Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Apparently, now they're saying Terrio only touched up the dialogue, but the plot and everything is pretty much Goyer.
IrishJedi's posts certainly didn't suggest this. He was commenting just recently that this movie would be way better than Man of Steel in part because Goyer's influence was marginal.

You heard me Ron, they're all junk.

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This image conveys literally everything you need to know about Superman. The feelings this evokes through colour, composition, etc. What is so hard about finding writers and directors who 'get' this? Is everyone so bitterly cynical in this day and age that we have to drag a modern-day icon of hope and aspiration down to our grubby level?
Agreed. Get with the program, Hollywood!
Eh, Captain Marvel has been relaunched countless times, but never with Mar-Vell. There was Rick Jones, Genis-Vell and even Phyla-Vell. Mar-Vell will never return now, because of course Carol has the title, but he never would have. Why? Because his death is significant, there's no way around that. If they wanted to bring him back, they would have done years ago.
I would think that's because he doesn't have the following they're currently catering too, otherwise Thor would've never stopped being Thor because of that whisper on the moon :lol

Eh, same goes for DC. For every Batman and Hellblazer, there's a Legion of Superheroes and Superman. These companies have been around for decades. If you go digging, you'll find tons of dark, gritty, funny, dramatic, boring, thrilling, etc, etc books. DC has Ragman, damn Ragman! And meanwhile, Marvel has Slapstick. They both have put, are putting and will put out comics that cover all bases. Some will click, some will not. But they do have fundementaly different approaches to them.
Yeah, but even Superman books stopped being whimsical long ago, they're optimistic sure, but they're also very serious and very philosophical, the writing is very light on quips, which is also true for the majority of DC since like the 90's), which is opposed to Marvel, especially lately.

As for the current books, I can't say that DC's killing it. They have Batman, Omega Men, Grayson, Secret Six and Midnighter, which are great, but not really dark. They're more happy-go-lucky satires. Meanwhile, Marvel's highest-rated books include Old Man Logan, an extremely violent Wolverine who recently tried to murder Cho, Doctor Strange which deals with the horrifying consequences of magic and Spider-Woman which deals with motherhood. Ultimates is a straight-up philosophical book that reminds me of Starlin's Warlock mixed with Kirby's the Fourth World.
I haven't caught up to issues #50, but before that, I have to tell you, most of the DC since new52 stuff I've read is much better than most of the stuff I've read since Marvel now. Granted I've read each in like a 70:30 ratio in favor of DC.

Huh? I keep hearing Doc Strange new run is pretty whimsical.

It all comes down to preference though. Anyone can do blood and gore, but really mature issues sometimes are devoid of cursing or violence. Waid's Daredevil, albeit whimsical, had some really powerful scenes that had more to do with human interaction rather than violence and shock value. In the end, it's all about your very own POV.
When I say dark and serious, I don't mean cursing or violence, I mean their philosophical core. But you are right, it's all down to preference, DC resonates more with ancient mythology, which is why I like DC better and that's why I love Thor, for instance, from Marvel.

I do like the occasional street level like Moon Knight, Marvel has a plethora of those to choose from.
IrishJedi's posts certainly didn't suggest this. He was commenting just recently that this movie would be way better than Man of Steel in part because Goyer's influence was marginal.

I would think because Terrio makes very good lines and the story is still Goyer at the core, who knows...
Marvel is a hot steamy mess right now. People say the 90's were bad, but I think the last few years have been worse except a few DC titles

Eh, not really. I still read tons of books, and truthfully things are better now than before. If you don't like the Big 2 you can always head for Image, Boom, Dynamite, Valiant, etc, etc. Personally, I think folks just don't like the way things are going, which is understandable, but that doesn't mean that everything's bad. Snyder's Batman, King's Vision, Waid's Daredevil, Ellis' Karnak, Fraction's Iron Man, Orlando's Midnighter, etc, etc, are all great stuff from the Big 2. Hickman's East of West, Remender's Black Science are also great indies. Honestly, this is the best time to be a comic book fan. Companies are constantly trying new things and are not relying on old tricks (for the most part).
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This image conveys literally everything you need to know about Superman. The feelings this evokes through colour, composition, etc. What is so hard about finding writers and directors who 'get' this? Is everyone so bitterly cynical in this day and age that we have to drag a modern-day icon of hope and aspiration down to our grubby level?

Michael Jackson was the right guy to capture that :monkey3
Eh, not really. I still read tons of books, and truthfully things are better now than before. If you don't like the Big 2 you can always head for Image, Boom, Dynamite, Valiant, etc, etc. Personally, I think folks just don't like the way things are going, which is understandable, but that doesn't mean that everything's bad. Snyder's Batman, King's Vision, Waid's Daredevil, Ellis' Karnak, Fraction's Iron Man, Orlando's Midnighter, etc, etc, are all great stuff from the Big 2. Hickman's East of West, Remender's Black Science are also great indies. Honestly, this is the best time to be a comic book fan. Companies are constantly trying new things and are not relying on old tricks (for the most part).

