The Batman (June 25, 2021)

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US Agent first outing was DOA lol

No kidding though not as DOA as Flag Smasher. :slap

7 Batman actors and not one of them I consider definitive. :lol RDJ as Iron Man has to be one of the greatest castings ever along with Reeve as Sups, Jackman as Wolverine, and maybe Reynolds as Deadpool, even though I don't care for the character.

It's going to be difficult for anyone to replace those actors.

Is there a definitive Spidey?

Both Magneto and Xavier well well done TWICE, which is crazy. I like the young actors as much as the old ones.

Nothing beats the Joker casting. Talk about a plethora of iconic takes.
RDJ as Iron Man has to be one of the greatest castings ever ....

It's going to be difficult for anyone to replace those actors.

Really? Was comic book Tony Stark as comic and ADD as RDJ?

If not, then there's your angle -- a tougher, grittier Tony. More edgy. More manic, obsessed, driven. I can imagine him but I can't think of an actor that could carry it.

I think Joker has TWO really amazing takes: Nicholson for that wild Adam West style Joker, and of course Ledger for the more gritty.
Just like Grievous' breathing.

Riddler never needed the cane, did he? Its just a prop like Joker's cane.

Yeah, it's for show or a weapon sometimes. It's either a hidden blade or a bomb detonator. I can only think of one version that actually needed it.

Nothing beats the Joker casting. Talk about a plethora of iconic takes.

I don't even mind Leto that much anymore in the Snyder Cut. :lol

Really? Was comic book Tony Stark as comic and ADD as RDJ?

If not, then there's your angle -- a tougher, grittier Tony. More edgy. More manic, obsessed, driven. I can imagine him but I can't think of an actor that could carry it.

Daniel Day Lewis. He will actually make an Iron Man armor and live in it for a year to get ready for the role. :lol

Tom Cruise was the original first choice and you can see the similarities in the 2000's art.


In the 90's Tony Stark was just a Bruce Wayne ripoff. I think that's why the RDJ's take will be hard to beat. He gave Tony a personality, RDJ's personality, which is both likable and unlikable at time while being sympathetic when he fails or does something wrong. It's like an abusive relationship and he keeps you coming back for more, even though you know he's a piece of ****.

I think Joker has TWO really amazing takes: Nicholson for that wild Adam West style Joker, and of course Ledger for the more gritty.

Easily the two best versions. I think Romero deserves more credit than he gets tho. I also like Phoenix's take. He's up there with Jack and Ledger, imo.
RDJ's a good actor, he delivered a good enough performance, but he was essentially playing himself. 616 Stark is a moderately "tall" (6'1"), built guy with steely eyes who is more often than not aloof, cold, manipulative and has bouts of depression and anger fits. He's no Kylo Ren or Doom, but he's not a "loveable cuddly uwu cinnamon roll" or whatever. There are tons of other people who could've done a better, more true to the source, Stark.


Pierce Bronsnan, Matthew McConaughey, Ben Affleck, Jude Law, Mel Gibson, Matthew Fox, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Russell Crowe, George Clooney, Colin Farrell, Clive Owen, unknowns at the time like Fassbender and Jon Hamm, and the list goes on. Tom Cruise would've been closer to the source too, with his signature mannerisms and demeanor, even though he's pretty short too, though a bit bigger than RDJ. If they made the movie in the 90s Nic Cage would've been great as well. Back in '08 you also had Timothy Olyphant, who would've been closer to the source. I'm still rooting for a lot of them for either Doom or Reed.

At the end of the day though, it's not so much RDJ's fault as the MCU's witing being very, very safe, so even with someone else we would've gotten the same result. The problem is that Stark stopped being a character, and RDJ kept playing himself, with his own humour, mannerisms and personality. But I will admit that I'm speaking from a hypothetical position of my "ideal" Iron Man movie. The point is that Stark's got more mean in him than translated, so I don't really see RDJ as a perfect portrayal.


It will probably be as "iconic" as Keaton's back in '89, departures aside, because of its importance, but it's just not the 1:1 to the comics people pretend. When I think of Tony I think of this All-American Oil Tycoon. RDJ's best role was Less Than Zero, where he played someone a whole lot less than a powerful and magnetic leader. RDJ's just a bit too "cute". Stark needs that edge to him. That maverick streak coupled with the sleek corporate executive look. You need that handsome, charismatic swagger with a hint of self-interest. For someone like, say, Reed Richards, you need someone who's warm, welcoming yet aloof and sometimes condescending even though he doesn't mean to. With Doom you'd need someone who puts out an aura of assurance, but beneath that he's a bomb that could go off at any moment and his charm is sometimes reptilian and demonic. Which reminds me, Julian McMahon could've been a pretty good Tony too, going off what I remember from the days of Nip/Tuck.
Well none of those actors had the numerous opportunities that RDJ has. What, 9 MCU appearances? It is hard to imagine anyone else playing it, but Hollywood will eventually get another interpretation(s) of it at some point. The stars aligned with RDJ needing one last shot, a producer that cares about the star and the content and honestly the CGI to elevate the character.
Really? Was comic book Tony Stark as comic and ADD as RDJ?[...]

