Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Why hasn't Carl joined the fun in this thread, yet? I need him to relay my Jon Hamm for Batman idea to Zack Snyder.:lol
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I don't know that taste comes into play when you've got guys shooting pregnant women, attempting rape, spraying down Vietcong with flamethrowers, and slicing a guy's brains with a butcher knife. :lol

They will fight. Batman will probably win. Because that would be the "cool" thing to do.

Those weren't exactly action sequences were they? :dunno I meant the prison fight, the fight vs Veidt, etc etc, those were tasteful and very cool looking.

That's what I worry about, they will make Batman's popularity win.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

That "vs" is really going to turn heads, but I really really hope they don't physically fight each other.

They will, I guarantee you that this is where Kryptonite makes it's appearance either in the ring or within some sort of weaponry and you'll see Bat armor or something of the like.


I wouldn't be shocked if the Kryptonite is synthetic and ties into the villain somehow and in the end you have Batman acquiring it, destroying it but keeping some as a just in case.

Edit: Since it's a MoS sequel, don't you think Superman should go 1st in the title? :lol

See I was thinking about this. Most of us logically jumped to Superman sequel because that is what is being reported. Snyder himself said it'd be "another Superman movie" but stayed away from sequel specifically. I wouldn't be entirely shocked if this is a one-shot kind of deal (with sequels that turn into "Superman/Batman" or something later on) and then a proper Superman sequel continues later on.

Sounds to me like it won't be a sequel so much as a cross-over where both characters are roughly equally important.

I wouldn't be entirely shocked if we never hear the term sequel actually used.

I didn't say that, they don't have to got small on the physicality, just don't make them fight each other physically, otherwise I'm almost sure they'll make Superman lose to Batman somehow, and I don't want another TDKReturns ending as much as I liked that book.

The somehow will be to showcase Batman's intelligence and it should be. I wouldn't be shocked if we see him armored up like this:


and the only way Batman really survives is because of it.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

If violent mayhem isn't "action" then I reckon I don't know what is. And he did the slow-mo thing followed by the fast-mo thing he did in 300. I guess that's more "tasteful" than Avid farts, but that is an inherently tasteless story. You just can't say that he tastefully filmed rape or murder of an unborn baby.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

If violent mayhem isn't "action" then I reckon I don't know what is. And he did the slow-mo thing followed by the fast-mo thing he did in 300. I guess that's more "tasteful" than Avid farts, but that is an inherently tasteless story. You just can't say that he tastefully filmed rape or murder of an unborn baby.

Watchmen is so tasteful that i'm showing it to my grand parents after they finish with On Golden Pond, I hope the dudes junk doesn't bother them too much. :rotfl
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)


Didn't they say that there was no kryptonite in this universe? Or just in MoS?

Plus, in TDKR Batman didn't really win, he just slowed down Supes with the help of green arrow, he had to fake his death to stop the fight.

I read somewhere that out of 11 fights between to 2 of them Bats has only "won" 2 and one of them was TDKR.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

If violent mayhem isn't "action" then I reckon I don't know what is. And he did the slow-mo thing followed by the fast-mo thing he did in 300. I guess that's more "tasteful" than Avid farts, but that is an inherently tasteless story. You just can't say that he tastefully filmed rape or murder of an unborn baby.

You definitely don't have a clue what action is then, I guess Hostel or The human centipede were action movies then?

And I didn't say that did I? Could you please stop putting words in my mouth? I was clearly referring to the mentioned fight scenes, why try to distort my words?

Watchmen? A tasteless story? Mhm oookay. :cuckoo:
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

What do you mean by "taste," exactly? Would would be the tasteless way to shoot those scenes?
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Have Oliver shoot the Kryptonite arrow!!! And then spin off to a green arrow movie!!!!! :panic::panic::panic: :monkey2:monkey2 Awesomnesss
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Yeah. Imply it. That would be the best way to do it tastefully.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I was hoping we'd get a Superman trilogy, but now it seems that is very unlikely. IMO this needs to still be a sequel that "features" Batman.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Honestly, I don't want Supes and Batman on-screen together, until the Justice League movie.

Regardless, I hope this delivers.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I was hoping we'd get a Superman trilogy, but now it seems that is very unlikely. IMO this needs to still be a sequel that "features" Batman.


I would've liked at least another Supes movie before the vs/team-up movie.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I was hoping we'd get a Superman trilogy, but now it seems that is very unlikely. IMO this needs to still be a sequel that "features" Batman.

Not a personal attack, just an observation of fandom, in general: But why does every franchise need to be a damn trilogy these days? Why not just make a continuous series of quality films, like Bond? With these characters, you have 50-75 years of material to pull from. Why limit yourself to three films and redoing the origin every few years?

They're finally giving us a Batman/Superman movie, and people are whining like babies that they want to see another solo, Supes vs Lex movie. Especially after one with General ****ing Zod, of all villains.


People seem to forget that Superman and Batman have existed in the same universe far longer than they have as individual characters. Even in some of their best "solo" stories, the "other guy" makes regular appearances (THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, DEATH IN THE FAMILY, WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE MAN OF TOMORROW, DEATH AND RETURN OF SUPERMAN, etc.)

After the apocalyptic destruction in MOS, there isn't much you can do to top that action, without repeating it. Bringing in Batman to clean up the mess and establish the greater DC universe certainly makes the most sense to me.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I think it will be cool to see a Zack Snyder Trilogy, him direct all 3 films, his vision, and Superman is the touchstone of the entire saga, hes the main character, and everyone one else is coming into HIS world. I grew up on Smallville so i enjoyed seeing them bring in random dc characters and interact with clark. Same can be said for Nolans trilogy besides being to isolated in reality.

Man of Steel, Superman VS Batman or whatever they call it, and then Justice League. That will take 10 years so after that ill see where they can go.