My issues with KOTCS

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You guys keep reminding me of how bad the Marion scenes were in KOTCS. :lol It's almost like she was in an SNL skit with Jimmy Fallon and couldn't stop laughing but they just kept filming anyway.

Yeah, it's brutal. Watching RAIDERS twice recently I was amazed that it's the same actress (albeit 30 years later). She's great in RAIDERS. Makes her turn in KOTCS even more WTF.
It's clear that KOTCS was never intended to be a serious film, yet we expected it to be. KOTCS=TPM, IMO

I respect TPM more than I do KOTCS. For one KOTCS had Spielberg involved, come ON, that should have counted for something. :lol

And for another TPM had the same unapologetic balls that TOD did. It really owned the fact that they were going for broke with Jar Jar, kids, new revelations about the Force and so on. It wasn't just Indy fighting yet ANOTHER caravan with Russians playing Nazis, no TPM went crazy with Battle Droids, double bladed Sith warriors, pod racers and so on. Sure it was more miss than hit but in spite of itself it has an enduring charm that KOTCS just doesn't have. I saw Crystal Skull in the theaters and watched it maybe twice on blu-ray and now just can't really be bothered to sit through it again.
I respect TPM more than I do KOTCS. For one KOTCS had Spielberg involved, come ON, that should have counted for something. :lol

And for another TPM had the same unapologetic balls that TOD did. It really owned the fact that they were going for broke with Jar Jar, kids, new revelations about the Force and so on. It wasn't just Indy fighting yet ANOTHER caravan with Russians playing Nazis, no TPM went crazy with Battle Droids, double bladed Sith warriors, pod racers and so on. Sure it was more miss than hit but in spite of itself it has an enduring charm that KOTCS just doesn't have. I saw Crystal Skull in the theaters and watched it maybe twice on blu-ray and now just can't really be bothered to sit through it again.

RAIDERS: 10/10

TOD: 8.5/10

TLC: 7/10

KOTCS: 6/10

That's a pretty steady pattern of diminishing quality, actually. :( Though I must admit I had TLC lower (just above and almost tied with KOTCS) before seeing it with an audience again this past weekend. That gave me some new appreciation for it.

Also want to point out that the worst INDY film is still better than any crap Stephen Sommers Mummy movie, National Treasure, Tomb Raider, ad naseum.
Also want to point out that the worst INDY film is still better than any crap Stephen Sommers Mummy movie, National Treasure, Tomb Raider, ad naseum.

Yep, for "period adventure movies" only PJ's King Kong, POTC, and CA:TFA can hang with Indy (though none of them match the perfection of Raiders obviously.)
It's clear that KOTCS was never intended to be a serious film, yet we expected it to be. KOTCS=TPM, IMO, geared to another generation of kids to introduce them to the world of Indiana Jones, much like SW. For me, it was alot easier accepting the faults of the other films because I saw Raiders from the get-go and then grew up right alongside the other movies. Then there's this huge time gap with KOTCS and I'm sitting there going wtf? Lucas was saying to veteran Indy fans, you grew up with Indy, now take your kids to see this one. KOTCS wasn't meant for me. I get that and because of that, I can easily let it go.

I agree. I was fully expecting the tone we got with KOTCS. I feel LC was pretty similar in tone, so I had that to clue me in. Add to that the SW prequels, I totally expected the movie to be very light and fluffy. I think that helped me enjoy KOTCS much better. I still like this one more than I do LC, which could be because LC was such a crushing disappointment to me when it came out in 89.
Well, I don't consider TPM to have any charm. But that's just me. I don't give a second thought to any of the SW prequels. Then again, I don't feel that any of those films where directed toward me as an adult SW fan.

I think back to how my parents felt about the Indy series. They went to see Raiders and loved it and introduced it to me. Then ToD came out. I remember them saying how disappointed they were in it, but I loved it. I was forever hooked as an Indy fan. Then LC came out. They thought it was OK, but not as good as Raiders. But they accepted it because they enjoyed Connery (an actor they could connect with because they grew up watching him as Bond). You don't want to know what they said about KOTCS. :lol I look at KOTCS the way my parents looked at ToD and LC.

