Vader's Helmet Too Small - Will it be Adjusted?

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Two points, comparing the pictures of the actual product to screen caps, the helmet looks small to me. Comparing the pictures of Vader to any other Vader I've seen, it's freaking sweet!!!!!
For the average collector, the PF Vader is just fine. Lucas approved it & all that jazz... but guess what? Lucas also approved ALL of Hasblows Vaders & although we all bought those, it doesn't mean we were happy with them.

I'm buying the PF Vader because it IS a cool as hell piece... but people who actually build lifesize Vaders (from the actual MOLDS that the original Vader came from) know & say that the helmet is a bit on the small side & that there are some flaws here & there.

Those of you who are defending this piece, it sounds like you're really defending Sideshow, which is perfectly fine to do. & like I said, I'm getting this piece... but I'd rather have it SERIOUSLY be THE BEST Vader ever created rather than an "oh soo close...".
& to the people that actually live & breathe Vader... this piece is still an OH SO CLOSE!

It's ture what someone above said though. Only time will tell. If a reg 1/4 head doesn't look like it can fit into the Vader helmet, then the "too small people" will be right & WE'LL ALL END UP LOSING! (which is what I hope doesn't happen)

C'mon Sideshow... prove the "too small' people wrong!
*crosses fingers*

Vader is the one figure that we've seen substantially change from the time of preview to the (near) time of release. I really can't believe that after all this time and all the fan comments that the head will actually be smaller than should be.

But I'm a "half full", "there has to be a pony in here somewhere" kind of guy.
Yeah, same here Dave. My doubts about this line were laid to rest when I received the 1/4 Luke statue. It was my least anticipated statue, but it still totally blew me away. The SS 1/4 Vader statue will no doubt be the pinnacle, and it is going to totally rock displayed with the 1/4 Ben statue.
Super Serg said:
Lucas also approved ALL of Hasblows Vaders & although we all bought those, it doesn't mean we were happy with them.

Yeah, and I assume that since he allegedly must approve all the SW products, that he would have approved this. *shiver*


Darklord Dave said:
Not to disparage the RPF forum, but they are mostly working from screencaps in creating the helmet? Do any of them have input and approval from Lucasfilm on making their helmets?

Even better, I know some people there that have molds taken from the original ANH Vader prop (I know there is a chestbox mold out there somewhere).

The props you can get from members there are, in many cases, MUCH better than the licensed props. Many of the members worked on the original props themselves, and don't have to worry about the problems of mass production or licensing fees.

Seriously, some of these guys have studied/built Vader armor over the course of their entire lives. They probably know their SW stuff even better than ILM themselves at this point. There are some real die hard fans there. One guy just bought the screen-used ANH "Move Along" Sandtrooper helmet for $35,000, so that will certainly be a good reference in the future. ;)

A recent example is how a couple of guys spent months of their time trying to find a particular piece of the Obi-Wan ANH saber. They finally found it, and their version is now much more accurate than the MR version. The new saber design is now out there, and is creating quite a stir. It is a pretty interesting read:

Sorry to get OT, and quote jlcmsu style, but I would like to say that I do think the SS helmet is too small and not very accurate.
elwood49 said:
Seriously, some of these guys have studied/built Vader armor over the course of their entire lives. They probably know their SW stuff even better than ILM themselves at this point.

There is no arguing that some of these guys know their stuff, and, who knows, maybe even better than the effects wizards at ILM; still, that is pure conjecture.

There is no doubt that SS has taken some liberties with their SS 1/4 Vader statue helmet, as said in the SS blog, that will not make it an exact 1/4 scale replica of the 1:1 helmet(s) used for filming; however, that is not what they are making, and compared to the other OT Vader statue helmets currently out, this one looks to be the best ever produced in statue form.

As for the size of the helmet, we'll just have to wait and see. Looking at the pic, yet again, it is still obvious the cape is the issue...not the helmet.

Considering what SS did with the 1/4 Luke statue, I know they are competent enough to get Vader's helmet right. :)
I remember the Hasbro 12" Boba Fett with the small head. I just couldn't understand what people were complaining about, until Hasbro released a 12" Boba Fett with a bigger head. Now the small one looks WAY wrong to me.

Sideshow's head does look a bit small now that it's been pointed out. At the same time, I'm pretty sure Sideshow knows how to measure a prop and divide the number they get by 4.

I bet when we see it in person, it will look right.

The neck width seems to be in proportion with the upper-chest armor. I bet the poofiness of the cape is throwing our perspective off.

Still, since we're nitpicking, I've always felt that the mouth seemed a touch big.

At any rate, I bought it, and I think I'll be happy when it arrives. If not, I'll sell it.
Collector Freak said:
That's the reflection of the background you sillies.

As much as I want red lenses too, the opening head shot of the video does show Vader's lenses to be black.
pordey2 said:
That video made me want both Vader and Obi... and I only got Han and Leia on order
waitting List Someone...:D ..............I got Both That way...............:naughty The EX That Is.......................:joy
pordey2 said:
That video made me want both Vader and Obi... and I only got Han and Leia on order

Maybe you'll get lucky through the waitlist - I canceled both Vader and Obi Excl just yesterday :horror