Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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She definitely isn't the best actress around. I'd say she's Eastenders/Coronation Street level. That probably means nothing to anyone non-English. In other words crappy soap opera level. In other other words Daisey Ridley level ;) Still, the character had a lot of potential, and the design was great. I'll admit the only reason I want to see her back is because I want a figure... no hs necessary.
I only know Eastenders and Coronation Street by name, but never watched it. But I get the idea ;)

The design of Enfys Nest was absolutely great! I was rather dissapointed when she took the helmet off and revealed to be the Star Wars variant of Little Orphan Annie. I half expected her to start singing Hard Knock life.
The top 3 character cameos/appearances I want to see for this show (again other than those in the rumoured cast)...

1) Hera Syndulla & the Ghost crew
2) Thrawn
3) Chirrut & Baze (mainly for a Baze figure)

All this depends on quite where the show fits into the timeline. I think it's around the time of Rebels season 1-2, right?

It's kind of ridiculous when you think just how many character possibilities there are for this show. Talk about the showrunner/writers having all the best toys available to play with.

Come to think of it they could easily stretch this story out beyond a couple of seasons. No reason why they couldn't do 4 or 5 until we reach Rogue One. It all depends on how well it goes down with the audience I guess.

It definitely feels like this is the least anticipated of the shows, which is a shame. However, when you consider those shows surrounding it include the much-anticipated third season of the hottest show on tv, and three shows focusing on immensely popular fan-favourites (Boba, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan) then I kind of understand.

2022 is going to be an insane time to be a Star Wars fan. Make the most of it while we can before Rogue Squadron (set in the ST timeline by all accounts), Taika Waititi's Flintsones Star Wars comedy, and Leslye ''I wanted to hire writers who've never seen Star Wars before'' Headland's The Acolyte comes along. 2023 is Revenge of the Kathleen.
Hera could definitely be a possibility, Vanessa Marshall voice and motion captured her in the Squadrons game. Plus Chopper was in Rogue One along with the Ghost.

The sooner we get the Rebels crew in live action the sooner we get some figures.

The top 3 character cameos/appearances I want to see for this show (again other than those in the rumoured cast)...

1) Hera Syndulla & the Ghost crew
2) Thrawn
3) Chirrut & Baze (mainly for a Baze figure)

All this depends on quite where the show fits into the timeline. I think it's around the time of Rebels season 1-2, right?

It's kind of ridiculous when you think just how many character possibilities there are for this show. Talk about the showrunner/writers having all the best toys available to play with.

Come to think of it they could easily stretch this story out beyond a couple of seasons. No reason why they couldn't do 4 or 5 until we reach Rogue One. It all depends on how well it goes down with the audience I guess.

It definitely feels like this is the least anticipated of the shows, which is a shame. However, when you consider those shows surrounding it include the much-anticipated third season of the hottest show on tv, and three shows focusing on immensely popular fan-favourites (Boba, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan) then I kind of understand.

2022 is going to be an insane time to be a Star Wars fan. Make the most of it while we can before Rogue Squadron (set in the ST timeline by all accounts), Taika Waititi's Flintsones Star Wars comedy, and Leslye ''I wanted to hire writers who've never seen Star Wars before'' Headland's The Acolyte comes along. 2023 is Revenge of the Kathleen.
Of course everyone knows I'd want a Baze to go with Chirrut. That still annoys the hell out of me that HT pulled so far short. To me he is the Cyborg of Star Wars ! (A Cassian figure is a given now of course).

With Hera Syndulla and Ahsoka they'll have Lekku-tech down to a fine art !! She'd be nice for a Hot Toy, but I guess getting the whole Ghost Crew would be a bit of a tall order from Hot Toys.

Thrawn would be an interesting one and definite contender for a cameo. They could have a cameo with Krennic getting his a$$ kicked by Thrawn to make it the trifecta with Vader and Tarkin ! :)

Mon Mothma is also pretty much a given. But surely Saw Gerrera will make an appearance, and get a Hot Toy !! He'd probably have a similar appearance to Rogue One depending on the time jump. That look would be damn cool on the shelf !
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Instead of this:
View attachment 534792
We could keep this:
View attachment 534793
And ask for something like this to happen:

View attachment 534794

Should keep both camps happy ^^
If you really want it, this^ actually already happened, and although they will never acknowledge it as such, is already officially part of Disney Canon, despite themselves.

