Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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This suit represents Tony at his worst in the film. Makes me want it less. Mark VI is where it's at. Bring it on.
This and WM look like they could be some of the best figures yet. I wanted them already, but after seeing the movie I'm even more excited.
This and WM look like they could be some of the best figures yet. I wanted them already, but after seeing the movie I'm even more excited.

The film actually had the opposite effect on me, at least when it comes to this figure.
The film actually had the opposite effect on me, at least when it comes to this figure.

Haha Yeah I liked your previous post. It's an interesting point, but isn't that all a part of what makes Tony such a great character?
This suit represents Tony at his worst in the film. Makes me want it less. Mark VI is where it's at. Bring it on.

To me, this suit doesn't represent Tony at his worst, but an overall representation of what Iron Man is. I believe Iron Man will always be the red and gold avenger and not the red and gold and bits of silver avenger that the Mark VI is. Iron Man to me will always have the circle chest piece and not the triangular one; maybe I'm just old school, but that's what Iron Man looks and means to me, and the Mark IV looks just like that!

My 2 cents. Sorry.
Yea but at the end of the movie at the fianl battle iron man in mark 6 was kicking ass especially with those lasers. I hope they atleast make a dx of the mark 6 . I actually agree with the other guy the mark v1 represents tony at his worst.
To me, this suit doesn't represent Tony at his worst, but an overall representation of what Iron Man is. I believe Iron Man will always be the red and gold avenger and not the red and gold and bits of silver avenger that the Mark VI is. Iron Man to me will always have the circle chest piece and not the triangular one; maybe I'm just old school, but that's what Iron Man looks and means to me, and the Mark IV looks just like that!

My 2 cents. Sorry.

:goodpost: I feel the same about it. He definitely kicked more ass while wearing the VI, but the look of the IV is the most iconic to me.
I do agree the color scheme is more iconic on the mark IV, and I've grown to like the look of the circular chest piece of the films than the classic triangle of the modern comics, but the Mark IV does nothing of worth onscreen. Sure, there's the battle against the Mark 2, but that battle only left me more impressed by the Mark II and Rhodey.

So then what's left? Tony getting stupid drunk and pissing in his mark iv suit? Yeah, great.

Actually, this might get me some flak, but I think the Mark IV didn't need to exist at all in the film. Think about it, a repaired Mark III would have been fine until the Mark VI showed up and the transition would have been more impactful if it happened like that -- kinda like how the Batsuit changed within The Dark Knight. I saw the movie with some friends and most of them couldn't tell how the Mark VI was any different from the Mark IV, which made the latter suit seem insignificant of an upgrade. Hypothetically, the mark iv does nothing on screen that the Mark III wasn't able to do. But Marvel and Hasbro needs the cash-in, so I understand.

Still, I will most likely get this for the Stark head sculpt and donuts, which is amusing, but I will be more excited by the Mark V and VI figures.
I think the Mark IV didn't need to exist at all in the film. Think about it, a repaired Mark III would have been fine until the Mark VI showed up and the transition would have been more impactful if it happened like that

You might be right... actually, I agree with you. It did seem unnecessary that Tony had to build a new suit right after the MKIII sustained major damage, and it seemed that he did not even try to repair it. There probably was not much of a difference in terms of specs between MKIII and MKIV, so the MKIV for me seemed kinda... pointless. It's like it was there just to move more IM products.
Yeah, more material for toys and products, and at this point there's no use complaining about it, I know, but in my eyes the Mark IV is now less cool and almost redundant.

However, as a Hot Toys figure, I'd be happier to buy this than the various versions of the Mark III that HT put out.
You might be right... actually, I agree with you. It did seem unnecessary that Tony had to build a new suit right after the MKIII sustained major damage, and it seemed that he did not even try to repair it. There probably was not much of a difference in terms of specs between MKIII and MKIV, so the MKIV for me seemed kinda... pointless. It's like it was there just to move more IM products.

Actually I think it makes MORE sense for Tony to tweak the suit if he has to rebuild it anyway due to the nature of the sort of person he is. I'm sure he learned a lot in his battle with Iron Monger and incorporated that into his suit, even if a lot of it was "under the hood."
I agree, but then again I'm all for Tony having as many suits as possible. I'm really hoping by the third film he has several suits already made at the beginning designed for certain tasks. He doesn't even need to use them, just have them in the background shots.

I'm sure if Avengers goes as rumored and Hulk is the "villain" we'll see something like the Hulk Buster armor.
Hoping to get the briefcase suit -- awesome! Personally, IM2 seemed to have too many suits for HT to handle, but I hope I'm wrong about that :).

You might be right... actually, I agree with you. It did seem unnecessary that Tony had to build a new suit right after the MKIII sustained major damage, and it seemed that he did not even try to repair it. There probably was not much of a difference in terms of specs between MKIII and MKIV, so the MKIV for me seemed kinda... pointless. It's like it was there just to move more IM products.

i think if you base this idea in a realistic context- it seems to be a strong ground. but honestly, if you were tony- living on the edge kinda guy who has the means to upgrade his armor- why not?! What about collectors/hobbyist for that matter- they customize their collection to the point of perfection. this proves a striking point too.

to get to understand why tony builds a new armor? he needs a new one. he is constantly evolving. just like people needing a new i phone or an Ipad. he is a visionary... someone who doesnt say- i'm okay withi this stuff. he's more of what's next to make?

it boils down to- marketing! tony markets his image to the marvel universe the way marvel wants to market the character to us.
