Star Wars: Ahsoka

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You know it will be really nice if Filoni does absolutely *anything* that is the least bit surprising in this series. As soon as Ahsoka said "I'm going outside, I'll distract them" I knew exactly that she was going to stand on the hull of the ship deflecting lasers with her sabers and slicing up any ships too stupid to not stay out of *lightsaber range* but imagine instead if when she did that the one Inquisitor guy goes "she's on the hull, I'll get her" and the Sith girl goes "No. She's trying to draw our attention. Go for the engines." And then the villains get to look badass by shooting the ship with only the fluke of the space whales showing up allowing them to escape, land, and conduct further repairs.
The only reason I give pass with the space saber scene is that it does match her action scenes from TCW where she was jumping onto flying ships deflecting laser blasts.
You know it will be really nice if Filoni does absolutely *anything* that is the least bit surprising in this series. As soon as Ahsoka said "I'm going outside, I'll distract them" I knew exactly that she was going to stand on the hull of the ship deflecting lasers with her sabers and slicing up any ships too stupid to not stay out of *lightsaber range* but imagine instead if when she did that the one Inquisitor guy goes "she's on the hull, I'll get her" and the Sith girl goes "No. She's trying to draw our attention. Go for the engines." And then the villains get to look badass by shooting the ship with only the fluke of the space whales showing up allowing them to escape, land, and conduct further repairs.
In a way, that scene *did* surprise me. I was thinking, "There's no way. There's just no way they're going to make these villains *that* stupid. They have the ship dead in the water, and they know if all they do is blast it from a safe distance that Ahsoka dies. Just no way!"

Seconds later...


But I do commend Ahsoka for her uncanny quick-change ability. She put that space suit on before the chasing high-speed ships could get to their stalled target that was just stuck there in space. Astounding! :lol
In a way, that scene *did* surprise me. I was thinking, "There's no way. There's just no way they're going to make these villains *that* stupid. They have the ship dead in the water, and they know if all they do is blast it from a safe distance that Ahsoka dies. Just no way!"

Seconds later...


But I do commend Ahsoka for her uncanny quick-change ability. She put that space suit on before the chasing high-speed ships could get to their stalled target that was just stuck there in space. Astounding! :lol
Yes I thought it was very strange that they didn't give her the simple easy to put on bubble helmet like she had in the cartoon instead of that super elaborate custom tailored outfit that head sections for each individual head tail to fit in individually.

ahsoka space.jpg

Especially after it has already been established that this is all you need in deep space anyway, lol:

han mask.jpg
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In a way, that scene *did* surprise me. I was thinking, "There's no way. There's just no way they're going to make these villains *that* stupid. They have the ship dead in the water, and they know if all they do is blast it from a safe distance that Ahsoka dies. Just no way!"

Seconds later...

But I do commend Ahsoka for her uncanny quick-change ability. She put that space suit on before the chasing high-speed ships could get to their stalled target that was just stuck there in space. Astounding! :lol
Mostly for me I was relieved that we didn't get like, an iced-over Poppins Leia redux, coz Ahsoka is so POWERFUL the Force surrounds her like one of those rolling playground bubbles.

Overall for me the show is trying hard, maybe too hard, too much rehash, Sabine didn't need to be another Force user, it's not terrible but so far isn't setting a fire to my sofa either.
Overall for me the show is trying hard, maybe too hard, too much rehash, Sabine didn't need to be another Force user, it's not terrible but so far isn't setting a fire to my sofa either.
Even I was shocked that Filoni thought it'd be a good idea to have someone strong in the Force training an apprentice in the lounge area of a transport ship by having the apprentice where a helmet with the blast shield down. Dude if you're gonna do *that* specific of a rehash then you better really make the execution something special...which he clearly didn't.

