My issues with KOTCS

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Atlantic Ocean
Ok I don't want this to be another bash on KOTCS thread. I just wanted to post some thoughts on it since I watched it again last night and was surprised to find out a couple of things.

The first big surprise was to discover that I actually enjoy the first half of the film. I am one of the few that does not mind the Nuclear Fridge. In fact I think that keeps in the spirit of the films. I also love the shot of Indy looking up at the Mushroom cloud.

I enjoy Indy and Mutt's back and forth for the first half of the film. The bike chase is fun. I love when Brody's statue head comes off and Mutt gives Indy that smile and Indy gives him the look. Much like Connery did to him in TLC.

Basically I enjoy the first hour. It's not perfect but I can ignore it's faults.

And then it happens. At the one hour and five minute mark it all comes apart. Marion shows up. Now I don't blame Karen Allen. I believe she followed the script and did what she was told but every scene with her for the next 35 min feels more like a sit com then an adventure film. The way she acts and behaves takes away any feelings of danger. She argues with Indy in front of the Russians like their lives are not in danger. She smiles and enjoys herself way to much in all of the action scenes. She criticizes her son's footing while he fights for his life in a fencing duel.

But it's not just her. Harrison Ford forgets how to act in some of these scenes and comes off more as Jack Tripper then Indiana Jones. The script where Indy first meets Marion again and then finds out that Mutt is his son is so poorly written that it is obvious why the actors come across so wooden.

We also have to deal with an overload of CGI which also takes away the feeling of Danger. That jungle fight scene looks like one big blue screen fight.We also get Monkey Vine swinging which does not look real. We then get Marion who has no issues with driving over a cliff (for no reason at all since they are in a vehical and they can just drive over the CGI ants) She drives over the cliff lands on a tree and then slowly falls to the water and then gives Indy that "I knew it all along" smile. It's just awful. So with poorly done CG and Marion acting like either an Insane person or someone who is just on vacation and you end up with the worst action scene of the series. But what makes that so bad is that it is supposed to be the main action scene of that film. It's the Raiders Truck chase if you will.

What made Raiders, TOD, and to a lesser extent TLC is that most of the action scenes were filmed in camera and with practical effects. Indy was Lucky to survive his adventures. He got beat up. There was a sense of Danger. Marion s*****ed and fought she did not smile through the whole scene. Niether did Willie for that matter or the other Blond from LC. The three films also use real Creepy Crawlies and not stupid, how can I be afraid of a cartoon, cgi ants.

The film just becomes a complete mess. It becomes Lazy. It's like nobody cared. Who cares if its poorly written? Who cares that the effects are not up to snuff? Who cares that the acting is poor? Who cares that this film is the one with the largest budget but looks liken the one with the smallest? Who cares?? Obviously nobody with the exception of Shai who has addmitted that the film was not a very good one.

What's funny is the last 30 min of the film is not that bad either. It's a bit boring but there are not mind numbingly stupid parts. But I am so taken out of the film because of the previous 30 min that the last 30 suffers because of it.

so what really surprised me watching the film this last time is that I actually enjoy one hour and 30 min of the film. But that 30 min wedged into the middle is some of the worst film making I have ever seen. It really is only a few steps above Sci Fi channel movie of the week stuff.

I guess my point is that it is to bad that the film fell apart for that 30 min. It's an important 30 and it effects the rest of the film. If those 30 could be somehow reshot and done with real stunts on a real location and get rid of all the happy feeling in the face of death then I would like this film at least as much as TLC. it still would not touch the Original or TOD but it would be oh so much better.

End of Line.........
I agree with you Jaws. I liked the first half of the film up to the part where Indy and Mutt head to the jungle. The rest of the film I can do without. Personally, I loved the nuke scene. It's over the top and completely ridiculous, but it's genuinely hilarious.
First time I saw KOTC i got the feeling that Karen Allen was so happy she got to work again that she forgot how to be in characther most of the time! LOL . What I hated the most (and this has bee covered a lot) is how stupid confusing the story is -you can see it in the graveyard scene in Peru, where indy has to explain what the hell is going on to Mutt and the audience in what appears to be a 2 pages description- and Indy is pretty much a follower, he was not the one who discovered akathor or the Cristall skull, and that sucked IMO.... I don't know if there will be another movie, but if there is, how can it have a better script, it took them like 20 years to come up with the last one! :(
I agree with you Jaws. I liked the first half of the film up to the part where Indy and Mutt head to the jungle. The rest of the film I can do without. Personally, I loved the nuke scene. It's over the top and completely ridiculous, but it's genuinely hilarious.

