actions. It plays into his fears and paranoia (which Lex amplifies with all those taunting notes) and that results in his drive to murk out Superman.

Best example of The media not giving "the truth" as much attention is Richard Jewel (think that's his name!?) who was accused of the Atlanta bombing. He was innocent. But most people (even to this day) don't realize it because when he was a suspect his face and name were plastered all over TV and newspapers. But when he was exonerated, that wasn't apparently important enough to get equal coverage. I think he even had to legally change his name because of it.
I guess Bruce is really the antagonist,

Yep, he's the "Zemo" of the story. The badass who witnessed superheroes fighting and destroying buildings around him and then made it his mission to kill the "good" one who survived the clash. He doesn't cross the line into killing innocents like Zemo but their motivations overlap just the same. Very fascinating to see a "hero" in that role.

but we root for him because Hopeman is so unlikable and boring.

But at least he isn't a smug prick in BvS. That was his greatest sin in Man of Steel IMO.