Happy Hobbit day, BUT this year ain't over yet

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
A great day for the Tolken fans to celebrate the Hobbit Day,
and we are happy to remind you Asmus is not done with Middle-Earth for 2019 just yet,
we have TWO wonderful characters due to release by the end of the year.

Let the journey continues ~ !!



Top one appears to be Prologue Elrond and the second one Witch King in Wraith form (at Weathertop)!!

Can't wait to see more photos!
LOTR is the only line outside of Star Wars that has continually made B, C, and even D tier characters who just translate to irresistible figures. I remember that back in the day with the ToyBiz line. Some of their best figures were literally characters that had less than 5 seconds of screen time.

And somehow this still rings (pun intended) true today. I think that's both a testament to the designs and Asmus' dedication. If you look at their releases, some of the best aren't main players in the films.