Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I'm guessing that, like in the Justice Lords universe, Superman will successfully transform Metropolis into a police state where any violation of law is met with lobotomization. Then, he'll expand his dictatorial reign to Gotham. Initially Batman will resist. And Batman will crush Superman in a fight. But then Batman will be tempted by the power to stop all crime, and will join Superman.

That would actually be a really awesome, ballsy twist; if this and the Superman Batman movie were actually setting up alternate universe versions of the characters as the villains for a JL film.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Seriously though, if they want to go so dark with Superman, and to take away the joy and wonder of the character while making the world more "gritty and realistic," then why not go all the way and embrace the corrupting influence of power? He's the most powerful man in the world, after all, and he's already flagrantly defied the will of the U.S. government, acting as if he is the moral authority. The more he flexes his muscles, the more he'll start to view humans as the ants they are in relation to him. The only ones who will be spared will be those who demonstrate their own form of strength and power--like Batman, Flash, etc.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Seriously though, if they want to go so dark with Superman, and to take away the joy and wonder of the character while making the world more "gritty and realistic," then why not go all the way and embrace the corrupting influence of power? He's the most powerful man in the world, after all, and he's already flagrantly defied the will of the U.S. government, acting as if he is the moral authority. The more he flexes his muscles, the more he'll start to view humans as the ants they are in relation to him. The only ones who will be spared will be those who demonstrate their own form of strength and power--like Batman, Flash, etc.
Sounds like a treatment with potential (scratching chin..).

Also - by the sound of that, Kal's only a goatee away from being a Zod-ite. :huh :lol
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

They wont turn Superman into a bad guy, Christopher Reeve won't allow it.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Sounds like a treatment with potential (scratching chin..).

Also - by the sound of that, Kal's only a goatee away from being a Zod-ite. :huh :lol
The biggest conflict for Superman moving forward should be his guilt over killing such a great visionary thinker.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)


****ing hell thats bad. But brilliant. Those bits always annoyed the **** out of me, but putting them all together is genius.
But as you said in the MOS thread, making comic book movies is not rocket science, right? :lol


Well, it's indeed not rocket science at all... but some do go to ridiculous lengths to try and reach that goal. :lol

Sounds like a DC cartoon movie.

:horror Befoul such thought. (Most of) the DC animated movies are great!

Nah, the plot is too sophisticated and complex, this is a sequel to MOS remember? Needs more macguffins, like a secret Fedex code that will allow some other robot dude to grow some new super girls.. or someit.
Begone, Goyer. :thwak

Seriously, though, it's obvious that WB is clinging to that guy simply because of his connection with Nolan. It's like an umbilical cord to their collective self-confidence.

Batman is the public. The dude just leveled a city and snapped a guy's neck. People are going to be afraid, and fear breeds paranoia, and paranoia breeds violence. I was wrong with the way I worded that; Batman doesn't need Superman to prove his worth, he needs him to prove Batman wrong.

Obviously, it will start out that Batman is distrustful of Superman, especially due to events in MOS. I hope there is even a scene where he scolds him for not stopping to rescue people at a Starbucks in the middle of his fight with Zod. :monkey1
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

The biggest conflict for Superman moving forward should be his guilt over killing such a great visionary thinker.
That's the thing too, he's still getting used to discovering his origins properly, & the first of his kind that he then encounters - he has to destroy.

That's gotta **** with your head a little. :monkey1
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I should clarify that I was not calling Batfan "witless," but the whole idea of this completely unnecessary "team-up." Or cage match, or whatever it is.

Why does Batman get a free pass? Perhaps Superman just killed someone, but batman is hardly a saints-and-angels kind of guy. Did he not burn a guy's house down with said guy still in it, as far as he knew? There he is, sneaking all over Gotham doing questionable things [tips hat to Roy Batty] and doing it so well that he had to actually disappear from public view for a while because the public was so nervous.

If anything, the public ought to send their new defender over to Gotham to roust out this shadowy menace and defeat him once and for all. But that would never do, because this is Batman's movie now and he now and forever holds all the cards.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Hopefully there's more to the new Batman than him simply being angry that he can't find things the whole time. ;)
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Obviously, it will start out that Batman is distrustful of Superman, especially due to events in MOS. I hope there is even a scene where he scolds him for not stopping to rescue people at a Starbucks in the middle of his fight with Zod. :monkey1

Twist: we didn't see Batman during the fight with Zod, because he was busy rescuing people behind the scenes. We're not seeing him until now, because he's spent the time spying on Superman (already knows his "secret" identity), studying his weaknesses, reverse-engineering Kryptonian technology, and training to beat him. When he's ready, he shows up to confront him, and let him know that this is his world, and he will play by his rules. Cue conflict.

