DC Joker Movie (Non-DCEU)

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I think Bale has been great for a long time.

The Mechanist
American Psycho
The Fighter
Batman Begins
American Hustle
The Big Short
The Prestige
Out of Furnace
Rescue Dawn
3:10 to Yuma
Harsh Times
You have high standards. Who are these mythical creatures you consider to be real actors? :lol

I do.

But I like personalities as much as anyone. My favorite characters are played by guys that are primarily personalities.

Indy is my favorite but Deckard is a close second. He has done some great characters and made them his own.

Love Ford but Solo, Indy, Deckard, etc are all variations of the same guy.

Deckard's exchange on the radio to the hovering cop car is straight-up wiseass Solo.
Actually, I think Indy and Solo are basically the same guy, Deckard has a bit more nuance and depth to him. But then again, he's a replicant, so that explains that. :wink1:

Speaking of personalities, I think Brad Pitt is a great actor.
12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Troy, Babylon, Inglorious Bastards (can't remember how to spell it wrong), WWZ... all pretty distinct characters.
He's gotten better as an actor, but I put him on the Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Mel Gibson, Denzel category. I put all of them below Tom Hanks, and Leo, but I put Hanks and Leo below prime Pacino, Hoffman and Daniel Day Lewis.
That's a really strange hierarchy.

Pacino on the same plateau as DDL and Hoffman?

I do! I love Anthony Hopkins. But he's really short on tricks. Great 'actor' though.

Look, there wouldn't be casting directors if every actor was like DDL and could basically play everything and anything.

The key to casting is finding the right personality for the character. Sometimes several "types" could work, sometimes its just a perfect melding of a single actor's baggage with the script's character.
I do! I love Anthony Hopkins. But he's really short on tricks. Great 'actor' though.

Look, there wouldn't be casting directors if every actor was like DDL and could basically play everything and anything.

The key to casting is finding the right personality for the character. Sometimes several "types" could work, sometimes its just a perfect melding of a single actor's baggage with the script's character.

Paul Newman knew that. He once said that he was priceless, in the right role.
Only 1 month after Joker release and the main topic of conversation are other movies and actors and that started a week ago lol

I really think Joker shot itself in the foot being a one man show with a very tight rather simple plot structure with a shallow narrative grant it a well produced and acted one.

A. Arthur on meds sad, not noticed.
B. Arthur off meds confident, kills to be noticed
C. The End

Does the movie have anything more interesting to offer?

That whole bringing light to mental illness angle ended up amounting to nothing.

i?m bored without Batman lol

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I mean in a way without Batman it's kind of a story without consequences for Joker. Arthur isn't really all that better or worse off than when we found him. Especially, if you subscribe to the theory that he's imagined almost all of it.

It's a good film and performance, but I just can't see it having the timeless quality that TDK and Ledger's Joker achieved.
Only 1 month after Joker release and the main topic of conversation are other movies and actors and that started a week ago lol

I really think Joker shot itself in the foot being a one man show with a very tight rather simple plot structure with a shallow narrative grant it a well produced and acted one.

A. Arthur on meds sad, not noticed.
B. Arthur off meds confident, kills to be noticed
C. The End

Does the movie have anything more interesting to offer?

That whole bringing light to mental illness angle ended up amounting to nothing.

i?m bored without Batman lol

I 100% stand by my initial review of Joker. Throw any number of awards at it, it deserves them.

And yet...I find myself more looking forward to a second viewing of SMFFH than I am Joker, lol.
I mean in a way without Batman it's kind of a story without consequences for Joker. Arthur isn't really all that better or worse off than when we found him. Especially, if you subscribe to the theory that he's imagined almost all of it.

It's a good film and performance, but I just can't see it having the timeless quality that TDK and Ledger's Joker achieved.


I 100% stand by my initial review of Joker. Throw any number of awards at it, it deserves them.

And yet...I find myself more looking forward to a second viewing of SMFFH than I am Joker, lol.

lol :rotfl lol

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Holy crap lol

dude I?ve been trying to find a gif for the last 10 minutes that represents you watching EG while at the Joker Oscar after party lol

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I know I'm late to the party, but the stand out moments to me where Arthur in his apartment, getting ready for the kill....his face all white (even his tongue) and him walking around shirtless, ready to kill with those scissors. Very simple, but very unsettling look.

If Hot Toys ever did figures, the full suit and make up version is a must, but I think the shirtless, stark white face version splattered with blood would be a great variant.

And yeah, he looked way cooler than I thought he would once he went full Joker. From way back when we saw the first still, I hated the blue highlights and red nose, but absolutely loved the color and tailoring on the suit. Seeing it in motion, especially the iconic stair dance, it totally won me over.

Those two looks were the best for me, but I think the all white psycho look splattered with blood was my favorite look and scene in the movie.