Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I'll take TLJ over BVS.

BVS is so boring and tries to be artsy and deep, but it fails.

TLJ makes fun of itself, like it knows it's a piece of ****. It's the Commando of the SW franchise.
^ too fat. :lol


I'll take BVS, which at least tries to be interesting and artistic, over pseudo-autistic SWTLJ.
The last jedi made me much more angry.
The last jedi ruined luke much more than bvs ruined any of their characters.

Leia flying is much more cringe worthy than Martha!
Lol it’s not even close all the dcu movies are better then tlj except maybe Suicide squad. I feel sorry for young boys these days they have no Star Wars role model figures to idenitify with. Star Wars is telling them they are bad or evil like kylo and hux, that they can’t be redeemed or saved. There wasn’t a single male figure that was portrayed in a positive light, they all were shown to have massive flaws. The worst part was the character assasination of Luke Skywalker.. the symbol of hope, the naive kid who saw the good in people, who was willing to sacrifice his own life to save his friends and his evil father because he believed so deeply he could be turned back to the light, with love and compassion. Who ultimately succeeded in turning his father back to the light, the first time this this had ever been done before based on what obi wan and yoda said in the earlier movies (and why they thought Luke had to kill Vader). Was turned into a weirdo cynic that actually contemplated killing his young nephew, who had done nothing at that point but have dark thoughts. Wtf?? Why would luke all of sudden foresake all of his beliefs and everything he had learned, and give up on kylo after he already succeeded once before bringing his father back to the light? Why because Star Wars isn’t a movie for boys anymore it’s a movie for girls, maybe that’s ok, if that was their agenda so be it, but they did it in the most shameful way possible and at the expense of all the young boys out there who also need good role models and heroes to look up too.
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Saw it again this morning, what a great film

Decided to wash the bad taste out of my mouth after watching this clip earlier this morning .... and i thought this was the single best part of the entire movie.... and giving it a second look, its cheap looking and horribly acted by everyone in it.

Saw it again this morning, what a great film

Decided to wash the bad taste out of my mouth after watching this clip earlier this morning .... and i thought this was the single best part of the entire movie.... and giving it a second look, its cheap looking and horribly acted by everyone in it.

Lol thanks for posting that its better than any scene in the last jedi.. end of discussion. Rey and kylos BALLROOM dance scene with the red guards has nothing on it.
Saw it again this morning, what a great film

Decided to wash the bad taste out of my mouth after watching this clip earlier this morning .... and i thought this was the single best part of the entire movie.... and giving it a second look, its cheap looking and horribly acted by everyone in it.

That was a cool sequence.