.... the moment they introduced time-travel, and this happened, when he pulls her out of the time-stream, the time line was officially split....

They created two time-lines. Everything following and built off ^this event, going forward is canonically a completley separate timeline/universe.

So the lame deadbeat Han Solo who abandons Leia, and who's pathetic death, is suicide by brat .
The Leia who is the worst, least inspiring leader in the universe,
And the failed hopeless Luke, who is an abject coward, slave to Jedi dogma, hiding from his friends, and consumed and slave to fear, all complete betrayals of who the characters are.
Can (if you want) already be explained by canon, as being from a completely separate wibbly-wobbly timeline/universe. :lol
So you can easily justify there is an in-story canon separate nexus established by their own rational, where the Disney sequels happen.
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Need to add Trapper Wolfe to the list for Hot Toys to make !! Imagine getting a Hot Toys figure of Filoni !! That would be truly epic !!

And yes, I did just watch Star Wars Meg ! :p
Hera could definitely be a possibility, Vanessa Marshall voice and motion captured her in the Squadrons game. Plus Chopper was in Rogue One along with the Ghost.

The sooner we get the Rebels crew in live action the sooner we get some figures.

View attachment 534809
She looks great as Hera tbh. Not sure they need to cast a specialist actress like they did with Ahsoka. I know she's primarily a voice actress but it seems she's done a little bit of physical acting as well. I suppose with Ahsoka they needed more exotic looks than Ashley Eckstein, and a more athletic actress.

It certainly looks like we'll be getting most of the Rebels crew in live-action over the next couple of years, I just hope they find a way to bring Kanan into the story, if only for a guest appearance or two. I can't think of an animated character more deserving of being brought into live-action than Kanan tbh. Timeline wise I guess Andor would make the most sense. My pick to play a live-action Kanan would be Wyatt Russell.

She looks great as Hera tbh. Not sure they need to cast a specialist actress like they did with Ahsoka. I know she's primarily a voice actress but it seems she's done a little bit of physical acting as well. I suppose with Ahsoka they needed more exotic looks than Ashley Eckstein, and a more athletic actress.

It certainly looks like we'll be getting most of the Rebels crew in live-action over the next couple of years, I just hope they find a way to bring Kanan into the story, if only for a guest appearance or two. I can't think of an animated character more deserving of being brought into live-action than Kanan tbh. Timeline wise I guess Andor would make the most sense. My pick to play a live-action Kanan would be Wyatt Russell.

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Or... they could just use Freddie Prinze Jr. :lol
Haha yeah or that. The guy is 45 now though. Plus he has enough luck with being married to Sarah Michelle Gellar.
45 isn't old when you're rich, Kanan was 33, make up and some Hollywood trickery can get him looking enough like Kanan. Rosario was able to mimick Ahsoka well enough, because Ashley Eckstein just doesn't resemble Ahsoka at all.

If they can get the voice of Thrawn to play him in live action as well as Bo-Katan, they can get the voice of Kanan to do it too.
45 isn't old when you're rich, Kanan was 33, make up and some Hollywood trickery can get him looking enough like Kanan. Rosario was able to mimick Ahsoka well enough, because Ashley Eckstein just doesn't resemble Ahsoka at all.

If they can get the voice of Thrawn to play him in live action as well as Bo-Katan, they can get the voice of Kanan to do it too.
Now I have to get rich before I hit 45!

Okay, for some reason I thought Kanan was supposed to be about 25 in the show. Yeah, 45 down to 33 isn't such a stretch. Still, I can't stand the guy after that rude interview he did laying into Star Wars fans. He came across as an arse hole.
....Ok, hot take incoming and don't kill me please but I seriously have to ask:

With all of the SW mythos spread out before us, and all of its myriad interesting people - of all species - what is it about C. Andor that nets HIM a whole show of his own? I dont hate him. Rogue One was an okay movie, dont hate that. BUT! Really. What?

I would think even Chirrut and Baze would get a show before he did.
I think Andor is the most interesting character in R1. He has one of my favorite lines in all of SW. "Suddenly the Rebellion is real to you" He wasn't just saying it to Jyn, he was saying it to the audience as well. I never really considered all those rebel soldiers and the sacrifices they must have made, and continued to make.

