Hot Toys- Summer Toy Fair annoucements (limited details atm)

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Perhaps HT are going to announce something (figure or franchise) which is going to catch everyone completely by surprise. I, for one, am rooting for a Isaac Clarke Dead Space figure
I suppose that would be OK.
I think they should make figures that they are worried about mass producing like Iron Monger, or the Avatar figures for Toy Fair Exclusives

If they made Iron Monger or the Avatar figures an exclusive I would be so pissed off because I'm desperate to have them figures in my collection. I really needed Scarecrow to finish of my Batman collection, a basic figure which should cost me no more than £130 delivered but because it became an exclusive, I had to pay out £200. Unless you live near these convensions & don't have to pay out a big premium, exclusives suck. being from the UK you just don't get these convensitions here, well you do but not were Sideshow & Hot Toys promote there selfs, shame they don't get involved with the London film & comic con :(
Last year there were two SDCCs. Will that repeat?

At least I can pass on the Mk IV repaint. Already got IV and VI, so no need for a bank-straining palette swap. >_<

I wonder if there'll be at least one more though? I hope it's not something I'll end up wanting--it could get ugly. :lol
I passed on the last grey one and it's huge on the secondary. So I guess I better get this one. Although I'm loath to buy movie figures that weren't in the movie.

I'd get an Iron Patriot in a nanosecond though...
Waiting for the Iron Man market to implode given the sheer volume of variations. HT is really testing the market limits IMO.
I passed on the last grey one and it's huge on the secondary. So I guess I better get this one. Although I'm loath to buy movie figures that weren't in the movie.

I'd get an Iron Patriot in a nanosecond though...

Iron Patriot with a Norman Osborne sculpt would give the line a new jolt.
Waiting for the Iron Man market to implode given the sheer volume of variations. HT is really testing the market limits IMO.

And yet so far is totally silent on a number of really obvious surefire sellers from the Terminator franchise. Not like we're looking for risky figures here. Well OK I'd like a young John connor but FFS I'm willing to settle for money makers like BD T-800s and Kyle Reese.
Definitely picking up a few of these. Though not my preference, I'd be an idiot not to with the way Hot Toys exclusives sell on the secondary market.
Of course everyone will be expecting these to be as rare as a Guardian or Sillystring Ironman and over order and HT will over produce and they'll be selling for a box of marbles come next summer.
That's very true Dave, but just to make it clear, I am not wanting a Predator in order to sell later down the road. No, I am doing it because I want a cool ass figure in my house soon.
Problem is no one will want to risk missing out on what maybe the next Mark I or Guardian Pred. This reminds me of the housing bubble when people thought real estate could never go down. Then they saturate the market with like 7(?) versions of the same guy?!? When does the market rebel??