Why does Batman get a free pass? Perhaps Superman just killed someone, but batman is hardly a saints-and-angels kind of guy. Did he not burn a guy's house down with said guy still in it, as far as he knew? There he is, sneaking all over Gotham doing questionable things [tips hat to Roy Batty] and doing it so well that he had to actually disappear from public view for a while because the public was so nervous.

The new Batman has appeared in nothing yet. Where would we have this information? Batman in MOS2 will be a completely new iteration, with backstory yet to be written.

If anything, the public ought to send their new defender over to Gotham to roust out this shadowy menace and defeat him once and for all. But that would never do, because this is Batman's movie now and he now and forever holds all the cards.

That's exactly like The Dark Knight Returns. I wouldn't mind seeing the reverse dynamic, as in Superman is the threat, and Batman comes to restore the status quo (of course, at his own behest, not the government's)

But then again, Batman could have been operating in secret all these years, and is just now beginning to step on law enforcement's toes. Apparently, Batman is such an awesome foe, that the combined might of the GCPD, FBI and US Military cannot contain him, and turn to Superman. But also, consider, this Batman would surely already know of the existence of Superman, and surely know the consequences of behaving in such a way that the powers that be would call on Superman to stop him. Why would he put Gotham, the city he supposedly protects, at risk, by drawing Superman, the city-destroying machine, there? Surely, he would bring the fight to him, or take it somewhere else, entirely. Or, maybe superheroes don't care enough about human life to do that anymore, which begs the question, what, then is Batman's problem with Superman? Is he just testing his strength to see if he's a worthy ally/adversary?

Also, Batman is always the man with the plan. He sees potential in Superman to contain devastating threats to this world. I actually wouldn't mind seeing Batman as the mentor in this aspect. Superman may be powerful, but he evidently lacks the combat prowess that a master strategist and tactician like Batman has (made obvious by his careless behavior in Man of Steel). This being said, Batman shows up to play the Morpheus to Superman's Neo - but not before a little Kung fu.
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Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)


Well, it's indeed not rocket science at all... but some do go to ridiculous lengths to try and reach that goal. :lol

:horror Befoul such thought. (Most of) the DC animated movies are great!

Begone, Goyer. :thwak

Seriously, though, it's obvious that WB is clinging to that guy simply because of his connection with Nolan. It's like an umbilical cord to their collective self-confidence.

Obviously, it will start out that Batman is distrustful of Superman, especially due to events in MOS. I hope there is even a scene where he scolds him for not stopping to rescue people at a Starbucks in the middle of his fight with Zod. :monkey1

There's an episode of BRAVE AND THE BOLD where Bats scolds the young Outsiders for causing collateral damage during a training session. It would be interesting to see if something similar is addressed.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

BRAVE AND THE BOLD was such a great, underrated show.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I think Joe could be good. He fits the age range and looks superhero imposing... never seen True Blood though.

Anybody think Alex O'Loughlin could work?
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Without any kind of story/script known at all, aren't some jumping the gun thinking this is going to be a "batman" movie?

we have no idea what it will be.

Batman fans want this to be Batman's movie, so that is most likely what it will end up being. I am just getting myself ready now, because what I want is the opposite of what movie studios end up giving me. [See: new Spider-man franchise.]

Someone else: The new Batman has appeared in nothing yet. Where would we have this information? Batman in MOS2 will be a completely new iteration, with backstory yet to be written.

If he's completely new, then I want to know how exactly he is going to be schooling Superman in anything. Besides, he has a long history in both the comics and movies of killing when he feels it is justified. From what moral high-point will he be lecturing Superman, who killed to stop a literally global threat? "I can off the Joker, but you.... you don't get to kill Zod. I do all the killing around here!"

Superman may be powerful, but he evidently lacks the combat prowess that a master strategist and tactician like Batman has (made obvious by his careless behavior in Man of Steel).

This was Superman's first rodeo, in which he had not one but THREE equally-powerful foes literally beating the bone marrow out of him. It is amazing he did as well as he did, for someone with little if any hand to hand combat experience.

