Synder's: The Dark Knight Returns? Will it happen?

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The Mike

In the Pixels
Feb 3, 2006
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Zack Snyder On Adapting The Dark Knight Returns


Watchmen and 300 director Zack Snyder let it be known last year at Comic-Con (during a Watchmen panel) that he, “would love to see Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns made into a movie.” And creator of the graphic novel Frank Miller even gave his blessing, saying that Snyder could go ahead with it if he wanted to.

However that obviously doesn’t in any way mean he would get the gig just because Miller gave it the thumbs up. Nor does it mean Snyder will be adapting the graphic novel just because he said he’d love to see it done. However thanks to our friends over at, via an interview with Snyder we get a bit more insight into what direction he would take if he were to direct a Dark Knight Returns movie:

“I think the thing that’s awesome about Dark Knight, like Watchmen, is that it is a complete and total experience, that was unlike anything anyone has ever seen, and still is,” Snyder said. “I think the big challenge for me would be - it’s so ‘montage-y’ and so media thick, that you just have to - that’s the techniques you’d have to develop and make work. But as far as the rest goes, the thing I’d be really interested in is that kind of Frank [Miller] narration over that cool action, that’s a thing we haven’t really seen in that context.”

There’s no doubting that it sounds like Snyder is at least interested in adapting the popular Batman story for the big screen. Snyder has already successfully adapted a graphic novel from page to screen with 300 (which like The Dark Knight Returns, is a Frank Miller work) and it looks like he’s done it again with Watchmen. So even though Warner Bros. probably won’t let Snyder direct a Batman movie any time soon (because of how successful Nolan’s style has been both for box-office and how it affected how we now all perceive the franchise), I still think it’d be interesting to see.

Obviously Snyder’s style is a heck of a lot different from Nolan’s (could you possibly get two more opposing filmmaking styles?) but after Nolan has bid farewell to the series (as he most likely will do after the next one) I’d be very much interested in seeing the series switch styles to one we haven’t seen before. If Snyder is liking the sound of the narration being a significant factor (as Snyder mentioned above that’s something we haven’t really seen before) there’s no telling what other different things he could bring to the table.

It would be a different Batman universe, for sure, but an interesting one all the same. And who knows, maybe he will have a shot at directing it if, as fellow Screen Rant writer Kofi pointed out, Watchmen does well at the box office.

As far as adapting The Dark Knight Returns in general, I say now (or even five years down the line) is not the right time to do it. I think you should wait a good few years (probably ten at least) before touching a story which sees Batman in his 50s and retired from doing the hero thing.

This may be looking a little too far ahead but it would be very cool if they did it in real time with the current franchise - meaning that they wait 20 years or so and then adapt it, having Christian Bale back as Batman when he’s actually at the age the character is supposed to be in the story (presumably Bale won’t still be portraying Batman in 20 years time).

What do you think? Will Hollywood allows him to do it? This writer feels like it probably won't because of Nolan's franchise but just a few months ago WB/DC were all for letting Justice League: Mortal portrays a different Batman and Superman on screen. They killed that film but because they wanted to replicate the box office of TDK more than an issue with two different Batmen on screen....

Could this happen? Should it?
Aren't they making an animated movie of Dark Knight Returns?

I have to say that the time of Miller has passed. It's a great book, but the character has moved on and I don't think it's as relevant, especially in the movie world. Cinematic Batman is in a different place and I can't see this happening in the near or even near distant future.
Until BB and TDK came around I had always thought a screen interpretation of The Dark Knight Returns would be the ultimate dark, gritty Batman movie. But now that we have Nolan's franchise, I don't think we need another of that type for at least a few years after Nolan's final Batman film (whenever that comes to fruition). I know that thematically and aesthetically BB/TDK and TDKR are totally different, but the tones are the similar. We just don't need it at the moment, and probably won't for a long time.

I'd be absolutely fine with Snyder at the helm of TDKR, because I can already imagine how amazing it will look. However, I'm afraid it'll be more flash than substance. But I haven't seen Watchmen yet, so I'm not sure.

If I can be totally honest, I'd rather Nolan use "The Dark Knight Returns" title in one his own movies and somehow combine the real-world Batman already established by BB/TDK with TDKR's post-modern, aged Batman. Having a title like "The Dark Knight Returns" succeed "The Dark Knight" sounds so powerful, I think.
TDK definitely felt a lot like this graphic novel in parts but what I find more interesting is the idea of Synder taking on Batman after Nolan leaves the franchise....with all the green screen work that he loves to do and the effects it'd be interesting to see just how different the two styles would be. Not to mention even the Batsuit itself....I wonder if like Watchmen where he wanted to keep the same stylings as the Comic that we'd see a Batsuit done like the comics....
Even though I've never read TDKR, I would love to see a movie if only it meant the possibility of having Michael Keaton return as an older, more mature Batman. He was too good a Bats to only do two movies, IMO.
TDK definitely felt a lot like this graphic novel in parts but what I find more interesting is the idea of Synder taking on Batman after Nolan leaves the franchise....with all the green screen work that he loves to do and the effects it'd be interesting to see just how different the two styles would be. Not to mention even the Batsuit itself....I wonder if like Watchmen where he wanted to keep the same stylings as the Comic that we'd see a Batsuit done like the comics....
Probably not, since Nite Owl and Ozy both got movie-ized costumes for the film version, that differ quite a bit from the comic.
The thing I enjoy so much about Miller's Batman is that he is not a terribly likable person. No way we'll ever see a big budget Batman flick where the main character is a jerk. That type of story is still stronger in comics and novels than the risky, big money world of feature films.
Lets pray that if it ever does get made, Frank Miller is not the director.

truer words never spoken. amen to that!

the spirit was either the best movie of all time or the worst movie of all time. i'm kinda leaning towards the latter. miller just does NOT have what it takes to direct a film. he is utterly clueless. which can produce unintentionally amusing results. but NOT with "sacred" properties like batman, please.

anyway, back on topic. i'd actually be pretty interested in what snyder could bring to the table. he is an amazing filmmaker imo. i've loved everything he's done so far. but the article's writer is correct. we should wait a good decade or so to even attempt this story...
If I'm not mistaken I believe what was said at Comic Con is that Frank Miller would in theory help with the screenplay and produce but he wanted and Zack wanted to direct it himself.
I'm not sure a DKR film would work. The things it was trying to say have already been said; the deconstructions have already been made. And while Snyder is capable of replicating what pictures in the comics look like, there is so much more to a film than that. He hasn't shown any capacity for proper drama or realistic human beings, for example. I categorize him in the Bay/McG camp of directors.

David Lynch - now there's an amazing filmmaker. 300 not so much.
Even though I've never read TDKR, I would love to see a movie if only it meant the possibility of having Michael Keaton return as an older, more mature Batman. He was too good a Bats to only do two movies, IMO.

Spot on there, pal. Michael Keaton would be a fanboys wet dream reprising the role. To see him as an older Bats would certainly create an interesting film and with Snyders eye for comic book detail, would make for an incredible mixture. Keaton is still THE big screen Batman imo btw...