Action Figure Robert Pattinson as "The BATMAN" Speculation Thread

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When expectation is




And you get this


Sure, I'd be glad to buy this Hot Toys Batman...


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I'm perfectly fine with that look.
Clearly it's some type of prototype suit cobbled together. Even the cowl looks like something a person could build by himself.
I'll happily wait for the movie to come out and to see what the final costume looks like.
I think it looks cool and will look even better with the cape. I think the goggles are an interesting approach.

It?s definitely no worse than the TDK suit. I remember when this image first popped up,


I ****ing hated it. Puzzle piece armor, bobble head, cape behind the shoulders, it sucked. It grew on me over the course of a year, but it still isn?t the greatest.

This one will be fine and you guys will buy the figures.
The stunt double looks better in the suit than RP, why the **** did they cast a skinny pale sparkling skinned vampire as the next batman. Its like wb wants its dc properties to fail. Talk about self sabatoge. I dont care how many good actors they cast around him if the person playing batman isnt believable its a failure before it starts. I guess they didnt learn their lesson from the joker (good ole grill face) casting fiasco. Its inconceivable that some idiot at wb is being paid 7 figures a year to make these stupid decisions.
He doesn?t need to be a huge brute because his rogue gallery are all skinny wimpy nerds or females.


Did you watch TDKR lol

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Why is everybody all apprehensive about the filming? They edit these suits in post..

Yeah..because Iron Man totally looked like that in the final cut with a $1k+ Hot Toys figure selling in the secondary market.
People here need to cool off that keyboard.

No its pattison its not going to work he cant even fill out the suit, its not the suit im complaining about-. It looks better on his stunt double then it does him. They should just film the stunt double doing everything and add in RP’s voice in post production, like an animated film lol
The stunt double looks better in the suit than RP, why the **** did they cast a skinny pale sparkling skinned vampire as the next batman. Its like wb wants its dc properties to fail. Talk about self sabatoge. I dont care how many good actors they cast around him if the person playing batman isnt believable its a failure before it starts. I guess they didnt learn their lesson from the joker (good ole grill face) casting fiasco. Its inconceivable that some idiot at wb is being paid 7 figures a year to make these stupid decisions.

No its pattison its not going to work he cant even fill out the suit, its not the suit im complaining about-. It looks better on his stunt double then it does him. They should just film the stunt double doing everything and add in RP’s voice in post production, like an animated film

This seems like an extreme reaction... and a tad presumptuous, we HAVEN'T really seen Pattinson in the suit properly yet - hell we didn't see his ears let alone see how well he fit the overall suit.
Honestly, this post just reads like you disagree with the casting because you dislike the actor, are spinning "facts" from faulty reasoning and then catastrophizing from this in order to justify your knee-jerk reaction.
Just give it time man, let the film either prove you right or wrong.
But the "solution" you are presenting to a problem that you cannot be sure is actually a problem would be far more terrible than if Pattinson's suit had to be padded or some other feasible solution used for previous Batmen (Keaton and Bale are hardly bodybuilders are they?)
My solution was a joke the best solution would have been to cast someone else, he will do fine as bruce wayne but he will not be able to sell batman. Its pretty sad (and a very bad indicator) when the stunt double looks better in the costume than the actor playing the character. Hopefully there is lot of action so the double gets most of the screen time in the suit. And i have seen photos of him in the suit on set, one of the pictures was him the others his stunt double, the difference is night and day. The shot where the suit looks terrible and dude is just sitting on the bike (not moving) is RP. The others where it looks good is his stunt double (dots on face) see the video where he falls too (stunt double)
I don't like the gaunlet arrow things, unless it's like ammo for a type of grapple he has then sure. So far not what I was expecting but hopefully it's good.