The Force Awakens - Figure discussion (with SPOILERS!)

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Leia and the droids need to go next......they bring little value in the new story. Chewie and Luke can survive as they'll have some significance going forward.
X-Wing won't happen, Poe most likely will. Probably will get two Poe's.

I wonder which version of Poe they'll release first. I sort of prefer his outfit at the beginning of the movie. But it will be sort of awkward having him in the same jacket as Finn. They'll probably end up releasing the X-wing outfit first. Either way, I'll end up getting him.
Abrams explains, “Star Wars had the greatest villain in cinema history. So, how you bring a new villain into that world is a very tricky thing."

“We knew we needed to do something *****king bold. The only reason why Kylo Ren has any hope of being a worthy successor is because we lose one of the most beloved characters."

"It’s this massive tradeoff. How can we possibly do that!? But… if we hadn’t done that, the movie wouldn’t have any guts at all. It felt very dangerous.”


I don't know, I still find his death cheap. A cheap way to build a story around it.

Posted my Review HERE

I was interested in a Flame trooper before the movie but after I'd love to get Rey, Poe & Finn and some Lego. Reys face isn't looking that great on the Hot Toys figure though so will wait and see.
No more troopers HT- they will be sitting around a year from now unsold- all but maybe three main versions. Poe is a must as is Han ..past that...what?
I said nothing about troopers screen time- just too many variations of the same white armor...for me at least and at $215 a pop who will buy them all? I know....some will....
Uh Luke.....30 secs of screen time has not stopped HT yet

I'd honestly be ok with this because Luke will prob look like that in VIII. But if they don't include a lightsaber, I'm going to feel somewhat cheated.

It was a good 30 seconds too!
I said nothing about troopers screen time- just too many variations of the same white armor...for me at least and at $215 a pop who will buy them all? I know....some will....

I don't understand why people get upset when companies offer more figures, as a collector that is what I want. Will I buy them all, no definitely not, but as a consumer I love being able to pick from my favorite designs from the movie. There are some collectors out there that will display an army of these and if you are going to do that, it's awesome that they will not all be the same, the variations add some nice diversity to the first order and I'm so happy that there are all these HT troopers to choose from. Nobody is forcing anybody to buy these figures, just get the ones you want and if you like the movie you should be grateful that we have these options.
I wonder which version of Poe they'll release first. I sort of prefer his outfit at the beginning of the movie. But it will be sort of awkward having him in the same jacket as Finn. They'll probably end up releasing the X-wing outfit first. Either way, I'll end up getting him.

The only Poe figure I have any interest in is the x-wing flight suit version, what makes Poe great is his incredible skills as an attack pilot so I really hope that's the version we get.
I don't understand why people get upset when companies offer more figures, as a collector that is what I want. Will I buy them all, no definitely not, but as a consumer I love being able to pick from my favorite designs from the movie. There are some collectors out there that will display an army of these and if you are going to do that, it's awesome that they will not all be the same, the variations add some nice diversity to the first order and I'm so happy that there are all these HT troopers to choose from. Nobody is forcing anybody to buy these figures, just get the ones you want and if you like the movie you should be grateful that we have these options.

People don't get mad when Hot Toys offers more figures. People get upset when Hot Toys churns out endless variants of the same figure, taking time and resources away from not only brand new figures from the same line, but lines we have been promised and delayed for years on end.
The only Poe figure I have any interest in is the x-wing flight suit version, what makes Poe great is his incredible skills as an attack pilot so I really hope that's the version we get.

Same here. X-Wing all the way

People don't get mad when Hot Toys offers more figures. People get upset when Hot Toys churns out endless variants of the same figure, taking time and resources away from not only brand new figures from the same line, but lines we have been promised and delayed for years on end.


A sixth Black Widow over a new never before made character is lame as hell.
People don't get mad when Hot Toys offers more figures. People get upset when Hot Toys churns out endless variants of the same figure, taking time and resources away from not only brand new figures from the same line, but lines we have been promised and delayed for years on end.

I get that frustration, but it really doesn't take any extra time or resources to make a small tweak and resell a figure that they have already designed, it's an inexpensive way for them to make money and I nice touch for collectors that want variety. Also SW collectors have always wanted all the variations of troopers that they can get there hands on so this is not a waste at all imo.
I get that frustration, but it really doesn't take any extra time or resources to make a small tweak and resell a figure that they have already designed, it's an inexpensive way for them to make money and I nice touch for collectors that want variety. Also SW collectors have always wanted all the variations of troopers that they can get there hands on so this is not a waste at all imo.

Very true. However I think that its hard not to compare the endless stormtrooper varients to Hot Toys Iron Man obsession. While you are correct that these troopers are all so similar that it takes minimal effort to make a variant, this was not the case with the Iron Men, who often required special parts and tooling.

A lot of people (myself included) have become frustrated that a line we were promised years ago or a line left incomplete is not considered a priority by Hot Toys, while an Iron Man that appeared in the background of Iron Man 3 for half a second is. I'm guessing people see Stormtroopers as just the latest example of this.
I haven't preordered any of TFA figures but now that I've seen the film I think I may. I wouldn't mind picking up Kylo and the Stormtrooper two pack but that is pretty much it for me.

I liked the other characters especially the new ones but not enough to get in figure form. Rey I could see myself getting in some sort of Jedi gear from the next movie but otherwise no. Finn was cool but seemed pretty useless and I don't need him on display. A Luke figure would be sublime. I can see a scene in episode 8 where Luke confronts Kylo and they do battle after some revealing conversation then ultimately goes out like old Ben did in ANH leading to Rey and Kylo in a final duel in episode 9.

The parallels keep coming. I liked a lot of the echoes of the original trilogy and I could catch some PT in there as well but over all somewhat disappointing.

If they left out the "Death Star" and focused on story telling it would have been less predictable.

Kylo Ren was disappointing but still pretty bad ass on screen. Very cool looking character and intimidating when in the mask. All I kept seeing when he took it off was John Snow dressed in black as a crow! And the temper tantrums were almost unbearable. I get that he has Skywalker blood but do we have to have a whiny Skywalker in every film?

You could definitely feel the terror the First Order was unleashing on the Galaxy. That really would have been enough to go to war. Not just a race against the clock to take out another super weapon we have seen in 2 other Star Wars movies. It seemed too easy a plot line to fall back on. Even Ren was obsessed with finding the map to Skywalker like Vader was obsessed with finding the plans to the Death Star. Again rehash plot but they still did it in a new way which I liked.

Overall I'd give it a 7 as far as Star Wars movies go.

Good action. Good acting. Good special fx. Good story and I did feel emotionally attached to most of the characters. There were just too many cringe worthy moments to give it a top score. The tantrums, and some of Hux's lines and delivery were way over the top to like it whole heartedly.

Although I must admit I liked it better the second time when my expectations were in check. Must be the Disney brainwashing. Multiple viewings make you see past its flaws.