1/6 Hot Toys - MMS280 - Guardians of the Galaxy: Thanos Collectible Figure

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It looks great seated, and kind of cool standing, but with his arms raised he looks odd. I will probably pass on this and wait for the Infinity War movie version.
Exactly. I'm thinking of waiting for Thanos 2.0, and I will just grab this throne up in the secondary market once they start showing up because I'd expect the 2.0 Thanos won't come with one... Might be cheaper than chasing the gauntlet later on that those who buy this version now will likely try to get later on so they don't have to buy Thanos 2.0. Did that make any sense? :huh
It seems odd to wait 5 years or so for the next version but maybe that's just me

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Some people can wait :) The only downside I see is that 5 years from now, Thanos minus the throne plus the maybe a couple of Gauntlet hands (one clenched, one in a more dynamic sculpt) equals possibly 80% higher price than this one.

So if there'd be no changes in Thanos' design til then perhaps it would be wiser to just purchase this and get a parted-out Gauntlet somewhere in 2020.
My initial reaction to this when we saw it in the Toy Soul pics was "wow, that's pretty badass." The more I see it, though, the less impressed I am, and I think what it all boils down to is, at this moment in time, Thanos isn't worth ****. Plus, the fact that this is clearly HT just trying to squeeze in a quick buck before the new movies (and a new Thanos come out). Hear me out, though. I get that they're trying to build him up, but, right now, all this figure is representative of is a tall purple dude who sits on his ass and trash talks. On paper, it sounds cool; this mother's so bad you better hope he doesn't get up, but, when you're talking about $400, more or less, you may as well be buying Archie Bunker.

Now, being the poor (relative to this hobby, anyway :lol) DC fanboy that I am, the only way I'd probably have a Thanos is if I won it, but, for those of you shelling out, I can't really understand the thought process behind getting this, when you just know that Howard's got his finger on the button for an Infinity War version, and, at least, by then, Thanos will have (hopefully) been able to walk the walk.:lol Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting it's any of my business what people buy, but I genuinely am curious, in this case? Is it just an instant gratification thing? Completist? A bit of both. I'm no stranger to it, I've seen dudes who own every Nolan Batman figure, for the hell of it, but this is a big chunk of plastic, and, for what you're getting, a pretty damn expensive one, at that.
My initial reaction to this when we saw it in the Toy Soul pics was "wow, that's pretty badass." The more I see it, though, the less impressed I am, and I think what it all boils down to is, at this moment in time, Thanos isn't worth ****. Plus, the fact that this is clearly HT just trying to squeeze in a quick buck before the new movies (and a new Thanos come out). Hear me out, though. I get that they're trying to build him up, but, right now, all this figure is representative of is a tall purple dude who sits on his ass and trash talks. On paper, it sounds cool; this mother's so bad you better hope he doesn't get up, but, when you're talking about $400, more or less, you may as well be buying Archie Bunker.

Now, being the poor (relative to this hobby, anyway :lol) DC fanboy that I am, the only way I'd probably have a Thanos is if I won it, but, for those of you shelling out, I can't really understand the thought process behind getting this, when you just know that Howard's got his finger on the button for an Infinity War version, and, at least, by then, Thanos will have (hopefully) been able to walk the walk.:lol Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting it's any of my business what people buy, but I genuinely am curious, in this case? Is it just an instant gratification thing? Completist? A bit of both. I'm no stranger to it, I've seen dudes who own every Nolan Batman figure, for the hell of it, but this is a big chunk of plastic, and, for what you're getting, a pretty damn expensive one, at that.

Not sure how this represents a quick buck. He's clearly a well designed figure and his presence over the the MCU is clearly ominous and all-encompassing.

All the figures are big chunks of plastic and it certainly seems like he's not for you.

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Even fans of MCU and GotG are quite surprised by this, I guess. Reading a few pages back some people would rather have HT do Ronan first, but I guess HT wants to ride the anticipation for the omega of an era of Marvel Movies so they made Thanos this early.
Now, being the poor (relative to this hobby, anyway :lol) DC fanboy that I am, the only way I'd probably have a Thanos is if I won it, but, for those of you shelling out, I can't really understand the thought process behind getting this, when you just know that Howard's got his finger on the button for an Infinity War version, and, at least, by then, Thanos will have (hopefully) been able to walk the walk.:lol Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting it's any of my business what people buy, but I genuinely am curious, in this case? Is it just an instant gratification thing? Completist? A bit of both. I'm no stranger to it, I've seen dudes who own every Nolan Batman figure, for the hell of it, but this is a big chunk of plastic, and, for what you're getting, a pretty damn expensive one, at that.

