The Batman (June 25, 2021)

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The next movie has got to be loaded; Joker, Riddler, open DA position for Dent, Gordon, Catwoman, Penguin. I imagine Batman has updated himself with some gadgets, maybe even a new suit. Who knows if the Batmobile or Batcycle will get upgraded. I imagine more of a role for Alfred instead of him just filling out crossword puzzles and reading fan mail. :lol
No I honestly hope it’s like villains that haven’t been seen or need redemption. Joker would be from the shadows viewing everything while villains like penguin, freeze, scarecrow or maybe even poison ivy duke ot out for control of gotham. Idk. I just don’t want another joker centric story so soon.
I feel like the whole point of this movie is Bruce seeing what happens to people who are consumed by obsession. In that respect, The Riddler was a brilliant foil because the impact Batman’s made on Gotham has literally been so bleak this homicidal maniac deluded himself into thinking they were partners. My hope is that the sequel’s almost jarring in how far removed it is from this version of Batman as Bruce tries to right his father’s (inadvertent) wrongs and rebuild the city, all while rehabilitating The Batman’s image in the wake of the catastrophe.
I like the fact that we start out with an "I Am Vengeance!" fear-inducing Batman, who in many of his behaviors and internal monologue reminded me of Rorschach from Watchmen. But Batman learns and grows over the course of the film to recognize that this could have negative, unintended consequences. But beyond that fear, I think he developed some empathy as well for the Riddler and the other disaffected extremists. Batman initially sees himself as a tragic hero, who has to be a martyr to himself in order to "save Gotham." But he has some blinders on as to the kind of trauma that others in the world are going through, and what might be driving their behaviors. Batman may need to be part social worker in the next movie.

I'm also reminded of the diner scene in A History of Violence. As an audience, your first instinct is to cheer on the "hero" as he violently dispatches murderous, unsalvageable scum. But in that case Cronenberg forces the viewer to see the real consequences of violence. So at the same time, you are repelled and disgusted. This kind of stuff is messy and complex.
I like the fact that we start out with an "I Am Vengeance!" fear-inducing Batman, who in many of his behaviors and internal monologue reminded me of Rorschach from Watchmen. But Batman learns and grows over the course of the film to recognize that this could have negative, unintended consequences. But beyond that fear, I think he developed some empathy as well for the Riddler and the other disaffected extremists. Batman initially sees himself as a tragic hero, who has to be a martyr to himself in order to "save Gotham." But he has some blinders on as to the kind of trauma that others in the world are going through, and what might be driving their behaviors. Batman may need to be part social worker in the next movie.

I'm also reminded of the diner scene in A History of Violence. As an audience, your first instinct is to cheer on the "hero" as he violently dispatches murderous, unsalvageable scum. But in that case Cronenberg forces the viewer to see the real consequences of violence. So at the same time, you are repelled and disgusted. This kind of stuff is messy and complex.
That’s fine after a few movies of him dishing out vengeance and beating the snot out of criminals and remaining a scary shadow but before this movie was even over we were already given a kid friendly Batman.
I seriously don't undertand how ANY Batman fan can think this is a cool ass Riddler....

And, even worse, want to spend $300 on a dollie to sit on their shelf... :dunno

Well, at least the dollie perverts out there can create some nice S&M photos with a HT Cats & Riddler...:monkey3

that’s not the riddler.
Was the green capsule that gave him a boost of adrenaline the same venom drug that Bane uses?
Everyone is pretty much assuming that is indeed the case which brings up a layer of finesse and tech that this Batman possessed that the audience was kept in the dark about which I liked.

I didn’t have to see him create every single piece of his arsenal it was kept secret like him.

I also have warmed up to this version of Alfred as being an ex special forces bad ass based off his scars, his observational skills, his calm demeanor and respect for procedure.

The ending of this movie really saddens me though lol

Why why WHY did they have to so quickly give us a Justice League Batman.

Previously I had referred to him as super friends Batman I was just being a jerk lol he obviously wasn’t a goofy guy out there in public he was a great JL Batman but it was too early for that.

Just FYI when I use the term JL Batman I’m referring to a Batman that is now a team player following procedures and rules working with more than just Gordon.

Gordon is not even Commissioner Gordon yet and Batman is already out in daylight working with the National Guard!

Yuck lol
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I like the fact that we start out with an "I Am Vengeance!" fear-inducing Batman, who in many of his behaviors and internal monologue reminded me of Rorschach from Watchmen. But Batman learns and grows over the course of the film to recognize that this could have negative, unintended consequences. But beyond that fear, I think he developed some empathy as well for the Riddler and the other disaffected extremists. Batman initially sees himself as a tragic hero, who has to be a martyr to himself in order to "save Gotham." But he has some blinders on as to the kind of trauma that others in the world are going through, and what might be driving their behaviors. Batman may need to be part social worker in the next movie.

