Star Wars: Ahsoka

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Johnny Utah

Which one of them would reach him first
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Jul 21, 2007
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After making her first live-action appearance in Chapter 13 of The Mandalorian, Ahsoka Tano is now the focus of a brand new Disney+ series, starting Rosario Dawson as the former padawan of Anakin Skywalker.
The only new show that we didn?t know about that has any real promise.

IDK if I'm ready to discount the other shows just yet but I agree this one holds great promise, as it apparently picks up right after Rebels.

I know she wasn't in Rebels but I'd love to see a live action Assajj Ventress show up at some point.
Has anyone else heard the theory that in Rebels if you haven't watched it spoilers...
The sequel trilogy exist in a timeline where Ahsoka dies in rebels.
The sequel trilogy is erased when Ezra pulls Ahsoka out before Vader killed her.
It is explained that if Ahsoka dies she would not be around to tell Din about the stone for Grogu to.summon Luke and Grogu would eventually caught by the empire and his DNA or blood used to make Palp clones.
Since Ahsoka lives tells Din abou the stone and Grogu summons Luke. Luke takes Grogu not the Empire. Grogu becomes his first Palawan not Ben he is now a better teacher when Ben begins his training changing the sequence leading to the sequel trilogy.
Has anyone else heard the theory that in Rebels if you haven't watched it spoilers...
The sequel trilogy exist in a timeline where Ahsoka dies in rebels.
The sequel trilogy is erased when Ezra pulls Ahsoka out before Vader killed her.
It is explained that if Ahsoka dies she would not be around to tell Din about the stone for Grogu to.summon Luke and Grogu would eventually caught by the empire and his DNA or blood used to make Palp clones.
Since Ahsoka lives tells Din abou the stone and Grogu summons Luke. Luke takes Grogu not the Empire. Grogu becomes his first Palawan not Ben he is now a better teacher when Ben begins his training changing the sequence leading to the sequel trilogy.

It will be an angry day on Twitter if this actually plays out :lol

A complete retcon would of course be preferred but this seems the more likely scenario to solve their ST problem post The Mandalorian.
Has anyone else heard the theory that in Rebels if you haven't watched it spoilers...
The sequel trilogy exist in a timeline where Ahsoka dies in rebels.
The sequel trilogy is erased when Ezra pulls Ahsoka out before Vader killed her.
It is explained that if Ahsoka dies she would not be around to tell Din about the stone for Grogu to.summon Luke and Grogu would eventually caught by the empire and his DNA or blood used to make Palp clones.
Since Ahsoka lives tells Din abou the stone and Grogu summons Luke. Luke takes Grogu not the Empire. Grogu becomes his first Palawan not Ben he is now a better teacher when Ben begins his training changing the sequence leading to the sequel trilogy.
I could live with that. :lol
Twitter won't care they will probaly ***** and moan for a few days but then they will shrug it off. Honestly the ST doesn't have a whole lot of backing after what they did to finn and many other characters so many so called "SJW" dont care about the ST

Khev will probaly be upset but then he will probably admit that the new timeline will be better than that trash they gave us.

Sheesh> You know you messed up when Disney is trying so damn hard to erase something they built up for so long.
"Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world's first satisfactory Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. Favreau and Filoni will be the men to do it. Better than it was before. Better -- more in character -- more coherent."
Setting yourselves up for disappointment buying into theories, there are no timelines, there is no “Mandoverse”, no “Filoniverse”.
It all takes place in the same timeline and same universe, for better or for worse.
Setting yourselves up for disappointment buying into theories, there are no timelines, there is no “Mandoverse”, no “Filoniverse”.
It all takes place in the same timeline and same universe, for better or for worse.

But time travel is at least now canon in the Star Wars universe.

"This place is ancient. Like a world between worlds."―Ahsoka Tano


The World Between Worlds, also known as Vergence Scatter, was a mystical plane within the the Force that served as a collection of doors and pathways existing between time and space, linking all moments in time together.

