Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I notice Nolan does that here and there, Interstellar come to mind, don't really understand what his thinking is on that.

Also, don't forget how Batman not only stopped to listen to Cotillard as she hammed up her death scene, but then got a little love from Catwoman, all while a Goddamn Atomic Bomb (!) is ticking down.

I'm still wondering how Bruce Wayne's Orphan Eyes revealed his identity to Robbie Blake.

Thinking about TDKR is like dancing about architecture.
Yes, because Batman has never retired before and the trilogy had a well deserved happy conclusion...which doesn't feel depressing, like BVS...aparently.

The action sequences and even the fighting is miles better than Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and Batman Returns.

Good, better than listening to Bale.

I don't know what this means...but the "midget" looked the same height as Batman in most scenes :dunno

That honor goes to Boba Fett...along with the bad fighting choreography to make the scene even worst :lol

A real setting with thousands of extras >>>> Avengers fighting CGI catoons

Ok, it wasn't pretty, but the same goes for the Tumbler...and the Bat fits the style of the Tumbler and the rest of his it was way more practical than any vehicle he's ever had in any film so far.

Not even close :lol

The AOU group shot at the church was comic book cover gorgeous.

That big battle at the end of TDKR did not impress.

I did like the cinematography and soundtrack of TDKR though.
Forget for a second the hilariously dumb 8 year retirement and silly retiring again coffee shop ending.

The movie had horrible punching and kicking stunts for all to laugh at.

A soundtrack that cut out the vocals.

A hiding cut when the midget picked up Batman to break his back.

The worst death scene in cinematic history.

A revolution that made Occupy Wallstreet look like Afghanistan.

Worst Batwing in Batman history.

Worst Batman vocals in Batman history.

Ending battle that was very anticlimatic.

Yup, around the 12th spot. :lol

I liked the last battle and "The Bat" but holy **** I actually agree with you on pretty much everything else. :lol I thought I liked TDKR but now I think I'll go home and rethink my life.
I'm still wondering how Bruce Wayne's Orphan Eyes revealed his identity to Robbie Blake.

Thinking about TDKR is like dancing about architecture.

That's the one thing that I didn't like. :lol Blake should have been the little kid from Batman Begins....the one that was given a gadget by Batman. I could see that kid becoming a cop, doing some research on the origin of the gadget, and discovering Batman's identity that way. It was obvious.
I could see that kid becoming a cop, doing some research on the origin of the gadget, and discovering Batman's identity that way. It was obvious.

He chose....poorly.

I liked the last battle and "The Bat" but holy **** I actually agree with you on pretty much everything else. :lol I thought I liked TDKR but now I think I'll go home and rethink my life.

They ran towards each other and grappled with silly background punches. :lol

That's the one thing that I didn't like. :lol Blake should have been the little kid from Batman Begins....the one that was given a gadget by Batman. I could see that kid becoming a cop, doing some research on the origin of the gadget, and discovering Batman's identity that way. It was obvious.

I like this.

It didn't impress you I guess, but the Avengers fighting those cgi robots felt really fake....they had no weight to them...they would toss those things around like they weren't even there...because they weren't.

I like real believe me....but I appreciated the comic covers come to life in AOU.
I thought TDKR skated into the cheesy territory a bit ore often than I had anticipated. I thought Begins was overrated, but I loved the Dark Knight. Everybody loved it for Joker, and that's completely jusitifed, but I thought Batman was great in it. Plus Harvey Dent and the core group of actors were all top-notch. Then comes TDKR and I didn't like Bane (nor understand him much)m hated his outfit, I didn't like the the twist at the end at all, the ending felt like a cop out.

But, the chase sequence where Batman finally comes out of retirement still give me the chills.
The Avengers fighting those cgi robots felt really fake....they had no weight to them...they would toss those things around like they weren't even there...because they weren't.

I always found it weird they had those weird alien guns that barely did a thing. They shot cap and Widow I believe and all it did was knock them down :lol

The NYPD literally had better artillery than Thanos army.

Can't wait until Civil War comes out and I get to see walls of text full of acronyms for the 13 Marvel movies. It's like Ground Hog Day but not as fun or profound.
Oh, honestly I’m not even trying to **** on AOU, I really don’t remember the final battle.

Yeah, my dad hated the film. He's not a big super hero movie fan, although he enjoyed Ant Man, but he hated AOU. He's in his late 60's, so he hates CGI, especially the big battle scene because he felt like he was watching a it was messy and not very interesting or engaging. He also hated the Nolan Batman films, he thought TDK was boring to the point he fell asleep watching it :monkey2