I just wish there was a practical way to have K-2SO in the show too.
....Ok, hot take incoming and don't kill me please but I seriously have to ask:

With all of the SW mythos spread out before us, and all of its myriad interesting people - of all species - what is it about C. Andor that nets HIM a whole show of his own? I dont hate him. Rogue One was an okay movie, dont hate that. BUT! Really. What?

I would think even Chirrut and Baze would get a show before he did.

I have never understood it either. There was nothing particularly interesting about him and he was carried through the entire film by K-2SO. His acting was mediocre and I didn't find him very convincing in the role of a spy. No idea why it was decided to give a character this nondescript his own show:dunno

Perhaps he has friends in the Lucasfilm hierarchy.
....Ok, hot take incoming and don't kill me please but I seriously have to ask:

With all of the SW mythos spread out before us, and all of its myriad interesting people - of all species - what is it about C. Andor that nets HIM a whole show of his own? I dont hate him. Rogue One was an okay movie, dont hate that. BUT! Really. What?

I would think even Chirrut and Baze would get a show before he did.
I don't think it's Cassian himself that got the show, it's what he represents.

1). Opportunity for a spy/thriller genre show in the Star Wars universe
2). A look at the rebellion in the early years before ANH
3). Introduction of known characters. From Rebels etc
4). Potential links to Rogue One which the audience knows or at least has seen before.
5). Endless story potential with every mission he goes on, with the empire being the clear opposition.
6). As WTC mentioned, K2SO is a huge draw as a crowd favourite. He'll be in S2 which is cool.

There are probably more reasons, but they are just the first few which come to mind.

As much as I would love a Chirrut and Baze show, I'm not sure what they would actually do which would be compelling and exciting for 10 episodes ?

That's not a kill Ramatuelle post, just thoughts that comes to my mind if I were to decide.

Perhaps Baze + Chirrut could have exciting adventures ?? Maybe Disney could go deeper into their rumoured gay relationship.....OK let's stick with Cassian with Baze appearing as a macho cameo !!

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Couldn't disagree more, I thought he was the best character next to Krennic with the potential for the most interesting backstory. Diego Luna is a great actor, see Narcos Mexico. Mediocre? For real mediocre Star Wars acting look no further than Daisey Ridley, Gina Carano, and Kelly Marie Tran.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter as Andor is just a way of extending the Rogue One story and opening up to a different genre, spy thriller. The most special thing about the show is the timeline it gets to play in.
I don't think it's Cassian himself that got the show, it's what he represents.

1). Opportunity for a spy/thriller genre show in the Star Wars universe
2). A look at the rebellion in the early years before ANH
3). Introduction of known characters. From Rebels etc
4). Potential links to Rogue One which the audience knows or at least has seen before.
5). Endless story potential with every mission he goes on, with the empire being the clear opposition.
6). As WTC mentioned, K2SO is a huge draw as a crowd favourite. He'll be in S2 which is cool.

There are probably more reasons, but they are just the first few which come to mind.

As much as I would love a Chirrut and Baze show, I'm not sure what they would actually do which would be compelling and exciting for 10 episodes ?

That's not a kill Ramatuelle post, just thoughts that comes to my mind if I were to decide.

Perhaps Baze + Chirrut could have exciting adventures ?? Maybe Disney could go deeper into their rumoured gay relationship.....OK let's stick with Cassian with Baze appearing as a macho cameo !!

Yes similar to my own thoughts. I have no interest in Cassian himself, rather dull character, not very good actor. At least in English. He was better in Narcos, perhaps because he was acting in Spanish.
The spy show idea, early days of the Rebellion, that relatively untouched era between PT and OT (though of course we're seeing more and more shows set during this time), the possibility of tying into Rebels and Rogue One etc etc
I'll give it a chance but I'm not very hyped for it.
Not a Favreau/Filoni project and I don't like the main character. But I'll give it a chance.
....Ok, hot take incoming and don't kill me please but I seriously have to ask:

With all of the SW mythos spread out before us, and all of its myriad interesting people - of all species - what is it about C. Andor that nets HIM a whole show of his own? I dont hate him. Rogue One was an okay movie, dont hate that. BUT! Really. What?

I would think even Chirrut and Baze would get a show before he did.
They have a lot of Rogue One props and costumes left around. I'm not joking cause they used some of it in Mando. Plus, Rogue One was the only new IP that was pretty well received. I still think the 2 main characters sucked.