I remember him on his back in the middle of the street in Smallville, with Faora and Nam-Ek standing over him beating him for all they were worth. Are you kidding? I am remembering small arms fire, missiles and three roid-ragingly furious Kryptonians all hammering him at once. And he came out of that in one piece.

I really, really REALLY! have a hard time believing that any human, no matter how smart or prepared, is going to school him in much of anything. I am sure Bats will come out on top regardless.... which is where my suspension of disbelief will finally snap and this franchise will drop from my radar.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

If he's completely new, then I want to know how exactly he is going to be schooling Superman in anything. Besides, he has a long history in both the comics and movies of killing when he feels it is justified. From what moral high-point will he be lecturing Superman, who killed to stop a literally global threat? "I can off the Joker, but you.... you don't get to kill Zod. I do all the killing around here!"

Completely new in a narrative sense, not new to being Batman. Also, I doubt he would be lecturing him from a moral standpoint, more of a practical standpoint, as in, "Look at this huge mess you've made, you G*****M rookie."

I really, really REALLY! have a hard time believing that any human, no matter how smart or prepared, is going to school him in much of anything. I am sure Bats will come out on top regardless.... which is where my suspension of disbelief will finally snap and this franchise will drop from my radar.

If Batman can't beat Superman, there is literally no point to the character. A Batman who isn't unexplainably superhuman has no place in the Justice League. Batman is the guy the Chuck Norris jokes are actually about. Period. Why can't you enjoy a good tall tale? Batman is pure fantasy. If you can't stomach this "mere human" beating a superpowered alien with only his wits, then he's just not for you. Maybe Nolan's version, but not Batman proper.
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Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

If Batman can't beat Superman, there is literally no point to the character. A Batman who isn't unexplainably superhuman has no place in the Justice League. Batman is the guy the Chuck Norris jokes are actually about. Period. Why can't you enjoy a good tall tale?
Batman's smarter than everyone else, and is the most competent tactician among the Leaguers. . .that's more than enough reason to warrant his being on the team, because those are strengths that can not be met matched purely by the ability to punch through a mountain. But you add to this the fact that he has no powers, and thus acts as a check on the League's potential ambitions and tendencies to view humans too distantly. Genuine heroes (if such are allowed to exist in the Goyer/Snyder-verse) would want such a person involved in order to reign in certain fascist tendencies.

And I'm not sure why his ability or inability to beat up on any other given character gives or takes away from a character's "meaning." It only seems fully necessary for this movie because they're calling the damn thing "Batman vs. Superman" or some such, and if Batman doesn't provide a credible threat of sorts then the title would be silly.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Man Of Steel 2: Season of the Bat

I really hope not.

When you do a news search on the batman casting, all the blogs are gushing either gosling or brolin. Heres one theme all these blogs have in common, "which one of these actors will be the lucky pick to rise to super stardom when they play batman". They are basically standing on batman's shoulders. The worst part is that dc seems to be employing the "lets see who is available tactic". They should try to follow the james cameron method, he keeps searching until he finds the perfect match even if it means casting a non recognizable actor.

But that doesn't mean they are focusing more on Batman for the movie. This is the consequences of Bale not wanting to reprise the role for the new movies.
Superman is already casted, they don't need to look for someone new. But Batman fans are very vocal, and the internet is going to explode if they don't like who is casted as the new Batman.

LOL @ Superman not important in his own movie!


That would be the stupidest thing they could do. I hope they wise up, and make a Superman movie for Superman fans.

As long as the characters act like emotionally bankrupt robots and spout dumb catch phrases that don't make any sense, we're good.

That's Marvel Studios style! :lol

I think that having Nolan build up the DC Universe will help DC Entertainment find their own style for movies. They don't need to copy everything the way Marvel Studios does.
I think that under Nolan, DC has a very realistic shot at surpassing Marvel in the movie field.

He in fact is not important in this film, which now belongs to Batman. Its All About The Bat.

I have to admit, if they cast someone like Ryan Gosling, or the aforementioned Ashton Kutcher I am going to laugh loud and long just out of sheer meanness. [Generally speaking]: You Batman fans want Bats taking over everything...? Cool beans. Hope you like what you see! lmao


I'm hoping they REALLY don't make this movie modeled after "The Dark Knight Returns". It's like everyone at DC Entertainment has forgotten that they also got many other classic stories besides that one. Some of them are Superman's even.