And he didn't even do anything to "Star Wars" it up. It looked like basic real world Kendo practice.
Overall for me the show is trying hard, maybe too hard, too much rehash, Sabine didn't need to be another Force user, it's not terrible but so far isn't setting a fire to my sofa either.
Yeah, for the most part I agree. Lots of derivative content (as expected), but the show hasn't been terrible, and even offers occasional glimpses that something really good might still be in store. The third episode made me cringe pretty hard on a couple of occasions, but still nothing remotely close to Obi-Wan Coatnobi.

I wish there'd be less reliance on contrived plot devices, but my biggest complaint is the way so many plot progressions actually require characters to be stupider than their roles should allow them to possibly be. This doesn't exactly fill me with optimism when it comes to how Thrawn will be portrayed.

Hopefully that giant ring they've been building in space isn't a hyperspace ring after all, but rather a vacuum that sucks IQ points away from everyone in the galaxy. That way, Thrawn will have avoided the decline in intellect that everyone else is suffering from and have an even greater advantage upon his return. ;)
In a way, that scene *did* surprise me. I was thinking, "There's no way. There's just no way they're going to make these villains *that* stupid. They have the ship dead in the water, and they know if all they do is blast it from a safe distance that Ahsoka dies. Just no way!"

Seconds later...


But I do commend Ahsoka for her uncanny quick-change ability. She put that space suit on before the chasing high-speed ships could get to their stalled target that was just stuck there in space. Astounding! :lol
That was the wow moment for me in the episode, whereas it should have been her slicing up the enemy fighter. Ah, the wonder of space velcro! Sabine may not have Jedi speed running in her future, but speed dressing? Could be. :lol
I wish there'd be less reliance on contrived plot devices, but my biggest complaint is the way so many plot progressions actually require characters to be stupider than their roles should allow them to possibly be. This doesn't exactly fill me with optimism when it comes to how Thrawn will be portrayed. Hopefully that giant ring they've been building in space isn't a hyperspace ring after all, but rather a vacuum that sucks IQ points away from everyone in the galaxy. That way, Thrawn will have avoided the decline in intellect that everyone else is suffering from and have an even greater advantage upon his return.

Have always been a big believer that Thrawn was conceived from Hans Gruber from Die Hard. ( Sort of fits the timeline from when Zahn first was slated to write the first EU book)

Alan Rickman/Gruber reset expectations on what a main villain could and should be to entertain the audience overall.

My best guess is Thrawn will be shown as extremely sympathetic. Current modern mainstream Hollywood is IMHO extremely pro authoritarian in their core themes coming from big studio productions. The tone for Star Wars under The Big Mouse shades openly as "You fought for freedom, but even still, you don't deserve it"

Unfortunately, there's not much context to really highlight Thrawn as an alternative leadership model for the Empire. I love the original trilogy. However there wasn't a ton of nuance there with the Imperial forces. God bless Lucas for bringing everyone Star Wars, but IMHO he stole a lot from Kurosawa without actually fully understanding a lot of what Kurosawa was trying to say. You remove Kershner, McQuarrie, Williams, Kasdan and a few others and what's left is the space cowboy version of Cameron Crowe's Vanilla Sky. In full, IMHO, Thrawn is way more compelling in a dedicated show about the Empire, and not as fan service in Ashoka. Just my take on it.
For me personally season 3 of Mando has completely soured my attitude to The Mandalorian as a whole and I certainly won't be buying blurays.
Yeah, I think the shipped has sailed for me purchasing physical Mando discs as well. A couple years back I would have rushed to the store to pick them up on day one of release but now Mando feels tainted like so much of Disney Star Wars. There are definitely still episodes that I enjoy and occasionally revisit but the excitement over owning a box set collection to display on my shelf is gone.
Yeah, I think the shipped has sailed for me purchasing physical Mando discs as well. A couple years back I would have rushed to the store to pick them up on day one of release but now Mando feels tainted like so much of Disney Star Wars. There are definitely still episodes that I enjoy and occasionally revisit but the excitement over owning a box set collection to display on my shelf is gone.
Yeah I'm the same Khev. It's difficult to have enthusiasm for season 1 & 2 when you know it runs into 3.