Star Trek: Discovery

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I watched Star Trek Beyond the other night for only the second time. One hell of a contrast to Undiscovered Country. Man that zippy pace seemed so fresh in the 09 film but the novelty did not last long at all - Into Darkness was terrible, Beyond is no better. And Star Trek '09 didn't stand up with repeat viewings. The cliche is true, they really don't make 'em like they used to.

Didnt the lens flares hold your attention?
I watched Star Trek Beyond the other night for only the second time. One hell of a contrast to Undiscovered Country. Man that zippy pace seemed so fresh in the 09 film but the novelty did not last long at all - Into Darkness was terrible, Beyond is no better. And Star Trek '09 didn't stand up with repeat viewings. The cliche is true, they really don't make 'em like they used to.

You should really put the final nail in the coffin by watching Into Darkness and Wrath of Khan back to back...yikes.
Beyond holds a special place for me- it is the ONLY movie I ever almost fell asleep in- the only one!!!
Did they? Last I heard (not long ago) Tarantino was helming it. Might actually be fun!

No...Tarantino was never helming the 4th movie. The 4th movie was being developed with a time travel plot line involving Kirk's father. Tarantino's movie is a completely separate entity.
I liked the Kevin timeline as well. Hopefully they get their act together and make the fourth movie.
However, I still think Star Trek is better suited to TV series.
Another excellent episode last night and if the rumors and speculation about what season 2 seems to be building up to are true the series will occupy a very consequential place in the over-all Star Trek canon.
I enjoyed the episode.

Me too. I get why some people don't like the show given what we generally expect from a Star Trek series. But while Discovery isn't a traditional Trek, it has become pretty entertaining at this point and with excellent production values to boot. so I'm happy enough with it. I do think Michael is almost a lost cause at this stage (in terms of being interesting and/or likable) But at least they are trying a bit harder with her character lately.... And I have no idea how long they can retain Pike without altering Canon, but I like Anson Mounts version of him a lot.
I must have missed an episode somewhere... I don't recall the Po and Tilly story line at all. Anyone know which episode that was?

It was one of the Short Treks shorts that were released after Season 1 prior to the start of Season 2.
Ahh, cool thanks. Knew I hadn't seen her before.

I'd try to watch them, might be helpful. The first one was about Po, the second introduced more of Saru's backstory on Kelpia that they explored earlier this season (and his sister), and the third...well, it seems to me like this last episode hinted toward that one playing a role pretty soon. No spoilers from me though.

The only one that's pretty much disposable is the last, about Harry Mudd. Though it is a pretty fun episode that ties back to TOS.
The finale was pretty good, however I do wonder where they’ll be taking the series from here.

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