1/6 Hot Toys BvS: Dawn of Justice-Wonder Woman

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Don't tell me you've never watched a movie and said "I want a figure of that". I know I do that. And that's what coinciding the release does. HT has sales from you and those who decided they wanted her long ago. By doing this, if she's available to market in HK (implying soon to market in US and abroad), people are going to jump for it now who aren't "early adopters". Boom, HT sells out a bunch of their product asap and look, now they now have a clean slate for Justice League or whatever 1.5 edition comes out from the actual WW film. 8k pieces IS their business, doesn't matter if the majority of the audience doesn't collect. They want to tap that remaining percent of people who haven't committed to buying her to wipe out their quota.

Most people who watch the movie and want a figure will go DC direct route or hasbro or what ever else is in the local toy store.
Cannot imagine hot toys winning customers off the back of a movie because they are simply over priced.
Most people who watch the movie and want a figure will go DC direct route or hasbro or what ever else is in the local toy store.
Cannot imagine hot toys winning customers off the back of a movie because they are simply over priced.

Not the point - there are many who are simply unsold on this figure period. Hot Toys could care less about the audience who's going to Target to buy figures. They want the people already in 1/6 or the die hard Wonder Woman fans. This is not going to be the figure to bring newcomers to 1/6 in mass anyway. Considering a questionable likeness, articulation, and originating from a film that did not garner much praise from fans - they want people to get invested. How do they do that? Launch the week of the movie. Seeing a movie, getting hyped up, and seeing this as the "best" option will drive a lot of 1/6 buyers to it rather than releasing this in the middle of nowhere when no one is thinking about Wonder Woman. Strike while the iron is hot. We all have peaks and lulls in our interests, and I know I'm much more likely to buy something from a franchise I enjoy of it's front and center, and something else isn't currently carrying my interest.
Won't elaborate because I'm near certain my reasoning would cause the thread to unnecessarily digress, but I have a feeling it'll receive glowing reviews.

Not the most difficult prediction when the critics who will be reviewing it have alread said how much they liked it. :dunno

The brighter colour palete, more humour, fun tone were alwas gonna play better with critics. They even liked Superman Returns for it's homage to Reeve and the Donnerverse. Over time I think BvS, the ultimate cut, will be looked at more favourably when it's viewed in context with this whole DCEU.

Anyway stuff critics, I can't wait to see the movie myself and maybe finally see this WW figure released. :pray:
Well personally, as someone who absolutely loved MOS (and really liked the BVS ultimate cut), I think the DC movies could still definitely use a bit more humor and fun. At least as long as it's the kind of humor I'm seeing in these WW clips so far, which appears to be more situational (like Steve's reaction to the lasso of truth, or Diana not being able to get her sword and shield through a revolving door) versus people just making nonstop quips and wisecracks like in the Marvel movies.
With the MCU and DCEU, I feel each one has what the other lacks, which makes me appreciate both. While still being a serious take on the character, WW does seem to have a bit more humor in it than MoS and BvS. The tones of the film seem to be much brighter as well, especially while on Themyscira.

I've never been one to be overly critical of films, nor do I care what critics say. I tend to just go and enjoy it for what it's meant to be most of the time.

Not the most difficult prediction when the critics who will be reviewing it have alread said how much they liked it. :dunno

It was already my prediction long before critics stated on early reviews how much they liked it.
With the MCU and DCEU, I feel each one has what the other lacks, which makes me appreciate both. While still being a serious take on the character, WW does seem to have a bit more humor in it than MoS and BvS. The tones of the film seem to be much brighter as well, especially while on Themyscira.

I've never been one to be overly critical of films, nor do I care what critics say. I tend to just go and enjoy it for what it's meant to be most of the time.

It was already my prediction long before critics stated on early reviews how much they liked it.

Fair enough, I wasn't aware of that.
JL will likely get improved reviews also though maybe not as good as WW, it is Snyder after all and critics just don't seem to like the guy. Without him there wouldn't even be a WW movie or any of the movies that follow.
Well personally, as someone who absolutely loved MOS (and really liked the BVS ultimate cut), I think the DC movies could still definitely use a bit more humor and fun. At least as long as it's the kind of humor I'm seeing in these WW clips so far, which appears to be more situational (like Steve's reaction to the lasso of truth, or Diana not being able to get her sword and shield through a revolving door) versus people just making nonstop quips and wisecracks like in the Marvel movies.

Agree in most part – I don't think DCEU movies need more humour, but agree with the rest of your point - the humour should be appropriate and not forced... the last few Marvel movies have left a very bad taste in my mouth on that regard – the humour is extremely forced and in a lot of cases not need or appropriate! The main culprit for this was Doctor Strange... I really looked forward to that, hoping that it would finally be the MCUs dark-toned movie, with a great cast - wow, I really didn't like it! Then GoTG2 – loved the first one, really didn't like 2!

