The decade of remakes and reboots and old movie sequels?

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I dont see the need to remake everything, and movies like Buffy just should NOT be done. Buffy the movie BOMBED and since Joss wont be involved in the project I dont see it being success a second time. there are certain movies that were really sucessful and really have no need for remakes.
I just saw a whole new list of remakes being made? Seriously? What the hell is going on in Hollywood? Why so many remakes?
It isn't this completely. Hollywood is as fickle as a 5 year old wondering through Toys R Us. They latch onto what made money. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween remakes made cash so that spurned Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraizer remakes. Transformers was a huge hit, which not only spawn sequels but made Hollywood look at nostalga toys and option everything under the sun. GI Joe, Voltron, possible CGI Thundercats, Master of the Universe, etc. Even the success of Jumanji had them looking at board games which was followed by Zathura and there are even Monopoly, Candy Land, Battleship and Life movies in really early pre-production. Twilight is a hit so there are a ton of Vampire properties lifting. If/When "The Wolfman" comes out and is a hit you'll see new Universal Monster movies rebooting. Comic Book movies are even a part of this.

You still have original films being done in Dramas, Comedies, Thrillers its just that the Action/Summer Tentpoles have always kinda had this formula or else you wouldn't see pitches like "Its like Die Hard but on a Bus" being thrown around. Its just worse now because these properties have a tendancy to spawn amazing merchandising revenue.

Exactly. I have said this before and Ill say it again. Complain all you like, but if hollywood wasnt making money on the remakes they wouldnt be remaking them!
Exactly. I have said this before and Ill say it again. Complain all you like, but if hollywood wasnt making money on the remakes they wouldnt be remaking them!

correct. it all boils down to the basics of business: supply and demand.

people out there happily lap up these sh---tty remakes, so hollywood just happily keeps churning them out...
I wouldn't mind but its all turning out crap for the most part. Indiana Jones 4, Terminator 3&4, Aliens/predator (both AvPs), Die hard 4, Superman returns (not crap but lacklustre), planet of the apes, all these slasher remakes (haven't seen them but how good can they be).

The odd thing about Buffy, if what we've heard is true, is they're calling it a 'reboot' already! They're skipping just turning a quality show* into a film and going right to reboot! Aren't reboots what you call it when you want to revive a failing franchise? Buffy was hardly failing. It ended by its own choice. Or is it called a 'reboot' based on the original Buffy film? But why? Who even remembers that? Everyone who hears about a Buffy film is immediately going to assume they're talking about the TV show finally being put on the cinema screen. Everyone is going to be disappointed when they discover its entirely new people. Ridiculous. Sorry I'm sure this has already been discussed to death in Whedonville.

*in case anyone happens to remember when I've said it before - I still hate Buffy, but I did once like it before my Mum and g/f watched it non-stop and turned me off it forever