DC Joker Movie (Non-DCEU)

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You're in Orlando right? Back when we were living outside of Tampa (about 10 years back) there was a guy who'd go downtown with a Batman cape and cowl, drive around, I think he even had a motorcycle. People got a kick out of him but he was kind of a joke. He didn't fight crime, just made the rounds to amuse people. He finally ended up getting stopped by the cops and publicly unmasked due to an old KKK law that said no masks in the city, lol.


In reality, it could be two crazy people (Joker and Batman) "battling" each other, while the rest of the city sort of ignores it or think it's weird. Both Batman and Joker would have to run away from the cops. It be sad to watch....and funny. Poor Alfred can't do anything because he has to protect the Wayne public image, so he's an accomplice that knows Bruce Wayne is REALLY crazy. Howard Hughes level crazy. A Bruce Wayne that is paranoid and truly traumatized, and obsesses with "the clown man" that killed his parents. This Batman would kill low level criminals and say to them, "You get what you deserve!!".
I've only ever been exposed to Joker through film and TV, so this is the first time I just felt sorry for a version of Joker. In some form or fashion, I felt the Joker must at least be cunning and highly manipulative to be able to have the pull that he normally has. I just could never picture Arthur to be any kind of threat to whatever Batman might exist and that's why he feels more like a character posing as a "real" Joker. Arthur is very emotionally and physically ( though he walks off being hit by a car easily) fragile, while still being very crazy. His weaknesses are very apparent.

New Yorker's used to feel sorry for the joke that was Trump.... now the guy is President and managing all kinds of crimes. I can see Arthur, with a city full of lunatics at his beckon call, manage to become disruptive and more the criminal you might imagine... just in a realistic way.
New Yorker's used to feel sorry for the joke that was Trump.... now the guy is President and managing all kinds of crimes. I can see Arthur, with a city full of lunatics at his beckon call, manage to become disruptive and more the criminal you might imagine... just in a realistic way.

lol, touche. I have no argument now. Damnit.
Lol people need to realize joker is interpreted differently and we don?t know his origin. For all we know Heath joker could of had the same exact origin as this one and just became crazier with time. Joker always said it takes one bad day. I truly believe that whatever his origin maybe it was tragic like this one. Even killing joke the joker saw his past as tragic. Lost his wife and unborn baby.
you didn't here about the mass shooting during the TDK days in Colorado I believe? I guess anywhere in the US now, you always have to be aware of your surroundings, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extra observant when I saw this tonight.

Oh yes I heard about that, but I guess I forgot about it. I thought the whole scared to watch Joker thing was more of a political thing (like most things are these days).

Speaking of Jokers, interesting take on TDK Joker (Ledger):


2 Jokers are now heroes? :panic:
That Grouch was really funny.

Its also funny how our perception of "dark" changes over the years. At one time, Batman '89 was considered 'dark'... now its about as dark as a bag of jellybeans. Then Nolan seemed to take the 'dark knight' to a whole new level of 'dark and gritty' realism. But looking back, its pretty silly, all of it. Now we have the most recent, and seemingly, most realistic version yet of a Joker -- a dark and dreary character study. If there ever was to be a Joker, this new film shows how it could actually come to pass in the real world. Yet, perhaps in 10+ years, this film too will seem too simple and too silly in its own way. I have no doubt of that.
Lol people need to realize joker is interpreted differently and we don?t know his origin. For all we know Heath joker could of had the same exact origin as this one and just became crazier with time. Joker always said it takes one bad day. I truly believe that whatever his origin maybe it was tragic like this one. Even killing joke the joker saw his past as tragic. Lost his wife and unborn baby.

They could never be the same exact origin. With Ledger, I never saw the same mental problems that Arthur has. Arthur can't process things like most of us. He's highly delusional. While Ledger is still crazy, he seems to be more cunning and precise with his "planning".
That Grouch was really funny.

Its also funny how our perception of "dark" changes over the years. At one time, Batman '89 was considered 'dark'... now its about as dark as a bag of jellybeans. Then Nolan seemed to take the 'dark knight' to a whole new level of 'dark and gritty' realism. But looking back, its pretty silly, all of it. Now we have the most recent, and seemingly, most realistic version yet of a Joker -- a dark and dreary character study. If there ever was to be a Joker, this new film shows how it could actually come to pass in the real world. Yet, perhaps in 10+ years, this film too will seem too simple and too silly in its own way. I have no doubt of that.

Wizard of Oz Witch must?ve felt like Hereditary in 1939 lol

They could never be the same exact origin. With Ledger, I never saw the same mental problems that Arthur has. Arthur can't process things like most of us. He's highly delusional. While Ledger is still crazy, he seems to be more cunning and precise with his "planning".


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They could never be the same exact origin. With Ledger, I never saw the same mental problems that Arthur has. Arthur can't process things like most of us. He's highly delusional. While Ledger is still crazy, he seems to be more cunning and precise with his "planning".

Or Ledger just has better meds. :)
Or Ledger just has better meds. :)

After Joker shoots Murray, the scene that shows the multiple televisions, it shows multiple shots of what happened to Joker after the Murray show went off the air. On one of the screens, it shows Joker fighting off a bunch of cops and security people on his way out of the building, which explains why his makeup looked the way it did when he was in the back of the cop car. Another screen shows Joker finishing the catch phrase from the Murray show, laughing, then getting jumped by cops. :lol

He clearly does not plan things out. :lol
They could never be the same exact origin. With Ledger, I never saw the same mental problems that Arthur has. Arthur can't process things like most of us. He's highly delusional. While Ledger is still crazy, he seems to be more cunning and precise with his "planning".

You don?t know that for sure. We don?t know what ledger joker has been through. Most people can do a complete 180 and hide there true potential. We haven?t seen this joker in full yet. We only saw his birth into becoming the joker. Ledger joker had some time to progress into the roll. We don?t know if he was timid and shy before hand then something in him snapped and he just went absolutely crazy. So yea I believe that ledger joker could had a similar origin to this one since both the stories he told were tragic anyway.

Dude literally said madness is like gravity all it takes is a little push. So by that I?m assuming he had anger and pain inside him and was pushed to far to the edge and went crazy just like Arthur
So curious to see if Jye's 2nd viewing changes his mind in any way. It didn't with Fury Road, so I have little hope...

I have come to liking this iteration of Joker more as time goes -- he dances in my mind and I like it -- but I do think the memory of him is more enjoyable than sitting through the movie again. Kind of like Batman '89.