My issues with KOTCS

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Completely agree with every word of the original post and have made many of those points myself. I agree the film is good up to a certain point and then it just gets boring/annoying.

I don't know why Shia LeBeouf (sp?) gets a hard time over this, he's just an older Shortround, I don't see the problem - but Marion, Marion comes in and ruins the whole thing with all the smiling and somehow knowing they'll escape every certain-death situation.

If the characters don't think they're in mortal peril theres no tension for the audience even if the expectation always was that no major character would die.
Oh yeah. And I don't care what anyone says. Short Round RULES!! He should have been at the wedding in the end of KOTCS.

I blame the writer David Koepp. 95% of his work is ****.

Raiders = great cinema for all ages
TOD = great adventure for ages over 13
TLC = ok film for ages over 60 (just not edgy enough)
KOTC = meh, film for kids 5-13 (no guts and stupid corny dialogue and "written" scenes - all seems forced)

and i hate Mac - character/actor/motivation
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After he says "Right..All of Us" and the the Slave Children crusade music starts and we see Indy's silhouette, I still to this day get goosebumps!! I just got goosebumps again thinking of this scene!

Yeah, me too. That is definitely one of the most badass movie moments of all time.

I also love that after the Indy reveal you just hear [punch!: punch!:] and then see the Thugee guard slide about 20 feet across the gravel. :rock
I llove TOD because TOD is a kick ass take no prisoners action film.

OK, I won't say that you've sipped from the black sleep, but just don't forget...

Pat Roach dropping the rock on his own head, then begging for help before being crushed...
The intercutting between Indy explaining the cult and Willie mugging over nasty food...
Intercutting Indy punching with Short Round punching prince...
Card scene intercut with Willie screaming at jungle animals on and on...

In fact, there's a lot of annoying intercutting in this film.

Admittedly, TOD is a long way from the outright gag-laden TLC, but it's path is clearly being steered toward the inevitable bufoonery that TLC incorporated with Henry, Marcus and even Indy at times (like the fact he would think wearing a tie for Dad is appropriate). Humor had replaced genuine excitement, thrills or adventure.

If schtick has a name, it must be... Henry Jones, Jr.
The intercutting between Indy explaining the cult and Willie mugging over nasty food...
Intercutting Indy punching with Short Round punching prince...
Card scene intercut with Willie screaming at jungle animals on and on...

Those are all great!

I particularly remember watching TOD as a 12 year old on opening day in the theater and wanting to punch that maharajah punk right along with Short Round. :hi5:
Those are all great!

I particularly remember watching TOD as a 12 year old on opening day in the theater and wanting to punch that maharajah punk right along with Short Round. :hi5:

I'll give you the Short Round one, but even back in the day I found the Willie cutaways very annoying. Along with her perm. The only one I liked was the cutting between the spike room and Willie with the bugs all over her.

Maharajah... "Remember, you must take the left tunne--" PUNCH!!!!
This thread automatically reminded me of one of our old discussions about this film...

I was very mad after leaving the theater seeing KOTCS, I was very disappointed in it... but after watching it several times when it came out on DVD, I found it easier to accept some of the differences and enjoyed it. I still think they went overboard with the CG but I guess that's just a sign of the times as most action/sci fi movies do.

It's my least favorite in the series but I find myself enjoying them all for different reasons. I'm ready for a new one.
OK, I won't say that you've sipped from the black sleep, but just don't forget...

Pat Roach dropping the rock on his own head, then begging for help before being crushed...
The intercutting between Indy explaining the cult and Willie mugging over nasty food...
Intercutting Indy punching with Short Round punching prince...
Card scene intercut with Willie screaming at jungle animals on and on...

In fact, there's a lot of annoying intercutting in this film.

Funny thing is that every example you gave.... I either dont mind or really Like.

I LOVE the intercutting between Indy and Short Round punching the exact same way (got goosebumps again) Love how the Indy theme repeates itself there. I love that Short Round is a little Indy clone. How can you not love that :)

I think I am one of the few that has no real issues with Willie. She screams to much but I like her just fine and she is much better then the TLC female lead. But I like the Dinner gross out scenes and the Jungle scene. "The trouble with her is the noise"

As for Pat Roach dropping the rock on his own head, then begging for help before being crushed. I don't mind that either. I mean he screams before being chopped up by a plane in the orginal why would he not scream for his life in Temple. :) Dropping the rock does not bother me because it is when he is aware that he has been grabbed by the grinder.

