Official Star Trek OS 1/6 figures petition!

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Shouldn't we lobby Diamond Select as well, since evidently they have a 12" Trek license of some form, and may have more expertise/experience in figure making (though not necessarily in 12").

Realistically, this "petition" could be used for anyone to get the license if we get enough people to commit. I'm leaning towards SFM simply because they did a fantastic job on the prototypes and I don't honestly see anyone doing better. Besides that, the fact that they are in talks to get these very figures made doesn't hurt either. DST has the GG Picard shown but have you seen the SG-1 O'neill head. Its absolutely horrid. I wouldn't be too sure how the production run on Picard would be.
You definitely have my vote, signature, support and whatever else you need from me to get SFM to make the original Star Trek crew in 1/6 scale! I hope that we can get enough signatures on the petition to warrant Paramount to grant SFM the license. Especially after seeing the fabulous prototype heads you showed that they did for Kirk, Spock, Scotty and McCoy! I loved those!

By the way, how many signatures do you think it will take? How many do you have so far? Let me know. Thanks! :D
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You definitely have my vote, signature, support and whatever else you need from me to get SFM to make the original Star Trek crew in 1/6 scale! I hope that we can get enough signatures on the petition to warrant Paramount to grant SFM the license. Especially after seeing the fabulous prototype heads you showed that they did for Kirk, Spock, Scotty and McCoy! I loved those!

By the way, how many signatures do you think it will take? How many do you have so far? Let me know. Thanks! :D

Support started off pretty good but has faded off. I was once told by someone in the business that for every person you heard from that they assumed 50 felt the same. Not sure how accurate that is but I would still guess that we'd need 1000 or so signatures to assure anything. Hundreds woud be descent enough to approach them with confidence though I think. Right now to get there we need a LOT more.
Okay, well I have given my signature to you. I'll check with my other friends and fans of Star Trek and see if they'll come over here and sign the petition too. :D
I urge any and all of you that are Trek fans or even just sci-fi fans to get on board. Only together can we even imagine to make this work. Let others from other forums and discussion groups know that we are here. If there is someone else, right here on SSF maybe, that you think may like to help but maybe hasn't read this thread, TELL THEM. Let's get everyone we can involved.
Abake, I know you were mentioning some other forums, if you passed on this info, please email me with what forums they were so that I can keep count of where we are actually "petitioning".
And, I'm not [well, more accurately I can't] promising anything but there may be something new to view in the petitions as early as next week.
Keep your fingers crossed and: SPREAD THE WORD.
I second your vote for some great looking Star Trek II 1/6 scale figures! I'd love to see Admiral Kirk, Spock, Khan, Capt. Terrell, Saavik, Kirk's son David....heck...the entire crew! I know that Playmates did a pretty good Admiral Kirk, and Spock a few years ago as 12" figures. They were pretty good at the time. But not as good as they could be now from companies like Hot Toys, Sideshow, Medicom, to name a few. :D
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Wrath of Khan era figures would definitely ROCK!!! But, first I want Khan from Space Seed.
C'mon guys [and gals]!
We need more folks to beam on board for this project!! :D
I'd love to see something done. I've always been fond of the dress uniforms from the show. I'd support any good looking figures though. Heck, I might support bad looking figures as I look back at some of the trek items I have bought
Hey Guys!!
You may have seen a photo of this figure before, but I think these pix really show how good the Trek figures can be. LMK what you think:



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That is brilliant!

It looks a bit rough, but looks fantastic.
I really hope this project gets off the ground. C'mon guys, jump in!
Yeah, great looking Captain Pike there! I'd rather see the earlier "normal" Captain Pike with his original uniform and phaser gun from the pilot. But more than anything I want the ultimate set of the original bridge crew! Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Uhura, Chekov, Bones, and Sulu. Even a nice nurse Chapel since she was played by Roddenberry's future wife...Majel Barrett! I'm definitely in on this petition. I'll contact my friends about it too! :D
I'd be very interested in some well done figures.

For now, Art Asylum will do...


actually, I really like these.

Where can you get stands for these? I have 'em all too, and would kill for some proper stands.

...oh, and I'd sign any petition for 12" Star Trek if online petitions actually amounted for anything :)
JediMike, Yes please have any and all of your friends who would be in on this email me as stated in the first post. Its the easiest way for me to keep track of the number of folks on board.
D. Martin, this "online petition" is only the first step. If the numbers are there then the list of petitioners can be forwarded to the powers that be and I'm told just might be enough of a push to get this ball rolling.
And stay tuned to this thread as there may be more coming as early as next week. :D