Should The Batman be set in the current DC continuity?

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Should The Batman be set in the current DC continuity?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • No

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 16 39.0%

  • Total voters

Prime Clone

Super Freak
Nov 26, 2006
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That's a big YES from me. Pattinson has the young-Battfleck look, I loved the Snyderverse, and I'd love to see an even more comic-style costume (along with some more detective skillz, natch).

(I'd also be good with no explicit link, so long as it didn't contradict the current DC universe)
They already said no. And the Snyder verse is pretty much dead. Wb doesn’t no what the hell it wants in terms of universe building
I don't think there is a current continuity, as it stands. We have multiple actors leaving or already having left, we have the Wonder Woman sequel seemingly ignoring stuff laid down by the previous films (Wonder Woman's out operating in public in the 80s, hardly the "I walked away from the world of man for 100 years" ****), and we know by now the original plan for the Justice League sequel and all that are no longer happening.

I expect any future continuity will be handled the way Aquaman did it. An offhanded reference to Aquaman having had a past adventure involving Steppenwolf, and that's it.
No. I want a nice solo Batman movie without some stupid reference to Aquaman or Wonder Woman existing.
Make it a stand alone trilogy. Maybe have a broader DCU hinted at the end of the last movie. Definitely no Robin or Batgirl though.
Reeves, who was hired to write and direct a new Batman movie in February 2017, was envisioning actors while penning the script, according to sources familiar with the filmmaker’s thinking. It helped that this new Batman needed to conform to a defined age bracket. He is written as around 30 years old, and the story is neither another rehashing of his origin nor the tale of a seasoned crimefighter ruling Gotham City. He is Bruce Wayne still trying to find his footing on his way to becoming the genius detective.

This, of course, eliminated Ben Affleck, as THR first reported back in July 2017. (Affleck and Warner Bros. denied the recasting at the time because the actor, who had played the role in Batman v Superman and Justice League, was to have headlined his own stand-alone movie that was sidelined when the studio began rethinking its superhero strategy.)

So way back from the beginning this was apparently always going to be separate from Batfleck, sounds like.
Yes, it should be in the established DC Universe, it needs a Batman now that Affleck’s out. I don’t think for the purposes of this movie, it will matter one way or the other though. As it was supposed to be about Batman, earlier in his career, even when Affleck was still attached to star, I doubt there will be any mention of anything else in the current established DC continuity.
Everything they have done, aside from the armored suits in BvS and JL have been garbage..... they literally have no clue what they are doing.... They couldn't even rip off the Avengers and it was sitting in front of them!!!!!

The problem with DC is that they don't have a decisive attitude... they put out a plan then it changes, then they meddle in things and have a change like a director jump ship so they make more changes.... in my opinion it's probably poor leadership... I'm not saying I could jump in and solve the problems but I'm not a million-dollar-making mother ****ing executive
Should The Batman be set in the current DC continuity?

Nah, I want to see something new. Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, Justice League, etc. didn't do anything for me. Affleck Batman had some potential there early on, but that potential burned out the second he appeared in sequels and his "Joker" was introduced.

Starting fresh is the way to go. Batman has been interpreted a bunch of different ways by a bunch of different people over the past 80 years. Another iteration of the character makes sense. I hope it's good and better than the crappy way Batman has been handled in the past 7 years.

I won't miss the DCEU. It never caught it's stride and it felt like it was the beginning of the end going as far back as Man of Steel. Good riddance.
I wish they would let Batman rest for at least 7 years.

As a life long DC fan, the DCEU is a joke. It has no real focus and should be put out of it's misery.

Plus I think trying too hard to focus on continuity will only serve as an unnecessary obstacle to good storytelling. Do what the cartoons did and let things build up naturally on not out of contrivance.
Fans never gave the DCEU a chance. Complaining since MoS was released and Superman killed Zod. They didn't like the darkness, then didn't like JL being too light.

Batman and Superman have been done to death. Let them rest for about 10 years and focus on Aquaman and WW for now. Develop some of the lesser known heroes.

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