My Issues with Temple tend to be some of the editing. There are scenes that you can tell have been cut and are missing parts (the whip fight with the two swords men are a great example) but overall I love this film and it's a 4.5 out of 5 for me.

It's not Raiders but then again what is? However I love that it is so much different then the original. It is also the only sequal were I really believe that Indy is the same Indy from Raiders.
Willie used to annoy the hell out of me too when I was younger. But eventually I realized that she is right out of the serialized pulp films that these films homage. Probably more than any other character, actually.

It's not Raiders but then again what is? However I love that it is so much different then the original. It is also the only sequal were I really believe that Indy is the same Indy from Raiders.

Then again, some people here think Goonies is brilliant. All depends on your age when you see something.

My Issues with Temple tend to be some of the editing. There are scenes that you can tell have been cut and are missing parts (the whip fight with the two swords men are a great example) but overall I love this film and it's a 4.5 out of 5 for me.

I know, I always wondered what happened to the scene when Mola Ram says "Do no do that" and there's blood on his forehead.... it's like some momentary fight scene got cut.
It is also the only sequal were I really believe that Indy is the same Indy from Raiders.

That is very true.

And although I'm beating up on Temple right now, I do like the film very much and feel it is a very worthy sequel -- as sequels go -- to Raiders. And Mola Ram is probably the best overall villain in the series (although my heart belongs to the creep, Toht).
I know, I always wondered what happened to the scene when Mola Ram says "Do no do that" and there's blood on his forehead.... it's like some momentary fight scene got cut.

you mean after Indy spits the blood of Kahli back at him?

I always thought there was a scene in TOD when Shorty escapes and used the torch to burn/wake one of his captors and two other guards escort him away - this is why Shorty knows that flame will wake Indy. Did this never happen? I saw a sneak preview, could it have been removed for the actual release?
Then again, some people here think Goonies is brilliant. All depends on your age when you see something.

I would tend to agree. Perhaps I am more willing to give TOD a pass on some things. I just know that I don't with other films from my childhood.

I loved ORCA when I was a kid. I can still watch it. But I know it's bad. That is what I call nostalgia. I look at the film somewhat foundly because of my love for it as a child but I am not going to fool myself into thinking it's good.

TOD without question leaves me with feeling of nostalgia. Seeing it in a sold out theater, collecting all the mags with Indy on the cover, the poster books, having my first whip and hat, etc....

But I can sit and watch TOD and be entertained and still find the film to be a great one. It's far from perfect but what it does it does well.
Then again, some people here think Goonies is brilliant. All depends on your age when you see something.

See I don't think that is the case with TOD. As I said I thought it was a letdown after Raiders. The monkey brains, mine cart, and bridge were cool but it wasn't until AFTER TLC that I really *got* just how awesome TOD is.

Did TLC's weaknesses help that along? Probably. But TOD certainly isn't coasting on childhood nostalgia for me. 1984 was all about Gremlins and Red Dawn for me.
See I don't think that is the case with TOD. As I said I thought it was a letdown after Raiders. The monkey brains, mine cart, and bridge were cool but it wasn't until AFTER TLC that I really *got* just how awesome TOD is.

Did TLC's weaknesses help that along? Probably. But TOD certainly isn't coasting on childhood nostalgia for me. 1984 was all about Gremlins and Red Dawn for me.

Gremlins :clap

Hard for me to sit through that one anymore but my kids love it.

Was never a fan of Red Dawn. Great idea. Poor execution IMO. Red Dawn was the first PG-13 film ever right?? That rating being created because of TOD.
Lucas does a Special Edition of everything else. How about a version of Temple where Willie is mute? Digitally replace her hands so she uses sign language. That would fix about 90% of my problems with the film.

Strangely enough I hated Temple when it first came out. I re-watched it about a year ago and I'm surprised at how much I like it now. It's not a perfect movie, but Harrison is better in that film than anything in the last 10 or 15 years.