1/6 Hot Toys - MMS402/3 - Rogue One - Chirrut Imwe Collectible Figure

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Krennic does not get made but this guy with a stick gets made simply because he is a Asian.
I really don't get all this "omg they reused a stand" whining.

If they have a stand already made, and IMO it looks great with this character, why not use it?
more photos from secret base.

dan 1.jpg
dan 2.jpg
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Rogue One - Chirrut Imwe Collectible Figure

I'm going to go into writer mode and rant for a bit here. Forgive me (Or just don't read it). But I think the Finn/Poe stuff should be taken seriously, not written off as part of the weird, fringe culture of fandoms shipping characters with no rational for it. Look, you can dismiss it out of hand or not, but (and with infinite directions to take the story, it may not end up being the case) given the way The Force Awakens ended, it may be a more serious possibility than you think. In fact, with Finn, Poe, and Leia left to head up the Resistance until they presumably reunite with Rey and Luke in the third act of VIII, the story practically writes itself.

Finn's entire arc in TFA is about building relationships for the first time. Now that he's established friendships with the people around him, the two kinds of relationships he has yet to really experience are spousal and familial. With almost no chance of finding his birth parents (and considering that Star Wars tends to build its ensembles up as sort of adoptive families anyway) all he really has left to find is a partner.

Now you could argue that this logic applies to any character -- and that centering any single character's arc around the idea that they are somehow incomplete without a partner is, frankly, stupid.

I would agree with this, except that Finn is a unique case. I vehemently believe that the story of someone who has essentially been held captive and prevented from making human connections their whole life falling in love for the first time would be extremely powerful.

Now as far as who his love interest is, you really have two options as far as I'm concerned. He has great chemistry with Rey and Poe. They are his peers and his friends and the connections are already there. If you bring in a new character who was created simply for Finn to lust after, well, that's how you end up with a ****** character.

Now, with Rey friend-zoning him repeatedly and then going off to be a jedi, that ship has pretty much sailed. Poe on the other hand works perfectly. He's a clean enough slate as a character to build up the relationship in a way that presents it as an equally important step in his arc. According to ancillary material released around the same time as TFA, Poe's mother was a pilot in the Rebellion. He grew up never knowing whether she was coming home or not. That was difficult enough, but that pain was only amplified when eventually she didn't. He might be resistant to putting someone he loves through that same pain as he continues to take on dangerous missions throughout the galaxy, thus keeping his feelings for Finn to himself.

And yes, while some LGBT representation would be nice to have in the biggest film franchise of all time, a vocal minority (and the Chinese government) will throw a fit because they're bigots. Some people would dismiss it as politicizing a film instead of telling the best story they can. But at a certain point you have to realize, if the film makers think that two characters should be together and they happen to be of the same sex, they ARE just telling the best story they possibly can. There is no agenda there. Unless you consider acknowledging that gay people exist just like straight people some sort of agenda, in which case get a grip. The truth is that Finn and Poe would be no different from any other couple including Han and Leia and Anakin and Padme.

First of all you are waaaaay too willing to say 'that ship has sailed' concerning Rey friend-zoning him. Because a guy will swim after that boat, he will swim thru sharks. We Do Not.Take.The.Hint. Even after its made perfectly clear with like essays and diagrams and sock puppets, guys are still like "Listen listen listen, shh-shhh-shh-shh, I know I KNOW its not happening............but its happening. Its already begun. What you're experiencing right now is the euphoria of realizing its totally going to happen. You've never felt this way before and you're simply in shock. Put the fork down." So you see Finn has just started laying the ground work here, hes playing the long game. He knows this is a trilogy. Flowers don't bloom on command.

Second, this is probably the first girl he's ever had a casual conversation with and his immediate instincts are 'Hey now, biological female.......I think shes into me! Target acquired, I'll use stealth!' "YoU G0t A BoYFriEnD ??! HMMMMM? HMMMMMMMMM?" He is blatantly inquiring about her availability. Obviously his game is weak but nonetheless, the attempt is made. He is exhibiting straight characteristics. This scene is establishing specific character traits. Dialogue is not happenstance. All dialogue has intent. The intent of the writer to convey information to the audience. They're not gonna waste precious screen time on inane banter, they're establishing character behavior.