Yes I think the Nuke scene is genuinely funny also.

While I agree with the "rest of the film I can do without" statement. I do wonder if I would enjoy the last half hour better if the previous half hour was not so god awful bad.
First time I saw KOTC i got the feeling that Karen Allen was so happy she got to work again that she forgot how to be in characther most of the time! LOL . What I hated the most (and this has bee covered a lot) is how stupid confusing the story is -you can see it in the graveyard scene in Peru, where indy has to explain what the hell is going on to Mutt and the audience in what appears to be a 2 pages description- and Indy is pretty much a follower, he was not the one who discovered akathor or the Cristall skull, and that sucked IMO.... I don't know if there will be another movie, but if there is, how can it have a better script, it took them like 20 years to come up with the last one! :(

I pretty much agree with JAWS and choopie on this. Other than a couple of nits (too much praire dogs) I still really like this movie... until we get to the Peruvian jungle. Then it completely starts to fall apart.

A lot of the Area 51/Doomtown stuff and the campus motorcycle chase is quintessential INDY, though. Hell, even the quieter moments between Indy & Mutt (before they get to the jungle) is pretty good stuff and Ford and LeBouf actually have some chemistry there. It's a shame that tone and quality couldn't have carried through the whole film.

I also still don't have a problem with the alien and sci-fi elements. I completely get why that's there and what they were going for. It's the goofy character stuff, over-the-top antics (Monkey vine swinging, pretty much anything with Marion, etc) that sours it.

Oh yeah, and Indy never shooting at anyone (he only draws his gun once... on that dumb cemetery dude) is PC poop.
As soon as mutt was thrown out of the jeep and tarzaned swings his way back into a moving car a tear rolled down my cheak,cause it was in that moment I realized I probly would never see a good indiana jones movie again.
Um, welcome to the circus train in 1989 dude. :lol
Yeah, TLC gets way too much of a pass from KOTCS haters. It has its moments of coolness too, but it has its own sets of issues... the most contrived sequence in cinema history among them.

I still dig it, though.
The circus train, as Khev pointed out.

Let's explain where Indy gets his fear of snakes, uses a whip, gets his scar, gets the hat and even a hint at the origin of his nickname (the dog)... all in one childhood incident. Lame.

Oh, yeah. That entire sequence can go. Maybe with the BDs, I'll start watching TLC after that entire intro.
I do like River Phoenix's brilliant Harrison Ford impression, though... particular the bit in the cave.

I just don't know why they felt the need to explain the origins of Indy's most iconic elements all in one fell swoop. That's just so dumb and completely blows away the mystique. I'd have been okay with the Fedora and inspiration of the jacket from the one guy... but the snake phobia, whip and scar were WAY over-the-top. Especially when they happen all at the same time. :rolleyes:
The circus train, as Khev pointed out.

Let's explain where Indy gets his fear of snakes, uses a whip, gets his scar, gets the hat and even a hint at the origin of his nickname (the dog)... all in one childhood incident. Lame.

Whenever I watch Last Crusade, I skip this whole section, and start it when he's on the boat.
I agree for the most part. Karen Allen was unfortunately not up to the task, and it affected the scenes she was in.

I personally get a little annoyed from the Peru Graveyard through to the waterfalls point. I just think the dialogue gets incredibly asenine with all the characters shooting off the one liners left and right. I mentioned this in the worst Indy film thread, about the scene in Peru, where there are those horrible bits of dialogue between the two, like "This way down!" and "You're going nowhere fast", etc. Why the frack did they feel the need to fill the silence with such utter crap? Just have the two of them going through the excavation with their freaking mouths shut, instead of polluting the film with such idiotic dialogue. There's also that bizarre thing they did with Indy's "Part time" remark. For the trailer, they have him doing a solid reading of the line. But for the movie, they replaced it with a goofy sing-song reading, with the word "part" really high. Why? To make it MORE funny? Just such strange decisions.

As far as the special effects, it's very strange that the jungle looks so fake since it was filmed on a jungle location. I believe all they did was add more foliage to the path, and somehow they managed to screw that up and make even the real stuff look fake! But even with that, the effects are tons better than in the Last Crusade. Everything looked ridiculously low budget in LC, from the boat scene in the beginning, to the terrible blue screen shots on the zeppelin, to the plane fight, etc etc etc. TERRIBLE effects considering it was for such a high profile movie.

However, I enjoy KOTCS movie overall, and I agree it picks up when they get to Akator. I particularly LOVE the scene when Indy figures out the key thing on the obelisk, especially the music cues. Great stuff.