The Tick (2016 Amazon series)

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Jan 9, 2013
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Couldn't find a thread.

You can watch two full scenes on the link below

A spoof of superheroes, "The Tick" was created by Ben Edlund in 1988. The blue-suited, overly-muscular and incredibly naive hero's life began as an independent black and white comic; it was later adapted into an animated TV show on Fox in 1994. In 2001, Fox released a live-action TV show; it was cancelled after only nine episodes, but has mainatined a cult following ever since. Edlund has written and produced all the TV series, including the new proposed series.

Patrick Warburton (best known as Puddy on "Seinfeld") played the Tick in the 2001 series, but British comedian Peter Serafinowicz will be taking on the role in the new one. Edlund praised this version of the Tick, saying, "[Serafinowicz's] voice is The Tick’s voice - it’s what I hear in my head now. And to kind of have that take place when combating the very, very large shadow that is cast by Patrick Warburton and his way of characterizing this creature, that is a tremendous relief to feel like there is a new authoritative take on this character in live-action."

Whether the pilot leads to an actual series on the streaming service will depend on the viewers. As with all its TV pilots, viewers will rate the show on Amazon to see if it merits a full season.

The original comic series could be very dark, with elements like the Man-Eating Cow, but the previous TV series were much more tame. Since the 2001 version, live-action superheroes have become more mature, and the new pilot follows suit. Edlund explained, “It’s a tremendous balancing act because it had to have stakes, it had to have blood, it had to have certain things that are part of the living language of superheroes in the popular culture today. It has a responsibility if it wants to play in that pool to have life and death, to have a relationship to violence that none of the other iterations did. And so how do you have The Tick slip in a pool of blood and have it be funny? You have to find a very specific tone."

Edlund also said the show will explore more of the Tick's sidekick, Arthur than previous versions. "He’s the main character. He’s the one who has the arc. He’s the one who gives us the shoes you wear to pass through this universe. In the previous live-action, there really wasn’t the time taken to build what is usually a compelling main character story. So I mean The Tick is no less an important character than Arthur — he’s titular — but it was really important to take this human character seriously and give us a chance to really bond with him and be with him emotionally and then have him encounter the strangest entity in his universe."

"The Tick" pilot episode is available to view now, on Amazon Prime.

I just found this on Amazon this morning! Still need to watch it. Have you watched it? If so what'd you think?
Just saw it. It's pretty good. The new Tick actor sounds perfect even if he doesn't look right. Arthur is the main character and the episode is from his point of view. I'd like to see more.
I'll give it a watch, I loved The Tick cartoon from the 90s. The real-life costume looks pretty atrocious, though...
I watched it this evening. It was OK, not great. The Tick should be bigger like in the animated show. The actor sounded great but he was just a normal sized guy. Most of the humor I liked from the old series was based on the Tick's size and how he wrecked things on accident. Not sure this new series will hold to that premise.
It's not bad. Looks more like an online serial than a fully produced tv show. The Tick actor nails the voice but he looks terrible in the costume.
Hahaha, my friend my the trailer when they "shoot him up" I have another friend who plays the cab driver in the pilot I believe, can't wait to see how this turns out. Costume looks kinda weird.
Patrick Warburton had mass too. This actor looks like a slim guy put inside a muscle suit. Plus, after Deadpool and Spidey this year I need my characters with big white expressive eyes on their masks.
The guy nails a contemporary, 2016 version of Arthur but it's hard to overlook the shortcomings of the Tick's appearance. The outfit isn't too bad; I believe it would have worked if the guy inside had a brawny face with a larger frame. The character was made for Patrick Warburton.
Looks like young Bob Gunton in a papier-mache suit.
The rest looks like a youtube fan made video.
I'll give it a chance eventually.