And its so clumsy and ham handed it couldn't be any more obvious, if JJ himself walked out in front of the camera during the scene and said "Hey everyone just wanna explain whats going on in this scene real quick, basically Finn is trying to put the moves on Rey and she is ice cold shuttin him down with the C-C-C-Combo-Breaker! So despite his initial intentions their relationship is not romantic. Is everyone getting that? You? You get it? Alright cool cool, just making sure. Okay guys ready annnnd ACTION!" The film is telling you Finn is straight, however despite that, they're just friends. So to speculate whether Finn is gay would be to completely disregard what the film itself is declaring.

In fact I would say aside from Han and Leia, Finn is the ONLY character to exhibit distinctly straight behavior. Every other character is up for speculation. Kylo, Phasma, Poe, Rey, nothing is declared or suggested within the film in regards to their orientation. Hell even Luke (especially Luke) Is yet to be depicted in any relationship. We do see him for a split second standing next to a grave. Is that his wife? husband? maybe its one of the dead Padawans? Anyway it was actually refreshing for Rey not to be fawning over a love interest. Romance in these action movies are usually just a distraction.
Krennic does not get made but this guy with a stick gets made simply because he is a Asian.

Donnie Yen is a huge star outside North America. It has nothing to do with race! You made it sounds like there are lots of HT Asian figures.
If Brad Pitt plays Krennic, then I'm pretty sure HT will make him first.
I use stands because I'd rather not risk my figures falling over. Plus personally I feel like diorama bases can add to a display rather than take away. They kind of complete the scene for me.

I had to stands for all my figures after a couple of them fell. The one that woke me up was the Elder Pred. Bang...it was pretty loud hitting the glass shelf. :)
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Rogue One - Chirrut Imwe Collectible Figure

Honestly, I do everything I can to get out of using figure stands all together. I have no idea why people go crazy for the stands. They ruin the fun and the point of having them look realistic.

I hate the stands too but I live in earthquake zone and have already had a small chip on a Cap shield from it falling over. After that, stands for all my figures that have any part that could be damaged from a fall.
Luke wasn't standing next to a grave at the end of TFA. So people can let that one go.
Krennic does not get made but this guy with a stick gets made simply because he is a Asian.
This post reeks of idiocy. Now go back to your corner and think or something. Not everybody gets announced right away. If I had a facepalm emoji, I'd use it just about now.


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HT should make IP man figure already, the headsculpt just much better than two efforts of Enterbay
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Rogue One - Chirrut Imwe Collectible Figure

I hate the stands too but I live in earthquake zone and have already had a small chip on a Cap shield from it falling over. After that, stands for all my figures that have any part that could be damaged from a fall.

I really like stands, i completes the overall presentation for me.
I mean... its just a base depicting a forest...if it saves costs and makes it cheaper for the buyer, or goes towards future products, does it really matter if there's a tiny bit of variance in the plantation?😅
Wow....what a racist thing to say. Go away troll.

I don't think it is as racist as you'd like it to be. From reading this thread I learned that this actor is pretty famous and Asian and a big star where HT is based I thought I read. So when I read this comment I assume the poster is saying HT made him because he is Asian and a big star in their country.

So while nobody should be racist in life I did understand the comment probably how it was meant and not in the racist way the PC people of the world like to view every comment made with regards to race. I highly doubt the comment was meant to be racist and not everyone reads it that way. Just to make it clear again. I think they meant the Asian actor was made over others because he's a big actor in Asia. Additionally it's not just because he's Asian it's because he's a huge star and in Rogue 1 and kicks arse.

I happen to think that is not an issue and never thought of it as just another character. I also agree with HT if they chose him because he is a big star over there. I would make him too if I were HT. In the end HT will make most of the characters anyway so all will be happy.
Well there is also the possibility that they made him because he's clearly cooler to look at than a middle aged white guy standing in a white suit with a white cape. The same reason you don't see a ton of starling stuff made.
Well there is also the possibility that they made him because he's clearly cooler to look at than a middle aged white guy standing in a white suit with a white cape. The same reason you don't see a ton of starling stuff made.

lol I want them to only make white and black people wahhh

He is cool! I actually thought the detail on him is fantastic I would love a PF of him beating a trooper in the face.