The World Between Worlds was accessible from the ancient painting of the Mortis gods that decorated the exterior of the Lothal Jedi Temple. Loth-wolves were intrinsically tied to the realm and could traverse through it in a manner similar to hyperspace travel. Sith follower Minister Veris Hydan of the Galactic Empire believed that gaining access to the World Between Worlds would give one control of the universe.[1]

After the discovery of the Jedi temple on Lothal, the power-hungry Sith Lord Darth Sidious, ruler of the Galactic Empire, deployed Minister Veris Hydan with the Imperial Military to the site in search of an entryway to the World Between Worlds in his lust for power.[1]

The Sith's designs were thwarted when the Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger discovered world's key, and was able to unlock and enter the World Between Worlds first. After saving Ahsoka Tano from the past by pulling her into the realm, Bridger became adamant in also changing the fate of his master, Kanan Jarrus. However, Tano reasoned with the Padawan that they would all be dead without Jarrus' selfless sacrifice, telling Bridger that she understood the pain of being unable to save one's master, citing her own experiences, and taught Ezra Bridger to let go. Turning away, the pair resolved to close the portal to the realm to prevent others from accessing it, only to encounter Darth Sidious, who tried to enter the realm using the Force users. Bridger and Tano, however, were able to return to their own times, with Bridger closing the portal and causing the Lothal temple to collapse, taking Hydan with it.[1]

The world between worlds was created for the Star Wars Rebels television series. It was identified in the season four episode "A World Between Worlds."[1] While developing the world between worlds, Rebels showrunner Dave Filoni had conversations with Star Wars creator George Lucas about it.[3] During the Star Wars Rebels Remembered panel at Celebration Chicago in April 2019, Filoni confirmed that the concept for the world between worlds had been inspired by the Wood between the Worlds in C.S.Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia.[4]
They shot their load with the ST. There is no redo trilogy, no getting Hamill, Fisher and Ford back together. It's all going to be comics and books and stuff that most people don't care about.
They shot their load with the ST. There is no redo trilogy, no getting Hamill, Fisher and Ford back together. It's all going to be comics and books and stuff that most people don't care about.

Then a fully CGI trilogy set while the classic heroes were in their prime is the only option. The kind of sequel trilogy story that Lucas no doubt envisioned when he talked about nine films in the early 80s.

Before he sat on the idea, and decided to make the PT first.

I imagine Harrison Ford was probably a constant block to giving what fans were longing for since 1983. He only relented thirty odd years later, when they agreed Han Solo could be killed off.
Disney cares about one thing... MONEY.

A new ST with Luke, Leia, Han, Grogu, Ahsoka, Din, Ezra, Thrawn, etc... would make more money for them from tickets and merch in ONE MOVIE than the ST did in three. This is why Disney will retcon it. Far far far more money for them.

I expect after The Mando Season 3 and Ahsoka show the announcement will be made. Episode 7: Rise of the Jedi.
I know about the World Between Worlds, but I’d rather forget about it because I hate time travel.

I really like time travel stories, but as far as I know it's a new concept for Star Wars, so it feels a bit alien. It's something much more at home in Star Trek.

If it weren't for the chance of sidelining the very un-Star Wars feeling ST, and offering a more palatable vision of post-OT history, I would probably be against it on principle.
Disney cares about one thing... MONEY.

A new ST with Luke, Leia, Han, Grogu, Ahsoka, Din, Ezra, Thrawn, etc... would make more money for them from tickets and merch in ONE MOVIE than the ST did in three. This is why Disney will retcon it. Far far far more money for them.

I expect after The Mando Season 3 and Ahsoka show the announcement will be made. Episode 7: Rise of the Jedi.

I don't think they'd make a new ST in the sense of an Episode 7-9. I just think they'd want the option of telling new stories in any show or movie that may involve or relate to Luke, Leia and Han - and not be bound by anything that happened in the existing ST.

I really like time travel stories, but as far as I know it's a new concept for Star Wars, so it feels a bit alien. It's something much more at home in Star Trek.

If it weren't for the chance of sidelining the very un-Star Wars feeling ST, and offering a more palatable vision of post-OT history, I would probably be against it on principle.

Not keen on time travel in Star Wars (very happy for it in Terminator ... and less so in the MCU). The ST is already not canon to me so it matters little whether or not Disney attempts a more formal way of retconning the post ROTJ era by having a ST continuity free timeline for Mando and spin-offs to play in. But I would not be pleased if they just used this world between worlds thing whenever they needed to fix a continuity boo boo or bring back an actor whose character is 'dead' or no longer in the 'timeline'.

I can't see them ever having new films titled Episode 7, 8 and 9 again. That ship has sailed. Maybe they will have a Thrawn trilogy or something similar.