Where the MCU is concerned I really feel like the kid in the fable of the Emperor's New Clothes – and no one else seems to be able to see their movies for what they are but me!
Agree in most part – I don't think DCEU movies need more humour, but agree with the rest of your point - the humour should be appropriate and not forced... the last few Marvel movies have left a very bad taste in my mouth on that regard – the humour is extremely forced and in a lot of cases not need or appropriate! The main culprit for this was Doctor Strange... I really looked forward to that, hoping that it would finally be the MCUs dark-toned movie, with a great cast - wow, I really didn't like it! Then GoTG2 – loved the first one, really didn't like 2!

Where the MCU is concerned I really feel like the kid in the fable of the Emperor's New Clothes – and no one else seems to be able to see their movies for what they are but me!

Oh I do- very shallow stuff- fun to watch but that's it- not much lingers afterwards
I believe it also depends on the character(s) that determine what kind of tone you're going to want to go for.

Batman generally has darker tones in his films and they are relatively devoid of humor, because he's a dark character. Superman is a lighter character, but I think the character is due for and deserves a more serious approach that's grounded in reality and faces real world issues, as opposed to the generally campy renditions of the past; especially when he's in a Batman film. Wonder Woman I don't feel is as sacred of a character as the aforementioned two, but the character at the same time is worthy of a serious approach, so I think some humor would work more in a WW film than say a Batman film.

On the MCU side, with the exception of perhaps TFA, I think Captain America solo films have been approached more seriously in the sense of making him having to face real world issues (similarly to Superman in the DCEU) and consequently, his films generally don't have as much humor in them as other films in the MCU. Ant-Man to me seems like he's purely meant to be a fun character that many people wouldn't take too seriously because he's not AS popular, so a simple plot and a non stop laugh fest during his films, works. Same with GotG (though I thought the plot of GotG 2 was more intricate than the first).

Then in group films such as the Avengers or the JL, or even GotG, you're bound to have at least some humor when you get multiple heroes from various backgrounds all trying to coalesce, especially for the first time.

It really just all depends on the character(s) you're dealing with, in my opinion.
Batman still has some good dry humour, even in BvS there were some good lines. I like the arc this DCEU is taking. It should be more rewarding when we get a more rounded Superman at the end of JL and certainly in his next solo movie. Choosing an older Batman was great casting, we really didn't need another origin movie for him at this stage.
I feel like the Spiderman homecoming is another start of Spiderman which I hate to see again, dealing with his powers blah blah. I liked him in civil war but I just don't look forward to going to the theater watching another actor start this round over again. Straight to DVD for me
I feel like the Spiderman homecoming is another start of Spiderman which I hate to see again, dealing with his powers blah blah. I liked him in civil war but I just don't look forward to going to the theater watching another actor start this round over again. Straight to DVD for me

I totally agree. I think movie makers are going to the well one too many times on this latest Spiderman. I could possibly get sucked into this one and retract my previous statement.......
I thought Homecoming is supposed to take place post Civil War? Basically continuing with his abilities already established and not going back and rehashing his origins.....again.
I thought Homecoming is supposed to take place post Civil War? Basically continuing with his abilities already established and not going back and rehashing his origins.....again.

Correct. I don't know what that other is talking about. From what I saw in the trailer, the plot will revolve around Peter getting too big for his britches, Tony taking his advanced suit to humble him a bit, and Peter learns the true meaning of something while going up against the mighty Keaton. Marvel studios is too smart to go back to the origin story well. It's going to do just fine.
Let's wait a little bit longer.. since OSR schedule is now reflecting June for WW...
I believe it also depends on the character(s) that determine what kind of tone you're going to want to go for.

Batman generally has darker tones in his films and they are relatively devoid of humor, because he's a dark character. Superman is a lighter character, but I think the character is due for and deserves a more serious approach that's grounded in reality and faces real world issues, as opposed to the generally campy renditions of the past; especially when he's in a Batman film. Wonder Woman I don't feel is as sacred of a character as the aforementioned two, but the character at the same time is worthy of a serious approach, so I think some humor would work more in a WW film than say a Batman film.

On the MCU side, with the exception of perhaps TFA, I think Captain America solo films have been approached more seriously in the sense of making him having to face real world issues (similarly to Superman in the DCEU) and consequently, his films generally don't have as much humor in them as other films in the MCU. Ant-Man to me seems like he's purely meant to be a fun character that many people wouldn't take too seriously because he's not AS popular, so a simple plot and a non stop laugh fest during his films, works. Same with GotG (though I thought the plot of GotG 2 was more intricate than the first).

Then in group films such as the Avengers or the JL, or even GotG, you're bound to have at least some humor when you get multiple heroes from various backgrounds all trying to coalesce, especially for the first time.

It really just all depends on the character(s) you're dealing with, in my opinion.

Your opening sentence hits the nail on the head –*and there in lies my problem with Marvel, as their movies do not reflect the heroes, or honor the source material.
They are the Superhero equivalent of the Roger Moore Bond films –*forgettable fun that is a million miles away from the actual character he's playing! Suffice to say I really don't like Moore as Bond!
It's personal choice, but personally I like my comic book films to be pretty accurate to the character, not turned into some jokey, parody.