Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon

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I want to add as well that this trailer conveys a sense of seriousness/realism (e.g., this is what it would look and feel like if this could be actually exist), grandeur, and sheer kinetic energy that honestly Star Wars has lacked for a long time.
Well of this sucks then I’m sure we haven’t seen the actual cut of it and he will lobby his fans to cry to netflix for the “real” movie .
There will be an extended edition for each film released eventually. Same sort of idea as Peter Jackson releasing the extended cuts of the LotR films. No one will have to “cry to Netflix” for them, lol.
It'd never work.
Eh, lose but majorly winning from meta viewer perspective doesn't quite count.

Welcome to every derivative sci-fantasy trope and visual, regurgitated and repackaged so gen. wha⚧ever can randomly apply the word Epic! Should be pop fun. :lol

Looks like the usual Zack Snyder style over substance cgi fueled convoluted mess. Like Marmite Snyder fans will love it the rest will hate it I assume. I will watch simply due to lack of any original sci fi / space fantasy of late but don't have hopes high.
Welcome to every derivative sci-fantasy trope and visual, regurgitated and repackaged
Looks like the usual Zack Snyder style over substance cgi fueled convoluted mess.

And Disney turned this down. Disney!

Sci-Fi Fantasy has become so common, derivative and tedious. It all looks like Star Wars. All of it (as Han would say)! We're so overdue for the next Great Leap (like Star Wars did back in 1977) to blow us all away... but I fear we're still a decade or two away from that innovation.
And Disney turned this down. Disney!

Sci-Fi Fantasy has become so common, derivative and tedious. It all looks like Star Wars. All of it (as Han would say)! We're so overdue for the next Great Leap (like Star Wars did back in 1977) to blow us all away... but I fear we're still a decade or two away from that innovation.
It sounds like from what Zack Snyder has said, this movie is an homage to all the fantasy-adventure genre movies that inspired him, struck a deep chord in him, etc., when he was a kid through young adult. And in that sense it doesn’t appear to be looking to break new ground, i.e., it’s not trying to revolutionize the sci-fi genre or anything like that.
While i’m all for new shiny things we are creatures of habit afterall.

I repeat my favorite foods over and over and over nothing wrong with that, don’t fix what ain’t broken.

If ZS wants to give me grilled steak i’ll take it!

I’ve had millions of grilled steaks before his steak but it doesn’t mean i’m not looking forward to his upcoming steak.

Now that I think about it ZS Cavill Superman was the best steak i’ve ever had!
Bah! All that money. All that effort. All that time. Try something new. It doesn't have to reinvent everything... but dammit, just try a few things. New spaceship designs maybe? Different clothing? Stay away from desert-scapes? Stay away from "The Chosen One" storyline? Try some new droids? Don't use lightsabers?

I could do this all day....
'Homage' is often Hollywood's way of justifying 'Plagiarism'.

Well, there’s nothing new under the sun. The same myths and archetypes get used over and over for a reason. How many ideas are truly original? The thought you just expressed has surely been expressed before. True innovations in human thought are pretty rare. Anyway, I thinking you’re setting up a straw man there that its overly derivative. Everything is.
Bah! All that money. All that effort. All that time. Try something new. It doesn't have to reinvent everything... but dammit, just try a few things. New spaceship designs maybe? Different clothing? Stay away from desert-scapes? Stay away from "The Chosen One" storyline? Try some new droids? Don't use lightsabers?

I could do this all day....

It’s fine to have this reaction and to express it. But it definitely doesn’t define what Snyder has done as good or bad. It’s just not what you personally want from a sci-fi film that’s being marketed as the next big franchise.

George Lucas has given many interviews over the years explaining how incredibly derivative A New Hope is. Look at this list of inspirations that Lucas drew upon for that film: Star Wars sources and analogues - Wikipedia. (Seriously, it’s worth sifting through!) He first wanted to remake Flash Gordon, essentially. It mushroomed from there. Anyway, Star Wars is a hodgepodge in the same way that you’re criticizing Rebel Moon.

Snyder is very much into commenting on genres, he does it all the time. For example, BvS is deconstruction very much in the spirit of Watchmen which is itself a commentary on superhero mythology. What that mythology means to Alan Moore and to Zack Snyder, respectively, is quite different. They agree on some things and disagree on others. But anyway, I think with Rebel Moon Snyder may be saying something like what I’m observing: we do in fact use the same mental templates over and over, for reasons that C.G. Jung and Joseph Campbell identified. Like, yes, mythology gets retold over and and over! There’s also a sense in which creatives themselves, personally, are always retelling similar themes that matter most to them over and over.

I’m looking at the film that way, so it’ll be satisfying to me I’m sure. But if what you wanted was something fresh that we’ve never seen before, then yeah, it’s probably not going to be so great for you. Those of us that can appreciate the film that’s actually there, and are able to appreciate it for what it actually is, should be eatin’ good though!
The difference I think, is that George took all those existing ingredients that usually aren't used together and loosely followed a guide to making curries and created a brand new dish that became an instant classic, something that everyone agreed was amazing (sure, his assistant chef had to add some seasoning before serving but it was still largely Lucas' dish). To this day, despite the new management really lowering the quality of the food considerably the restaurant still remains open and still has queues of folk waiting to order the next dish.

Zack so far has not done a lot of great dishes (many gave me the runs) and this new one just looks like the same sweet and sour chicken dish every takeaway does, just with maybe fresher veg and a side of fish fingers instead of prawn crackers. Nothing ground breaking as far as I can tell. Sure, I won't not eat some sweet and sour chicken but I can get that pretty much anywhere and have eaten it hundreds of times, I am hoping for something else, either a different dish not available everywhere (like a good spiced shredded pork and aubergine dish) or just something others already serve but so well made with the highest quality ingredients that it becomes akin to a new dish, on another level entirely, and judging by the smell it ain't that.

Wor Gar was saying just that, all the ingredients for something better are there but what was assembled from them is uninspiring. That isn't saying it is bad, just that it will likely fade into the background with the dozens of other takeaways offering the exact same thing, and so will likely fail to keep the new business in business long. His last place, City DC Wok, wasn't amazing and closed down (would have been better if every dish wasn't dowsed in BBQ sauce. Sure some love it but not enough people) and this new place he has opened seems to have the exact menu every other takeaway has.
Alatar loves Snyder and, despite his eloquent manner, often can't see the forest for the trees. It's fine. The generic response that "everything's been done" is often used as an excuse for the unoriginal.

I mean no disrespect to Alatar, he's always been nice, thoughtful and well-spoken, so I hope the above isn't read as harshly as it may sound.
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