Would it really be so wrong to adapt "For the man who had everything"? It's a classic Superman story, it has Batman in it, but Superman is the star, and it features and awesome fight between Superman and a villain that has never been seen before by moviegoers.

This should be Superman's movie. Batman should be the antagonist. Batman should be all of the public's paranoia, fear, and anger, all rolled up into one ruthless, tactical, and agressive package. Superman wants to stop Batman, he needs to prove his worth to him.

Superman shouldn't need to prove anything to Batman. Rather, I can see how Batman would feel like Superman has something to prove to him. It's Batman's personality, he's authoritarian and thinks everyone should be at his service and under his vigilance and control.

...But why should Superman have to prove his worth to Batman, in what by rights should be his own movie? He should tell Batman to get the Hell back to Gotham and clean that place up before he decides to solve all Metropolis' problems too. Does Batman not already have enough on his plate?

This whole idea is just so damn witless.

Exactly, pretty much.

I'm guessing that, like in the Justice Lords universe, Superman will successfully transform Metropolis into a police state where any violation of law is met with lobotomization. Then, he'll expand his dictatorial reign to Gotham. Initially Batman will resist. And Batman will crush Superman in a fight. But then Batman will be tempted by the power to stop all crime, and will join Superman.

Why? To piss-off Superman fans on purpose? What sense would that make?

Batman is the public. The dude just leveled a city and snapped a guy's neck. People are going to be afraid, and fear breeds paranoia, and paranoia breeds violence. I was wrong with the way I worded that; Batman doesn't need Superman to prove his worth, he needs him to prove Batman wrong.

He needs prove nothing, and much less to Batman. If anything, we already seen in "Man of Steel" that the military already know that Superman is on the side of humanity.
That would only be Batman's ego making him wanting to take control of everything, like he always does in comics.

Seriously though, if they want to go so dark with Superman, and to take away the joy and wonder of the character while making the world more "gritty and realistic," then why not go all the way and embrace the corrupting influence of power? He's the most powerful man in the world, after all, and he's already flagrantly defied the will of the U.S. government, acting as if he is the moral authority. The more he flexes his muscles, the more he'll start to view humans as the ants they are in relation to him. The only ones who will be spared will be those who demonstrate their own form of strength and power--like Batman, Flash, etc.

Have we seen the same movie at all? He DEFENDED the military! And thay accepted him. He defied no one's authority. You're missing the point on what Superman is and represents, and the worst of all is that if fans don't understand what's so wrong with such ideas, Hollywood is going to make even worse.

I should clarify that I was not calling Batfan "witless," but the whole idea of this completely unnecessary "team-up." Or cage match, or whatever it is.

Why does Batman get a free pass? Perhaps Superman just killed someone, but batman is hardly a saints-and-angels kind of guy. Did he not burn a guy's house down with said guy still in it, as far as he knew? There he is, sneaking all over Gotham doing questionable things [tips hat to Roy Batty] and doing it so well that he had to actually disappear from public view for a while because the public was so nervous.

If anything, the public ought to send their new defender over to Gotham to roust out this shadowy menace and defeat him once and for all. But that would never do, because this is Batman's movie now and he now and forever holds all the cards.

I rather the made another Superman movie without Batman in it. Superman doesn't need having Batman as a co-star to sell tickets. Of course that both of them together under the same banner is going to sell even better than either of them separately, but then make it as a separate movie, and not one of Superman with Batman in it. This sucks a lot, really.
If it''s still a Superman movie, they should at least base it on a Superman story, and not on a Batman one.
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Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

That's Marvel Studios style! :lol

I think that having Nolan build up the DC Universe will help DC Entertainment find their own style for movies. They don't need to copy everything the way Marvel Studios does.
I think that under Nolan, DC has a very realistic shot at surpassing Marvel in the movie field.
Nope, there is about 50 times more emotional weight in the least of the Marvel U films (Iron Man 2?) than in Man of Steel. Apart from Jor-El, I didn't care about a single character in Man of Steel. The Goyer/Nolan team got it to work. Goyer/Snyder. . .no.

Have we seen the same movie at all?
He DEFENDED the military! And thay accepted him. He defied no one's authority. You'r missing the point on what Superman is and represents, and the worst of all is that if fans don't understand what's so wrong with such ideas, Hollywood is going to make even worse.
Apparently not if you didn't see the downed spy satellite thing and the "you're just going to have to trust me" lecture.