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What the franchise desperately needs is a visionary to breathe fresh life into it with a concept and style that reinvents the genre it borrows.

But then again, what sequel doesn't need that? :lol

The best you can hope for now is a 3D blu ray and just revisit the good old movies.
If you're into that sort of thing, there are some video games that executed a "sequel" quite nicely.

It just sucks how badly Hollywood has been diluted.
It totally sucks that the Neill Blomkamp project got derailed in favor of the current story line.

Earth War would simply be CGI 'zombies'. No more emotional than any other world war Z movie.

Its not the scale, guys. Its the characters. That's what you come to love. That's why Aliens works. Not because of the repetitive alien assaults or the Queen. Its the characters and their story/struggle. Sounds stupid, simple, but that's what its always been about. But getting the right 'group' together ain't so easy. Kick-ass Marines going into a hive and getting their ass kicked is a pinnacle idea.

Seeing an Alien City is comic book junk. I could care less about their 'world'. In fact, it will never be as clever as the mystery of what it could be.

This. A hundred times this.

If we don't know or care about our protagonists, then the aliens lose all their power to scare or unnerve us.

Think about the original Alien movie ... every single one of those characters was well defined and specific. You may not know everything there is to know about them, but you have a sense of what each one cares about and what they want. That's Character Writing 101. You don't have to give us every character's life story, but you need to give us SOMETHING.

But now? I ended up seeing Covenant twice and I still could only readily identify three members of this redshirt crew. And that was only because I was previously familiar with the actors. Had nothing to do with how the characters were constructed. As a result, I didn't care when they were in peril or when they died ... not even a little. And sadly, that also then drains the alien of any power it might otherwise have had to scare me. Without being able to emotionally invest in the characters in danger, when they start dying you end up just absently crossing them off a list. It's not dramatic, it's not scary, it's just math.
Everyday I come to this thread to see if there's any hopeful updates like...

To me, the Alien universe is comprised of both Alien and Aliens and nothing else. The survivors of Aliens just go back to Earth. The End.
The entire “ALIEN” segment in Covenant was the least interesting for me (been there done that for 40 years kinda boring now). I am more interested in the expanded world that Prometheus introduced.
I come here for the comedy plus the latest Iron Man or Stormtrooper announcements.

Oh, also to see what Hot Toys has to say for themselves for why Wonder Woman or Hulbuster are taking so long to come out.

Is there some other reason we should be here?
I agree with Wor (as usual) characters come first.....

But we need an open world to add to the possibilities of what the Aliens are like. This hid and scare you thing is so over done. There has not been a "jump scare" that has actually scared me since The Thing....I'll leave it up to you to decide the scene.

The tension in Aliens is what I am after. Small group again formidable odds ...with kick ass weapons.

I picutre a small village that has made a stand against the Alien which has taken over the planet....The Alien Hive is under ground...whiule the survivor are above ground and they have reached a symbiotic relationship of sorts. So long as they keep their place....

Enter a new crash landed ship......and this upsets the blalance ...for any number of possible reasons......politics...love....fear...

I wrote a short story many years back with this very premise.....

Dunno......I see alot of potential just in this type of story. I could think of a ton more.....but instead we get dark hallways and damsel in distress who becomes a badass...how many times will we see this story?
Thank you for that. And I like your premise, but I have one issue...

I don't see any 'balance' with the Aliens. They are bad. They destroy everything. No balance. No truce. No "living among them". They take everything.

Once again, the remaining premise becomes 'bumbling into their territory'. That's fine -- there's a million ways to go with that. We've had humans "accidentally" investigate the wrong planet (Alien), and we've had a mission (Aliens) -- the other movies don't matter because they are simply repetitive concepts.

I wouldn't mind a premise where some mystery object from space is brought back from an expedition -- or even crashlands on a meteor -- and is brought to some space lab base or new colony somewhere. Again, an isolated group -- or even a village like Xipotec suggested. But the alien must be dangerous and unstoppable in its thirst to eradicate all living things. For humans, its fight-or-flight -- no balance.

I have a little trouble seeing Earth War -- I don't want to see Aliens walking streets and climbing inside office buildings. It's just too pedestrian and un-stylized. Plus, thanks to Cameron, the Aliens aren't really that hard to kill.
Anyone in HK able to contact HT or local shops to find out wtf is going on? The month of June is about to end. It's really frustrating.

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You know what's going to happen. All the guys who are giving out about it not being released are going to hate it when it's released. Likeness is crap etc., we waited all these years for this piece of scrap.
Oh yeah it's all going to happen in the next month.
If it ends up being the same as the prototype then, yeah, for definite. I don't think any of the regulars in the thread have ever been happy with that likeness. A few casuals maybe.