Don't get me started on Captain America...I was ok with Bucky taking over, but not what's going on now
The more I read about this movie and its "incoherent" plot and "uneven" pacing, the more curious I am about the Ultimate cut. I doubt WB would've signed off on this being a three hour long R-rated Batman and Superman movie, but I wouldn't put it past Snyder for that to be his goal. End of the day, I'm just very curious what that'll be like. For those of you who've seen it, do you think it's possible that it could improve the film, or do the problems run deeper than that?
I agree that marvel is a huge pile of mess overall. But DC has really bummed me out with it's current writing (outside G Johns and few others).

I just hope this movie isn't reflective of the current state of DC comics
I agree that marvel is a huge pile of mess overall. But DC has really bummed me out with it's current writing (outside G Johns and few others).

I just hope this movie isn't reflective of the current state of DC comics
Oh it's going to, in fact if this movie sucks I might take a break from DC comics, hell comics and superheroes in general.

I can picture many people feeling like this.
Have you watched season 2 of Daredevil Gasper?
If not, then take your break after watching that because it's gold :lol

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I'm not cool enough to go to early screenings, so around this time tomorrow I'll be getting comfy at the Alamo drafthouse getting my food ready for this movie, then round 2 for Friday at the iMax showing.

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I feel for you man, as a FoX-Men fan, I thought it was all but over for that franchise after X3 and Origins :lol

Suicide squad might redeem this new DC universe, and if they hire a new director for JL everything should be fine.

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I would think that's because he doesn't have the following they're currently catering too, otherwise Thor would've never stopped being Thor because of that whisper on the moon :lol

Honestly, they're catering to everyone. You've got the female books, the dark books, the whimsical books, the super-hero books. There's something for every taste. But yeah, that was ridiculous.

Yeah, but even Superman books stopped being whimsical long ago, they're optimistic sure, but they're also very serious and very philosophical, the writing is very light on quips, which is also true for the majority of DC since like the 90's), which is opposed to Marvel, especially lately.

Eh, most Marvel books don't really have quips. Daredevil is back to its noir roots. Moon Knight is inside a mental asylum. Nighthawk will be taking on racism in America. Punisher will be going after the Cartel. Hawkeye deals with child neglect. Old Man Logan is dealing with the classic "if you could go back in time and kill Hitler, would you do it" only this time, this Logan is deranged and is going after the wrong people. But he's so haunted by it, that he doesn't know what he's doing. If you look for such books, you'll find them. If you're looking for philosophical debates, nothing beats Ultimates as far as the Big 2 go. IMO always.

Sure, there are still the Iron Mans and the Spider-Mans, but DC has Harley Quinn, which puts Hellcat and Squirell Girl to shame with its quirkiness. But still, quirky and lighthearted doesn't mean bad. I know that the Mario games ain't got **** on Mass Effect, but I still love playing them. Variety is the spice of life...

I haven't caught up to issues #50, but before that, I have to tell you, most of the DC stuff I've read from DC is much better than most of the stuff I've read since Marvel now. Granted I've read each in like a 70:30 ratio in favor of DC.

Eh, depends on what you read. Duggan's Deadpool was brilliant but his Hulk was forgettable. Waid's Daredevil was near-perfect, but his Hulk rather bland. Snyder's Batman was great, but his Eternal minis overblown and boring. Gillien's Iron Man was rather awful, but his Darth Vader is great. Honestly, it's all down to preference.

Huh? I keep hearing Doc Strange new run is pretty whimsical.

A bit quirky yes, and nothing like the original, but the theme is rather mature. It deals with power and what people ar ready to sacrifice for it. On a personal and sometimes not-so-personal level. It's not my favourite, but it's good enough.

When I say dark and serious, I don't mean cursing or violence, I mean their philosophical core. But you are right, it's all down to preference, DC resonates more with ancient mythology, which is why I like DC better and that's why I love Thor, for instance, from Marvel.

I do like the occasional street level like Moon Knight, Marvel has a plethora of those to choose from.

From my experience, Marvel has a more hands on approach on philosophy. It's more "Requiem for a Dream", whereas DC's more like "The Tree of Life" (Priest's Black Panther run is one of the best and smartest comic book runs ever). Both are great, but it depends on the person which one he/she consideres "best". There are countless schools of philosophy after all. Nobody is right and nobody is wrong. There's no universally correct way to enjoy, judge or approach things. You just pick a road and follow it. In my personal, and maybe biased opinion, I find Marvel more akin to my interests. But that doesn't make it an Omniversal truth. It's an opinion, just like everyone else's...
Have you read American Alien, yet? I'd probably say it's the best Superman book DC has on the shelves.
I read the first 2 or 3 issues I don't remember, first one was pretty good, the one with the party I hated, I keep hearing that's the only weak issue and that the rest are great, it's in my backlog.

Btw, if someone wants to see the cameos of the movie and some other huge spoilers, videos have just been leaked on 4chan.