1/6 Hot Toys - The Flash - Supergirl Collectible Figure

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A boy body looks to better suit her...

Figure aint happening if this movie continues to bomb so hard.

Sometimes Hot toys make figures for movies who bombed at the box_office like Hell boy, but it's clearly not good. It reminds me Shazam teaser.
This topic just makes me think about the argument of femininity or any sense of sexualisation being removed for female heroes.
The theory that female super suits are becoming increasingly unflattering and doing all they can to reject the notion of an 'idealised' female form- but it seems more logical for this character to appear as what one might describe as 'less developed' since I presume she's the stand-in for a Flash-Point version of Superman, who was utterly emaciated from lack of sun exposure. Plus, slim women exist- even if it is in lower numbers than ever before.
Other than things that didn't happen at all (e.g. Joker Imposter Suit, Iron Strange), what's the smallest screen time record for a Hot Toys figure? FFH Iron Man illusion?

Probably Midas in Iron Man 3 Lol. It's barely visible in a single shot, but it's identifiable.

Lol yeah I think the HPP IM armors take the cake :lol
How about speaking roles? Which figure that HT made that has the shortest speaking role? I am leaning towards Rescue? EG CM? NA Scarlet Witch doesn’t count as she had no lines in that outfit…

This Supergirl got more lines than those 2 for sure in their respective outfits.
How about speaking roles? Which figure that HT made that has the shortest speaking role? I am leaning towards Rescue? EG CM? NA Scarlet Witch doesn’t count as she had no lines in that outfit…

This Supergirl got more lines than those 2 for sure in their respective outfits.
I do think there can be a balance between the two, we just haven’t really found it yet in the movies especially recently. It seems to be one extreme or the other.

As for this Kara-I remember hearing way back when Supergirl was first announced to be in the movie that it was going to be more of a gender bent Superman role rather than a true Supergirl/Kara Zor-El since Cavill’s situation was up in the air. That appears to be pretty much what we got given that they didn’t change the timing from when she landed on earth nor her age. She was a pre-teen or proper teen when she landed rather than a baby like Superman, so technically should be in her mid to late 40s around the time Zod came given that Superman was 33 in Man of Steel. I can’t remember if she said in the movie what her current age was, but she looks to be no more than early to mid 20s, but I guess I could stretch that she's in her 30's since women are great at not looking their age. So, if she's Superman's age instead of being in her 40s like she should be in the timeline, then add in the short black hair instead of long blonde hair (even if this Supergirl sorta resembles Cir-El/Mia from the comics) and it seems to add up that she's a gender bent Superman to replace Cavill at his same, in-universe age, rather than a true Supergirl/Kara Zor-El. Nothing at all against the actress, though. She had a job, and did it fairly well. Strictly talking about the movie.

EDIT: It does make sense given there was even talk for a time of replacing all the men in the Justice League with their women counterparts having Gal's Wonder Woman leading the team of Calle's Supergirl, Leslie Grace's Batgirl, and Amber Heard's Mera with Ezra's Flash just going away.
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Or it could just be that women are tired of being objectified in genre movies, in the cringey way they often were in the past (Scarlett in the first Avengers or Megan Fox in Transformers come to mind)...
And thus, we are seeing the overcorrection of that era because Hollywood is unsure of how to portray a woman as both strong and sexy without triggering the blue haired Twitter mob so instead simply settle for making them strong and masculine.






Women, even young idealized fantasy women have had short hair, before now. :lol

1929 - What!?

1960s - No way!?

90s - Impossible!

Stop, you're confusing them.


Thank you. I’m aware that women have been getting haircuts for quite some time. Not the point I made at all.
The short hair just a minor facet of the current androgynous presentation and de-feminisation of women but go ahead and only focus on that.

This sort of response is the equivalent to if you went to a restaurant and complained that your pizza was cold and the chef said ‘People love eating cold pizza. Pretend you’ve just woken up with a hangover and get on with it.’

As usual, there’s no hope of having an objective and evaluative discussion around the topic because people invariably get caught in the stance of their ideological hive mind and can only view the subject through that lens.

The scales have tipped entirely away from objectification now but my view is that, as with most things, the middle ground is where we should be aiming for.
Shoot for the female equivalent representation of what Captain America received in The First Avenger; an idealised and aspirational physique, presented as impressive and desirable but not gratuitously so, not over-sexualised or lingered on for more than a second that lets you know- yep, that’s a super human. And most importantly, actually show the differences between male and female demeanours. Wonder Woman got it right.

I think maybe you have misconstrued exploitation and objectification with "celebration of the female form." Females come in lots of forms, with different hair and everything. If you aren't celebrating them all, well, that's exploitation and objectification.

You just portrayed exactly what I meant when I said ‘the thought of an idealised anything female as being discriminatory and oppressive’

What you’re defending is body-positivity nonsense that really doesn’t belong anywhere near superheroes.
Escapism doesn’t quite have the same appeal if the characters who are supposed to motivate us are all just greasy schlubs, reflective of the general population.

‘We need to celebrate ALL female forms or else we’re exploiting and objectifying them?’ Come on.
Celebrations should be reserved for achievements. Achievements take effort. Therefore, only physiques acquired through a degree of effort and hard work are worthy of celebration.
I celebrate Linda Hamilton’s dedication to transforming herself into a shredded warrior for T2 and roll my eyes at Florence Pugh’s announcement that she refuses to ever lose weight for a roll. You can justify not wanting to take the more difficult path with whatever virtue signalling, victim mentality you like- you’re still just being lazy.
Hamilton could have just said- ‘but Sarah’s been locked up and on a poor diet. Her spirits are probably really low so I believe she would have let herself go in that scenario. Therefore, I’ll be prepping for the role by eating Oreos and whipped cream on my sofa. This is my body and I need to feel comfortable in it.’ Schlubbiness is not empowering, admirable or desirable to anyone.

These super characters are supposed to be our physical and moral superiors. If we can’t acknowledge that there is a superior and ideal physical form or even generally more desirable traits in each sex (that are already well researched and documented cross culturally,) well, we’re probably in the same societal situation where we can’t actually define what a women is. So, yeah, we’re right where we should be then.
Let's hope there is eventually a figure to discuss.

The teaser followed by weeks, months or even years of radio silence is endlessly frustrating. Love to know why they do this. Just show the figure when it's ready to pre-order or not at all.