Can't this logic be applied to all the upcoming HT Avengers/Captain America/GotG figures, tho? We all know the pattern by now. Version 1.0 is great if there are no new movies coming out. And until Marvel actually SHOWED us the long-term plan, we would've had no idea and just kept buying whatever HT pumped out. Now that we know what's coming, buyers can use their better judgment on which, if any new figures they want for their collections. For me, I LOVE Thanos. But I KNOW there will be a 2.0 and even a possible 3.0 before these movies run their course. So I already know that all I want is the throne from this version. If not for the preview of all the future movies, I'd have my finger on the 'buy it now' button for this Thanos version and pray they did NOT make a 2.0.
Exactly. I'm thinking of waiting for Thanos 2.0, and I will just grab this throne up in the secondary market once they start showing up because I'd expect the 2.0 Thanos won't come with one... Might be cheaper than chasing the gauntlet later on that those who buy this version now will likely try to get later on so they don't have to buy Thanos 2.0. Did that make any sense? :huh

In that scenario I think you have it backwards as to which will be cheaper. The gauntlet will have re casters working (like with the heads) but doing a whole floating chair..that's not as easy. I think the gauntlet will be much easier and cheaper to find (if/when it ever does get released) then a diorama piece chair. I don't see a lot of people parting this out real cheap. But, maybe I'm wrong. And given it may be five years before another thanos gets made who knows what could happen. Hot toys may not be around or have the license..anything could happen.
I completely agree with you Motux. It is a crap shoot, no doubt. My thinking is that there will be an improved HS by the time 2.0 comes too, and maybe even with different facial expressions, and maybe some sort of weaponry to accompany the gauntlets. Considering the price for head sculpts, whether or not they are recasts, I'm gambling on the throne being the overall better deal. Its not going to be cheap, but between the gauntlets and likely newer or extra HS, I'd rather have the newer and hopefully improved upon body and costume with the desired accessories, and the addition of the older throne...assuming they don't create a different throne altogether for him.
Not sure how this represents a quick buck. He's clearly a well designed figure and his presence over the the MCU is clearly ominous and all-encompassing.

All the figures are big chunks of plastic and it certainly seems like he's not for you.

Don't get me wrong, from a technical perspective, he's very impressively engineered, but, the quick buck angle comes from the fact that Howard's making $400 a pop off of a thirty second cameo for a villain that won't see any action for, at least, another three years. I totally understand that Howard's into everything and everything Marvel, but, you have to admit, this one's particularly brazen. :lol
They really need to fix the feet. In the movie both are well planted on the ground
I completely agree with you Motux. It is a crap shoot, no doubt. My thinking is that there will be an improved HS by the time 2.0 comes too, and maybe even with different facial expressions, and maybe some sort of weaponry to accompany the gauntlets. Considering the price for head sculpts, whether or not they are recasts, I'm gambling on the throne being the overall better deal. Its not going to be cheap, but between the gauntlets and likely newer or extra HS, I'd rather have the newer and hopefully improved upon body and costume with the desired accessories, and the addition of the older throne...assuming they don't create a different throne altogether for him.

That's all guessing though. It may have an extra HS or weapons. But it may have no throne, no weapon, no gauntlet, and a worse head. And cost twice as much. The gauntlet may come with a different character. There's just no way to know. Or even if there will be a 2.0 version.

I understand if you don't like the figure. Or it's to much money. I get all that. I just don't get the waiting because maybe (big huge maybe) in 3-7 years there may or may not be another one, that may or may not be better, that may or may not come with more stuff. I just don't get that line of thinking. Not trying to be rude or anything. I just honestly don't get it. If it where a year, I may get that. but this is going to be closer to five years.

This is for the comments about the feet..yes they looked flat in the movie. But that's all CG. In the position he is sitting in that throne it would be unnatural for his feet to be flat in the figure. And to do it on a figure that size, to make ankles that would bend with that far a range, would leave the ankles to loose. They may hold up at first if lucky, but very quickly be unable to support the figure standing.

Go sit in a chair with a foot rest, in the position the figure is displayed in, and I think you will see that though it may not be as pretty as flat feet, it's much more realistic the way they are.
Don't get me wrong, from a technical perspective, he's very impressively engineered, but, the quick buck angle comes from the fact that Howard's making $400 a pop off of a thirty second cameo for a villain that won't see any action for, at least, another three years. I totally understand that Howard's into everything and everything Marvel, but, you have to admit, this one's particularly brazen. :lol

Same with the majority of the Iron Man figures from the House Party Protocol. Most of those armors had less screen time and we'll never see them in a film again but the figures sell.

From a business POV it makes sense. HT knows a Thanos figure will sell because he's a big bad guy in the Marvel Universe (regardless if he hasn't actually done anything in the films yet) and this will be the only one available for probably 4-5 years. Some people will have the patience to wait half a decade for one with a gauntlet. In the meantime, those people that want a Thanos figure will have one.
This looks great. I am 100% pre ordering it
It's Just a shame they couldnt throw in another headsculpt - Id like one where he smiles Towards the end of his scene with Ronan.
I like how as opulent as his armor is he sits in a throne made of rough slabs of rock. Fred Flintstone wants his furniture back.
The throne with the light up feature and clear pillars holding it up is AMAZING...would look incredibly sick on any display