Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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I agree on that one too, these things are supposed to be accurate. But I've said before the movies are shot in a way to hide the big heads to my mind. Its only because they're built around the performers head that they are bigger anyways, I dont really see it as a design choice...

Could be wrong thoough, just my 2 cents
The heads of the new "super" Preds are exceptionally large. When you look at previous Preds, their noggins still looked somewhat propotionate to their body size. The newer Preds (at least in my eyes) have a distinct "bobble head" appearence. Just mu humble opinion of course. I'm sure many will dissagree.
Absolutly, much agreed.

I too would love a P1, but like I said last week in Seb´s custom thread:
P1, are outlandish expensive converted to euro.
Prices for this masterpiece skyrocketed in a relative short time.
:( :gah:

Do not cry, Timo! You'll have it, your P1, one day... :wink1: :D
Yeah there are plenty of people who think this figure has problems but they’re still impressed by it and are going to pick it up. Hot Toys just didn’t deliver the goods on this one. Royce turned out pretty much perfect but then the Predator turns out as a short pea head who we are going to have to wait till February to get.
What is that a picture of in that picture at the bottom of your posts?
Wowie! I finaly got a chance to watch thes videos. Really looking forward to getting him ASAP. :impatient:

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Oh man, while a killer looking figure, the helmet/head is REALLY off. What the hell is going up with hT? First the Landa Rastahat now this? Sorry guys I dont mean to be an ass, its just a lotta cash to pay for this kind of inaccuracy.
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Oh man, while a killer looking figure, the helmet is REALLY off. What the hell is going up with hT and headger? First the Landa Rastahat now this? Sorry guys I dont mean to be an ass, its just a lotta cash to pay for this kind of inaccuracy.

They were trying to make the figure more aesthetically appealing than accurate from the looks of it. Saddening since they're saying that this is a realistic and accurate 1:6th scale portrayal of the Berserker. Frankly, I wouldn't have minded if they weren't asking a premium price for it. As a display piece, though, it works remarkably well. You could just think of this as HT's reinterpretation of the character.
I agree with youtube guy about berserkers face. The aesthetic choices HT took there are better than what I saw in the film. In the film he looks like an overblown bubblefaced gremlin with mandibles. The HT figure looks more predatoresque in the face.

But I think it was Darth Fatso who put the rhetorical question out there of 'who are HT to decide to redesign it?' and I also agree with that. There may have been practical reasons too though - perhaps there'd realistically be no way of getting a mask onto the face if it had had those extra large mandibles for example and if HT had had the mask permanently sculpted on then people would most certainly have complained about that instead - as we saw with Falconer.

For me though theres no excuse for things like undersizing the head or making the dreads too thin and short. If that was an aesthetic choice then I don't think it was a good one and I see no practical reason for it either.
Well, I got one off Ebay, and it arrived today.
I must say that I really like it, even with all
of the issues. Like a-dev said, the face is
more predatoresque on the figure then the
movie version.
Here's something worth considering that I don't think anyone has mentioned yet...

Fox had to green light the figures once Hot Toys completed them. Why is no one complaining about Fox not requiring Hot Toys to get it "exactly" like it was seen in the film?

Everyone is griping about Hot Toys, but no one is blaming Fox, who - essentially - has the final call on any and all looks concerning the figures featured in their films.
But by the same token all is forgiven when one sees Royce and Berserker together. I don't think enlarging the head would make for a better figure at the end of the day. The dreads could use a little extra length, but - it's definitely not a deal breaker for me. Hot toys has used a good measure of artistic license with the head, but like the video reviewer said, I actually think it blows the movie Berserker away for aesthetic appeal - it's a fair trade. We all know what to expect from Hot Toys predators by now - I'm not surprised.

I don't think enlarging the head would make for a better figure at the end of the day.
yes, it wouldn't.
enlarging the head AND shortening the neck AND narrowing the shoulders could.