I'm also reminded of the diner scene in A History of Violence. As an audience, your first instinct is to cheer on the "hero" as he violently dispatches murderous, unsalvageable scum. But in that case Cronenberg forces the viewer to see the real consequences of violence. So at the same time, you are repelled and disgusted. This kind of stuff is messy and complex.
I love this take and I agree wholeheartedly with it. I think we even see the stakes of it in action when you look at the climax of the film. I’ve seen it numerous times, at this point, and, maybe, it’s a reach on my part, but during Batman’s interrogation of Riddler, there’s a part of me that, like, gets it. He’s repulsed and I think, in some respects, he’s questioning his own culpability in it and challenging every aspect of Edward’s pathology.

I found Dano’s performance to be brilliant because he projects the frailty of this character so well. When he reveals his doubts about his capability to Batman, when he persistently victimizes himself and tries to explain away his actions by reflecting on his trauma, and, even, the way he lashes out at the people who try to defend themselves like a child because, to critically examine it would be to challenge his delusion. Suffice it to say, I left the theater wondering if Batman couldn’t have foiled his plot had he used a gentler touch and played to Edward’s insecurities and feelings of belonging rather than completely just pulling the rug out from under him and dismissing everything as the psychopathic behavior of a stark, raving lunatic and telling me he’s going to die alone and forgotten.
Everyone is pretty much assuming that is indeed the case which brings up a layer of finesse and tech that this Batman possessed that the audience was kept in the dark about which I liked.

I didn’t have to see him create every single piece of his arsenal it was kept secret like him.

I also have warmed up to this version of Alfred as being an ex special forces bad ass based off his scars, his observational skills, his calm demeanor and respect for procedure.

The ending of this movie really saddens me though lol

Why why WHY did they have to so quickly give us a Justice League Batman.

Previously I had referred to him as super friends Batman I was just being a jerk lol he obviously wasn’t a goofy guy out there in public he was a great JL Batman but it was too early for that.

Just FYI when I use the term JL Batman I’m referring to a Batman that is now a team player following procedures and rules.

Yuck lol
I like that we’re seemingly getting an altruistic, hero Batman, but I don’t necessarily feel like it has to be a smooth transition. I kind of want to see it played like the movie of the ex-con trying to go straight and just constantly being trifled with. Like, Batman’s like “I’m doin’ my best not to concuss another mother****er with a baseball bat, but Lord, if these ****heads aren’t trying me at every corner.” :lol
I like that we’re seemingly getting an altruistic, hero Batman, but I don’t necessarily feel like it has to be a smooth transition. I kind of want to see it played like the movie of the ex-con trying to go straight and just constantly being trifled with. Like, Batman’s like “I’m doin’ my best not to concuss another mother****er with a baseball bat, but Lord, if these ****heads aren’t trying me at every corner.” :lol
Next time he answers the Bat signal he will have this waiting for him…


Here was DiFabio when he saw friendly hope Batman caring about some kid on a stretcher..

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Everyone is pretty much assuming that is indeed the case which brings up a layer of finesse and tech that this Batman possessed that the audience was kept in the dark about which I liked.

I didn’t have to see him create every single piece of his arsenal it was kept secret like him.

I also have warmed up to this version of Alfred as being an ex special forces bad ass based off his scars, his observational skills, his calm demeanor and respect for procedure.

The ending of this movie really saddens me though lol

Why why WHY did they have to so quickly give us a Justice League Batman.

Previously I had referred to him as super friends Batman I was just being a jerk lol he obviously wasn’t a goofy guy out there in public he was a great JL Batman but it was too early for that.

Just FYI when I use the term JL Batman I’m referring to a Batman that is now a team player following procedures and rules working with more than just Gordon.

Gordon is not even Commissioner Gordon yet and Batman is already out in daylight working with the National Guard!

Yuck lol
By the way I liked your post for the first bit about Batman's tech not the stuff you added about his character change ruining the movie, lol.

I didn't see him as being so reformed that he will instantly start obeying all rules and regulations. Plus we saw his no guns/killing moral code in play even before he started helping emergency crews so it's not like he went from being a stone cold killer to "hunting criminals with respect, not fear" lol.

I also liked that they showed that he's still driven to carry out his form of justice above all else as he proved when he followed the batsignal instead of Selina at the end so he's still a far cry from TDKR Bruce at least.
By the way I liked your post for the first bit about Batman's tech not the stuff you added about his character change ruining the movie, lol.

I didn't see him as being so reformed that he will instantly start obeying all rules and regulations. Plus we saw his no guns/killing moral code in play even before he started helping emergency crews so it's not like he went from being a stone cold killer to "hunting criminals with respect, not fear" lol.

I also liked that they showed that he's still driven to carry out his form of justice above all else as he proved when he followed the batsignal instead of Selina at the end so he's still a far cry from TDKR Bruce at least.

