1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

best thing about returns was the ending him flying through the clouds
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Christopher Reeve for me isn't just the best Superman, he was THE Superman. No one will ever replace him or be as charismatic as he was in this role or as a man. A true legend.

And thankfully he has been immortalised as a 1/6 figure for generations to enjoy. Thank you Hot Toys.

Does the music still give you chills after these past decades?

best thing about returns was the ending him flying through the clouds

Ah yes, that was great and the plane save as well.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yes the music still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and get goosebumps. Just the deep noted strings at the start do it! Lol

And I defy anyone not to smile when he catches Lois in the helicopter scene, whether you've seen it once or 1 million times!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I only seen Superman for the first time about 3 weeks ago when I bought the box set. I liked it a lot, it was the catalyst for me getting the figure. But I only really enjoyed it from when Reeve first appeared, I could happily skip the first 50mins to this point next time. Superman II was brilliant, enjoyed the whole film. I'm looking forward to watching III today. I seen Returns years ago and can't remember much about it, so can't wait to watch that too. Haven't heard good things about IV.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

III is passable. Richard Pryor is funny in it. And the epic Superman vs Clark battle is awesome!!! No Lex Luthor tho, as Gene Hackman didn't like what Richard Lester did to Richard Donners Superman II.

Can I just ask paramoremcr88, I'm guessing the 88 part of your name is cos you were born in 88?
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

III is passable. Richard Pryor is funny in it. And the epic Superman vs Clark battle is awesome!!! No Lex Luthor tho, as Gene Hackman didn't like what Richard Lester did to Richard Donners Superman II.

Can I just ask paramoremcr88, I'm guessing the 88 part of your name is cos you were born in 88?

Yep, I was born in 88. Love Pryor, one of my favourite films growing up was (and still is) See No Evil, Hear No Evil.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

You'll like him in Superman III. Most of his stuff is improvised. Was told what would happen in a scene, then left to his own devices! Lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

III is passable. Richard Pryor is funny in it. And the epic Superman vs Clark battle is awesome!!! No Lex Luthor tho, as Gene Hackman didn't like what Richard Lester did to Richard Donners Superman II.

I don't know why, but I really love III now. Richard Pryor and his conversations with Robert Vaughn as well as the cheesy music. Bo'ing!




Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Rat's in the cell's and rapist that rape robbers, lol.

Lol, yep, that's the kinda stuff I'm on about. Lol

Ladies an gentleman, give it up for my man, Monkeybat.
Who provided me with my Christopher Reeve Superman.
Top bloke and a pleasure to deal with.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Lol!!! It's wrong on so many levels!!!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

He (Bean) can't be destroyed by fire.

That sculpt would make for an excellent fake unboxing video...
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Just watched III. It was ok, the Superman v Clark fight was cool and Pryor was great. Didn't like the main bad guys or the super computer that could turn people into robots!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Just watched III. It was ok, the Superman v Clark fight was cool and Pryor was great. Didn't like the main bad guys or the super computer that could turn people into robots!

Yeah, it is what it is. But trust me, unless intoxicated don't watch IV. I commend Christopher Reeve for wanting to get his point across about nuclear disarmament, but it seemed very rushed and forced.

It's great tho that you are watching and appreciating these films, bearing in mind all the original 4 came out before you were born.

I showed the first Superman to my 9yr old nephew, who basically said throughout the film that the effects were crap. I told him that back then they actually had to use real people, and harnesses.
Bloody CGI junkie!!!

You don't get many A list actors doing that now, most are too worried about looking stupid, or breaking a nail.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

And when I read the words "super computer" on your post, my inner voice automatically did it in an Ant N Dec style!!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Just watched II The Richard Donner Cut on blu ray. I loved it on DVD, but it's so much better on blu ray. I don't really watch the theatrical Richard Lester version. He ruined it for me. The Richard Donner version is how it should have been, and is far far better.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yea once I got the ultimate collection, the RD Cut is the only version I watch of Superman II