I respect TPM more than I do KOTCS. For one KOTCS had Spielberg involved, come ON, that should have counted for something. :lol

And for another TPM had the same unapologetic balls that TOD did. It really owned the fact that they were going for broke with Jar Jar, kids, new revelations about the Force and so on. It wasn't just Indy fighting yet ANOTHER caravan with Russians playing Nazis, no TPM went crazy with Battle Droids, double bladed Sith warriors, pod racers and so on. Sure it was more miss than hit but in spite of itself it has an enduring charm that KOTCS just doesn't have. I saw Crystal Skull in the theaters and watched it maybe twice on blu-ray and now just can't really be bothered to sit through it again.
I respect TPM more than I do KOTCS. For one KOTCS had Spielberg involved, come ON, that should have counted for something. :lol

And for another TPM had the same unapologetic balls that TOD did. It really owned the fact that they were going for broke with Jar Jar, kids, new revelations about the Force and so on. It wasn't just Indy fighting yet ANOTHER caravan with Russians playing Nazis, no TPM went crazy with Battle Droids, double bladed Sith warriors, pod racers and so on. Sure it was more miss than hit but in spite of itself it has an enduring charm that KOTCS just doesn't have. I saw Crystal Skull in the theaters and watched it maybe twice on blu-ray and now just can't really be bothered to sit through it again.

TPM is far better the KOTCS. Of course that is no hard task.

TPM is also the best of the PT IMO. Due to the fact that it had the least CG thus making it feel the most like an old SW film. It also had Pod racing and Darth Maul saber duels which were the best things in any of the PT films.
Marion is a casualty of bad writing and atrophied acting skills.

If Lucas and Spielburg were serious about fixing Indy or Star Wars they would hire Lawrence Kasdan.
Yeah, it's brutal. Watching RAIDERS twice recently I was amazed that it's the same actress (albeit 30 years later). She's great in RAIDERS. Makes her turn in KOTCS even more WTF.

I really feel the blame lies with Spielberg and the script. Steven could have tried to get a better preformance out of her or ask for some re writes as there really was not much for her to do. I think they got out of her what they wanted. They wanted a family friendy Rom/Com adventure film and So Karen delivered a preformance fitting for those kind of films.

I mean watch the new Special features on the Indy Blu ray and watch how much SS works with Karen Allen on the drinking scene. I bet you there was no such attempts at fleshing out the character or the scenes in KOTCS.
I haven't watched much Clone Wars. I liked the Gendy Tartakovsky stuff, don't care about the newer 3d stuff.

I'm tired of watching them fill in spaces between the PT and OT. I'm done acting suprised at being told what happened between A and C. It's always going to be B.

If I ever meet George I'd like to say "Episode VII or GTFO."
I really feel the blame lies with Spielberg and the script. Steven could have tried to get a better preformance out of her or ask for some re writes as there really was not much for her to do. I think they got out of her what they wanted. They wanted a family friendy Rom/Com adventure film and So Karen delivered a preformance fitting for those kind of films.

I mean watch the new Special features on the Indy Blu ray and watch how much SS works with Karen Allen on the drinking scene. I bet you there was no such attempts at fleshing out the character or the scenes in KOTCS.

Yeah, of course ultimately it would be Steven's responsibility to get a good performance out of his actors. But I think it also shows how uninvested and uncommitted Steven was to the movie. Truly a gun for hire situation.
For me:

Raiders - 10/10
TOD - 9/10
TLC - 10/10
KOTCS - 6/10

I can go with this although Id give KOTC maybe a 5 because I think I liked exactly half of the film. The second half is so bad I can't even bear to watch the first half anymore. We may feel the same about LC because were close in age. I was born in 84 so I initially watched LC as a kid. Right around the same time I saw Batman and T2 a few years later so all those movies mean a lot to me.

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