I'm not well-versed as some others here, but he wasn't quite as quippy and manic. Driven, intense and smart, kind of an arrogant ****, but maybe not so colourful. At least not the few iterations I checked out. I'm a poor fan because I've not read what are generally accepted to be some of the classic runs.
Stark is a moderately "tall" (6'1"), built guy with steely eyes who is more often than not aloof, cold, manipulative and has bouts of depression and anger fits. He's no Kylo Ren or Doom, but he's not a "loveable cuddly uwu cinnamon roll" or whatever. There are tons of other people who could've done a better, more true to the source, Stark.

This is the Stark I remember from the Iron Man comics in the late 70's.

That's why I say it would be pretty easy for a talented actor to give us a new take on Tony that could work equally as well as RDJs... but it would take a new world view of the MCU as well.

Basically it would be like difference between the two most popular versions of Joker: Nicholson vs Ledger
Easily the two best versions. I think Romero deserves more credit than he gets tho. I also like Phoenix's take. He's up there with Jack and Ledger, imo.

Agreed on Romero. Phoenix's take was great acting but I feel like I've seen him play at least 3 different versions of the same role now; his Joker was just the logical endpoint. He does marginalized, creepy vulnerability, damage and violence well. It's become something of a typecast as of right now.
You could say Nicholson was just doing himself too. Sometimes, that's not bad, especially if the actor is so close to being 'that type' anyway. For the most part, actors are cast to type.

Now Ledger, that was total immersion into a role.

Few actors are true actors. Like Daniel Day or Meryl Streep level. Most... you hire because you know what you get. Most great actors throughout time weren't true actors but great personalities: Bogart, Cary Grant, Connery, Ford, etc...
Well none of those actors had the numerous opportunities that RDJ has. What, 9 MCU appearances? It is hard to imagine anyone else playing it, but Hollywood will eventually get another interpretation(s) of it at some point. The stars aligned with RDJ needing one last shot, a producer that cares about the star and the content and honestly the CGI to elevate the character.
I was talking in general, abut a hypothetical Iron Man movie, not specifically with the restraints of the MCU.

I'm not well-versed as some others here, but he wasn't quite as quippy and manic. Driven, intense and smart, kind of an arrogant ****, but maybe not so colourful. At least not the few iterations I checked out. I'm a poor fan because I've not read what are generally accepted to be some of the classic runs.
That's more or less the gist of him, yeah. RDJ was based heavily on 1610 Stark, who was made much more of a general horndog. He had his sad moments, but that intensity was gone. He was more oof a hedonist with a heart of gold. 616 Stark was a driven businessman who had an "experience", but he still continued operating as a smart, savvy, rich businessman. RDJ's Stark just RDJ with "ZCIENZE" powers.

This is the Stark I remember from the Iron Man comics in the late 70's.

That's why I say it would be pretty easy for a talented actor to give us a new take on Tony that could work equally as well as RDJs... but it would take a new world view of the MCU as well.

Basically it would be like difference between the two most popular versions of Joker: Nicholson vs Ledger
Exactly. It'd be fairly easy to do a "different" and memorable take, that'd ultimately be just a case of being more faithful to the books instead of the actor overtaking the character. I doubt it'll come anytime soon though. Probably after the MCU ends.
You could say Nicholson was just doing himself too. Sometimes, that's not bad, especially if the actor is so close to being 'that type' anyway. For the most part, actors are cast to type.

Now Ledger, that was total immersion into a role.

Few actors are true actors. Like Daniel Day or Meryl Streep level. Most... you hire because you know what you get. Most great actors throughout time weren't true actors but great personalities: Bogart, Cary Grant, Connery, Ford, etc...

So true... Connery always comes to mind when I think of an actor who just plays himself. I mean, who else can get away with playing an ancient Egyptian, a Russian and a British agent, all with the same accent? :lol
So true... Connery always comes to mind when I think of an actor who just plays himself. I mean, who else can get away with playing an ancient Egyptian, a Russian and a British agent, all with the same accent? :lol

And Robin Hood. :lol

There are certain 'types' we all just like. Grant and Connery are of the same mold. As is Bogart and Ford in many ways. These are archetypal personalities; the suave sophisticate, the rugged individual, etc. There will always be someone who fulfills these types. Most of the time it doesn't require acting so much as just that personality type. But sometimes a great actor can come along and crack open a personality type and give it a whole new twist, like his Joker. Now that has become an acceptable personality type for the Joker.
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So, does this Batman shoot his grappling hook lines from his gauntlet instead of a grappling gun? Is that what that's supposed to be in his arm? And I guess he has a holster with a gun?
This is Year 2, he is supposed to be young. He's going to make some mistakes, like getting blown away from Ridder's car that crashed into the funeral!

I think his grappling gun is in his right thigh holster. He was holding onto a gun while being lifted up in the trailer, reminiscent of the Batman Begins scene.