Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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Instead I'm trying to get a new addiction - saving money, watching my cash-stash grow thicker and thicker....

I really need to get better at this kind of collecting, to start a family we need a bigger apartment and for that i need to save up 60 000 dollars for the loan.

But collectibles and restaurant bills are eating up it all :lol
I dont rally care about the box,but my T-600 Concept box is a real pain in the ass. So i hope they will not make it like that. Well, one good thing with that kind of box is that is has no "flaps" that get rugged when you open an close the box..
I hate how the sleeves are so damn hard to take off or put back on. And the noise it makes from rubbing against the Styrofoam box just drives me nuts sometimes.

When I took the sleeve of My Final battle JC, the whole left corner of the styrofoam box peeled off.:banghead
I just got this pic from the statue forum :rotfl . Oh man, that is NOT Arnold!


A friend of mine owned one of the "good" t-850 cinemaquettes, which didnt look that bad and the hair on his was pretty decent too. But I still dont really understand why anyone would want to spend that kind of money, when the final product doesnt look nearly as good as the prototype. And I agree they have some serious issues with the way they execute the hair.:lol I mean look how the t-850 was supposed to look:
Jeez the final production piece of that T3 Arnie really suffered in multiplication. I thought the pic a few pages back was a bad smudgy photoshop jobby but this confirms that it wasn't - those eyebrows are ridiculous, too fluffy and too high, and the hair looks silly completely straight such as it is - kinda like what my hair looks like actually which is why I shave my head.
No I mean acceptable, every figure can't be pure perfection but when you're charging over $1000 for something, your production piece really should be at least 80% as nice as the prototype and that CM looks 50% or less.
If I had been unfortunate enough to buy that I'd just have to reposition the eyebrows more appropriately - not halfway up the forehead! I think if you achieved that it actually looks salvageable as an old man T3 Arnie. Still for that price you shouldn't have to do anything with it.
I've seen one in person and it looked a million times better than that. Probably a mixture of a bad photo and one with bad hair placement.
Why don't the mods just create an 'I Hate CM' section. It would be popular.

I owned one of the Arnie CM's and the likeness was better than what its being bashed for. True some of those photo's aren't great but I think people are looking for the really bad ones just to try and prove a point.
Maybe that's just a bad picture. I've seen it looking better than. Not much but the skin looks like rubber and I was kinda impressed how it looked like skin. The likeness was still terrible though and the hair...