Oh man had they skipped his HOPE national guard helper moment and cut straight into his goodbye with Selina scene and then his bad ass ride back into Gotham looking pleased the girl left so that he could go back to dishing out vengeance it would’ve been a perfect ending.
Don’t get me wrong khev I am very aware that I’m being super picky about an overall spectacular movie where truth be told the ending is not as bad as I’m making it out to be it’s just not what I was expecting to see in the first movie out the gate about a year 2 Batman.

That’s the key there, only year 2 and he’s already about forming the JL. It really caught me by surprise.

In the next movie Doomsday invades Gotham lol
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It is a huge disaster, so if you are not helping, someone could die with your in action. Batman helps the innocent and they are all victim to Riddler and the other criminals. His failure to totally stop Riddler gave him some guilt that he needs to see this fully through. This flooded an entire section of the city and he already did his Moses of leading the people out of the Garden, so he is going to see this through. Who cares if some dude in a Bat costume is helping you, you are in shock that you lived through rifle fire and a large flood.
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It is a huge disaster,m so if you are not helping, someone could die with your in action. Batman helps the innocent and they are all victim to Riddler and the other criminals. His failure to totally stop Riddler gave him some guilt that he needs to see this fully through. This flooded an entire section of the city and he already did his Moses of leading the people out of the Garden, so he is going to see this through. Who cares if some dude in a Bat costume is helping you, you are in shock that you lived through rifle fire and a large flood.
That sounds great……

For a year 5 Batman after Doomsday attacks and all he can do is help civilians while Superman and WW fight the alien lol

But year 2 Batman already having a guilt trip, no thanks.
I also liked that they showed that he's still driven to carry out his form of justice above all else as he proved when he followed the batsignal instead of Selina at the end so he's still a far cry from TDKR Bruce at least.

That’s why I’m going easy on The Batman’s ending. I just watched TDKR last night for the first time in years and that ending is just awful. This film is a nice contrast to the other two in terms of endings.

Batman Returns -Depressing Ending (Batman rebuked and abandoned by Selina, drives off, into the night, forever alone on Christmas)

TDKR - Happy Ending (Bruce abandons the Batman mantle, shacks up with Selina and lives out Alfred’s dream vacation in Italy)

The Batman - BATMAN ending (Batman chooses his endless war on crime over chasing after Selina)

Also nice to have a Batman that has actually been Batman for two years without looking for any little reason to quit. Bale was barely Batman for a year till he hung up the cape and cowl. Pathetic. This Batman is more obsessed and determined than Keaton, Kilmer, Clooney, Affleck and Bale combined.
Batman Returns -Depressing Ending (Batman rebuked and abandoned by Selina, drives off, into the night, forever alone on Christmas)
Pathetic. What a cuck.
TDKR - Happy Ending (Bruce abandons the Batman mantle, shacks up with Selina and lives out Alfred’s dream vacation in Italy)
Chad Bale grants wishes to kids and old butlers. He moved on from mommy and daddy deaths. Wow just wow.
The Batman - BATMAN ending (Batman chooses his endless war on crime over chasing after Selina)

Pathetic. Can't get girl and thinks he's Superman. 🤭

Also nice to have a Batman that has actually been Batman for two years without looking for any little reason to quit. Bale was barely Batman for a year till he hung up the cape and cowl. Pathetic.

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Batman realizes he is no different than the Riddler and the copycats when the last copycat arrested shouted he was vengeance as well. The goal was for crime to fear him but it also had the negative effect with law abiding citizens fearing him as well. The guy he saved from the train asked him not to hurt him as well after supposedly saving him. When he tried to save the people from the debris and he reached out his hand, nobody reached back. Not until the kid reached out for him did everybody else follow. He knew Gotham needed to see that he was on their side and not just some lunatic vigilante craving for violence masked as justice. Like it was said, in a disaster, you'd expect people to help each other to their capacity. If Batman just went to toodaloo mother ******* when the sun rose up, it defeats his goal of having Gotham trust him.

There are moments of poetry in this movie for me, at least in my opinion. Batman using his batsymbol to cut through the police tape to symbolize working above the law to do what's needed and him using it again to cut the electric wire to symbolize the Batman is there to save the people of Gotham even at the cost of his life. Bruce seeing himself in the mayor's orphaned son and consequently, it was the same kid reaching out to the Batman to be saved from the darkness was like Bruce himself being saved from the path of vengeance he's been obsessed with.

Can Gotham's trust with the Batman be established in a follow up film instead? Sure. But crime just keeps getting worse as Bruce said in the beginning and will keep getting even worse as Selina said in the end. Being his 2nd year as Batman, I think it's fair for Batman to be seen by Gotham at the end of this film as somebody that can be trusted, who is sided with justice. It can't just be Gordon sticking up for his ass when things are about to get a lot worse.