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Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

It's dust on the neck, it's shown up by the lights in the displays. The Iron Man figures were covered with it.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Large quads look fat in pants
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

slated for Q1 of 2014 but I have a feeling it will get delayed like most things. However, would be nice if we got an on schedule or even an early release

Thank you! At least for me I wish it could get delayed :p:peace:wink1:
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

...you say that like its a bad thing. :cool:

I re-watched the original Superman movie the other night. That thing is soooooooooooooooo boring, when they were flying and Lois was reciting poetry in her head, I just hit "skip"..... I could not take any more. The plot was a joke, just sludgy and boring and of course Luthor and co. were a joke too.... and people have the sheer nerve to say one thing bad about Man of Steel, shut the front door. Man of Steel is a masterpiece compared to that.

Poor baby Kal had to endure light-year's worth of lecturing from his father on the way, it is a wonder he didn't pop out of that flying Christmas ornament a stark raving lunatic.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

...you say that like its a bad thing. :cool:

I re-watched the original Superman movie the other night. That thing is soooooooooooooooo boring, when they were flying and Lois was reciting poetry in her head, I just hit "skip"..... I could not take any more. The plot was a joke, just sludgy and boring and of course Luthor and co. were a joke too.... and people have the sheer nerve to say one thing bad about Man of Steel, shut the front door. Man of Steel is a masterpiece compared to that.

Poor baby Kal had to endure light-year's worth of lecturing from his father on the way, it is a wonder he didn't pop out of that flying Christmas ornament a stark raving lunatic.

That's fine, you can have this empty, soulless flash-bang-wallop, pyrotechnic farce that insults the legacy of the character.

Just leaves more space for people who like actual Superman films, with a real actor as Superman.


Seriously though, each to their own.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

:lol @ "real actor"

While I don't hate the Reeve films, I do agree with most of Ramatuelle. Ppl just love Reeve (not a bad thing) but as a Superman fan looking in from the outside at those Reeve films (even 1 and 2) and not being swayed by Reeve's performance, there's a lot of things wrong with. For me, equally if not more so than MoS. Not saying either film is bad. I have my prefence yes but neither film is the perfect Superman film as both are lacking to me.
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Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

That's fine, you can have this empty, soulless flash-bang-wallop, pyrotechnic farce that insults the legacy of the character.

Just leaves more space for people who like actual Superman films, with a real actor as Superman.


Seriously though, each to their own.

I didn't find it soulless. I thought the idea of young Clark struggling with the truth and discovering himself was well done and believable. He wasn't as "emo" as people made it out to be LOL.

Near the end.. Yes.. The soulless flash bang pyrotechnic was a tad over the top. I do agree with you there, but it was still fun as hell.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

That's fine, you can have this empty, soulless flash-bang-wallop, pyrotechnic farce that insults the legacy of the character.

Just leaves more space for people who like actual Superman films, with a real actor as Superman.

I like Reeves. But its just not all that as a film, certainly not be-all, end-all its made out to be.

Marlon Brando wearing Dayglo garb? Cheesy recitation of poetry as Supes squires Lois about town in midair? Bah. You want that one, you are welcome to it.

Meanwhile, looking forward to this figure.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Whatever problems you have with MOS, none of them were Cavill's fault.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

:wink1: Cheeky wink icon, folks...cheeky wink icon :wink1:

It was meant to be a cheeky but short replay of the argument we've already had ad nauseum re which is best. However, certain observations did occur to me from the replies...

1) Everyone that answered missed totally that it was a jokey reply.
2) It's REEVE not Reeves, that was an altogether different Superman.
3) Not one Pro-Reeve (as it were) supporter posted...they clearly got that it was meant as a joke, or just did not bother.

However, I would add that I too hated that "Can you read my mind?" section...with a vengeance. It should really have been "Can you you stop me from simultaneously freezing to death and suffocating due to the super thin arctic cold air, here above the clouds? If you don't get me back soon...I am going to be an ice cube in pink panties!"

I will also revise my 'real actor' comment...as the story was pointless, nonsensical and practically non-existent in MoS with all the moping around that Clark does (Smallville already having dealt this whole first two thirds of the film) and all the bang-up and helpful things he does to try to stay totally hidden and secret, like tying an 18 wheel truck into a hair ribbon...what he was given to do in MoS was so shockingly dull, I'll revise that comment and wait until we see him do something more with SM. I will admit, what he was given to do was sadly lacking so was not his fault.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

..... See, that is just your point of view that "what he was given to do was sadly lacking." It wasn't at all lacking to me, and certainly made more sense than trying to foil a plot to set off the San Andreas Fault with a hydrogen bomb, or whatever. [I admit to getting a little sleepy around that point.]

From my PoV, the detour he made to stop the World Engine over in Indonesia [or wherever] was a great deal more plausible than his lying to Miss Tasmacher about saving her mother first. WHAT.

I prefer him facing off against Nam-ek than.... Otis?!!! For serious and true, I do not see one single redeeming thing about StM other than Reeve himself, and there was way too much emphasis on him bungling around rather than in stopping a world-altering plot.

I will also revise my 'real actor' comment...as the story was pointless, nonsensical and practically non-existent in MoS

Its ok with me that for some people, nostalgia trumps all. Yet to many of us, it is patently false that the plot was "pointless and nonsensical." For everything you find pointless and nonsensical about MoS, I promise you I could find something equally bad if not worse in StM.

Not at all being ugly here, but seriously.... c'mon.

However, I would add that I too hated that "Can you read my mind?" section...with a vengeance. It should really have been "Can you stop me from simultaneously freezing to death and suffocating due to the super thin arctic cold air, here above the clouds? If you don't get me back soon...I am going to be an ice cube in pink panties!"

I spent most of that scene wondering what it would be like to be whacked in the eye with a bee at 50+ MPH/KPH, since no one had any eye protection on. True, bees and other bugs are not up there in the clouds, but just sayin'.
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Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Next up: Superman 2, so that I might more accurately compare the two Zods. Its been 99 forevers since I have seen these films.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

You know ive never seen all of part 4 lol. Reeves was great but those movies are so bad. Not defending man of steel at all but those movies are boring and corny as a movie can be. And I dont care it was the 70's they were corny then too. Your telling me "ooo man that is a baaaad outfit" didnt make people facepalm? Lol no way. They really got worse the more I watched them lol
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

I love reading 99% of peoples comments on this forum, and I can completely see how people could not like the original Superman films as well as MOS. When I was a kid I loved the first two Superman films (mainly Superman 2), but over the years that series was one for me that didn't hold up over time. Does that make it bad? Not in the least. Do I still think Reeve was an awesome Clark/Kal? Definitely.

That being said, I absolutely loved Man of Steel. It is by far my favorite "superhero" film ever. The first time I saw it I came home raving how great it was, how this was the Superman I've always dreamed about. The next day I took my girlfriend, my two roommates and my niece-who doesn't like anything superheroish. Out of the four, my girlfriend and roommates thought it was just okay, if that, and my niece who normally won't even sit through a comic film loved it. Go figure.

As always, it's a matter of taste. I'm just stoked superheroes are finally getting the love they deserve.